Prior to our meeting, I was reluctant to plan to social meeting. We planned to meet outside of Dunkin Donuts on Campus at URI. Mary texted the group chat stating it wouldn’t be challenging to spot her as she was dressed in a cheetah print dress. She enhanced her outfit with a trendy jean jacket and white sneakers. Abby wore a cheery purple sweater and had gorgeous long eyelashes. I pondered the thought that my wardrobe could use a serious update. We started getting to know each other and it was evident that my reluctances were unneeded. It was nice to have congenial company for once. I say for once because I find a lot of people at URI to be vain. Abby and Mary were both laid-back and effortless to talk to. Laughing about the shared experience of being pestered be the infamous Dunkin Donuts Bee we wrapped up our get-together. Headed in the same direction, Mary and I walked together. We bonded about our comparable opinions that attending URI was a lot like high school. We meant this in a way where everyone seemed to fit into a clique. Agreeing about this made me realize that not everyone is the same and there are still people that are humble.
1. He was reluctant to commit to her in marriage, although their love was effortless.
2. While enhancing your career some colleges might not find you to be congenial, this may be due to jealousy.
3. Some find it challenging to remain humble when they have a strong opinion about something.