Unique Innovative Capabilities

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Unique Innovative Capabilities

Post by nicole_faiss » 04 Dec 2019, 08:59

Nicole Faiss
Unique Innovative Capabilities
10 + 1 Steps

1. I began this assignment by researching Unique Innovative Capabilities. My findings were the following. The term means to increase a company’s ability to innovate means developing the right framework conditions to achieve innovation goals. This reminds me of what we are trying to do in our Fishbowls. It has measurable advantages: Companies can develop future strategies that are based on the cultural strengths of business units. This allows strategies to be implemented more efficiently. Innovation projects are more successful because innovation teams work in an environment that actively supports the development of new ideas.

2. Unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Innovative: (of a person) introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.
Capabilities: the extent of someone's or something's ability.

Unique- different exclusive, rare, uncommon, particular
Innovative-original, contemporary, inventive
Capabilities- competence, means, power, potential

3. Sentences:
A. Our different opinions allow us to have original thoughts on subjects we are passionate about.
B. In order to be successful, you must have access to the means to do so.
C. It is rare to find someone that is different from the rest and has the potential to make you happy.
D. You must have competences to work in the medical field because people’s lives are in your hands.
E. My manager and supervisor are both women and are in roles of power and this has been uncommon in the past.

4. Felt Experience: I have found myself in trouble for being “too honest.” That kills me how can one be too honest? It shows authenticity, integrity, and good faith. Experiences with hurting people's feelings have made me feel this way. At one point in a relationship, I had to tell my significant other he was living outside of his means. This was harsh, brutal if you will. He has an amazing job, owns a home, and drives a nice car. There were things on top of that I thought to be excessive. He came from a very wealthy home and grew up like that. Now on his own, he thought he could continue this lifestyle. In a serious relationship, I had to tell him like it was. After many arguments and him feeling embarrassed years later, he is making better financial decisions. He hated me at the time, but now he is almost free of debt and thanks me for it every day. So, in that exact moment was I being blunt? Yes. Was I being “too honest”? No.

5. Three words:
Abby: rare, latest, abilities
Nicole: different, exclusive, particular
Mary: one, ingenious, potential

6. Dichotomy:
1. It is rare to find a job where you are both financially stable and content with your happiness.
2. I have learned to become very particular with who I date.
3. We must give ourselves the credit that we have the potential to do whatever we put our minds to.
4. We all have abilities we have not tapped into yet.

7. Take the two words further
particular- appropriate, distinct, peculiar
exclusive- absolute restricted, unshared
8. Mary: My particular desires make me want to create inventive pieces in which I can show
on the runway.

Abby: Students who graduate from ivy league schools have high proficiency in their area of study, although the occasional graduate is unable to find a job.

Nicole: It is rare to find someone that is different from the rest and has the potential to make you happy.

9. Felt Experience: This class has been a huge learning curve for me. Working with different people in various situations. I really had to take the time to understand the process. Draw a line between individual work and group work. Being collaborative and ending up with a good finished product was daunting. This class was about being creative to me. It is hard when you have three people being creative in their own way.

10. 1/2/3: 1/2/3: 1/2/3

Mary about her work: busy
Mary about Abby’s work: diligent
Mary about Nicole’s work: independent

Abby about Mary’s work: leader
Abby about her work: impactful
Abby about Nicole’s work: self-sufficient

Nicole about Mary’s work: perceptive
Nicole about her work: creative
Nicole about Abby’s word: original

11. Insight: Life is rough, put your big girl panties on. Be creative. Be strong. Be independent.

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