Letter 20: “Society of consumers”
Letter 20: “Society of consumers”
Vignette – (noun) any small, pleasing picture or view
Episode – (noun) an incident in the course of a series of events, in a person's life or experience
Event – (noun) something that happens or is regarded as happening
Voice – (noun) something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind
Create – (verb) to evolve from one's own thought or imagination
Possibility – (noun) the state or fact of being possible
Vignette – (noun) any small, pleasing picture or view
Episode – (noun) an incident in the course of a series of events, in a person's life or experience
Event – (noun) something that happens or is regarded as happening
Voice – (noun) something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind
Create – (verb) to evolve from one's own thought or imagination
Possibility – (noun) the state or fact of being possible
Letter 21: “Living mindfully in cyber-culture”
Letter 21: “Living mindfully in cyber-culture”
Literacy – (noun) the quality or state of being literate, especially the ability to read and write
Know-How – (noun) knowledge of how to do something; faculty or skill for a particular activity; expertise
Deploy – (verb) to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately
Attention – (noun) the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object
Participation – (noun) the fact of taking part, as in some action or attempt
Collaboration – (noun) the act or process of collaborating
Network – (noun) an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like
Literacy – (noun) the quality or state of being literate, especially the ability to read and write
Know-How – (noun) knowledge of how to do something; faculty or skill for a particular activity; expertise
Deploy – (verb) to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately
Attention – (noun) the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object
Participation – (noun) the fact of taking part, as in some action or attempt
Collaboration – (noun) the act or process of collaborating
Network – (noun) an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like
Letter 22: “Thinking process”
Letter 22: “Thinking process”
Decision – (noun) the act of or need for making up one's mind
Difference – (noun) the state or relation of being different; dissimilarity
Development – (noun) the act or process of developing; growth; progress:
Solitude – (noun) the state of being or living alone; seclusion
Meaning – (noun) what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated
Process – (noun) a systematic series of actions directed to some end
Decision – (noun) the act of or need for making up one's mind
Difference – (noun) the state or relation of being different; dissimilarity
Development – (noun) the act or process of developing; growth; progress:
Solitude – (noun) the state of being or living alone; seclusion
Meaning – (noun) what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated
Process – (noun) a systematic series of actions directed to some end
Letter 23: “Apperception”
Letter 23: “Apperception”
Sharing – (verb) to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly
Warrants – (verb) to give reason or sanction for; account for
Attention – (noun) the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object
Transparency – (noun) something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind
Authentic – (adjective) not false or copied; genuine; real
Sharing – (verb) to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly
Warrants – (verb) to give reason or sanction for; account for
Attention – (noun) the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object
Transparency – (noun) something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind
Authentic – (adjective) not false or copied; genuine; real
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Letter 22:Thinking process
DECISION; conclusion or judgment reached after consideration
DIFFERENCE; The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar
DEVELOPMENT; The act of developing or the state of being developed
SOLITUDE; The state or quality of being alone or remote from others
MEANING; The denotation, referent, or idea associated with a word or phrase
PROCESS; series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result
Letter 23:
SHARING:A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group
WARRANTS:An order that serves as authorization
ATTENTION:The act of close or careful observing or listening
TRANSPARENCY;The quality or state of being transparent, clear, can see through
AUTHENTIC: Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief
DECISION; conclusion or judgment reached after consideration
DIFFERENCE; The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar
DEVELOPMENT; The act of developing or the state of being developed
SOLITUDE; The state or quality of being alone or remote from others
MEANING; The denotation, referent, or idea associated with a word or phrase
PROCESS; series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result
Letter 23:
SHARING:A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group
WARRANTS:An order that serves as authorization
ATTENTION:The act of close or careful observing or listening
TRANSPARENCY;The quality or state of being transparent, clear, can see through
AUTHENTIC: Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief
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Letter 24: Pursuing international conferences
ABSTRACT:Considered apart from concrete existence
THEME:A topic of discourse or discussion
ADDRESS:To speak to
THEORETICAL:Of, relating to, or based on theory
CONSTRUCT:To form by assembling or combining parts; ( to build)
METHOD: A means or manner of procedure, especially a regular and systematic way of accomplishing something
OUTCOME:An end result; a consequence (effect)
EMERGE: To move out or away from a surrounding fluid, covering, or shelter
TENTATIVE:Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional
Letter 25:Knowledge construction in a knowledge economy
KNOWLEDGE:The state or fact of knowing
THEME:A topic of discourse or discussion
CONSTRUCTION:The act or process of constructing
WORKER:One who works at a particular occupation or activity
ECONOMY: Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials, or labor
ABSTRACT:Considered apart from concrete existence
THEME:A topic of discourse or discussion
ADDRESS:To speak to
THEORETICAL:Of, relating to, or based on theory
CONSTRUCT:To form by assembling or combining parts; ( to build)
METHOD: A means or manner of procedure, especially a regular and systematic way of accomplishing something
OUTCOME:An end result; a consequence (effect)
EMERGE: To move out or away from a surrounding fluid, covering, or shelter
TENTATIVE:Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional
Letter 25:Knowledge construction in a knowledge economy
KNOWLEDGE:The state or fact of knowing
THEME:A topic of discourse or discussion
CONSTRUCTION:The act or process of constructing
WORKER:One who works at a particular occupation or activity
ECONOMY: Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials, or labor
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Letter 26: Friendship again
MEDITATION: The act or process of meditating
RECOGNIZE: To know to be something that has been perceived before
GRASP: To take hold of or seize firmly with the hand, the foot, another body part, or an instrument; to embrace or hold
MEDITATION: The act or process of meditating
RECOGNIZE: To know to be something that has been perceived before
GRASP: To take hold of or seize firmly with the hand, the foot, another body part, or an instrument; to embrace or hold
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Letter 27: Creative Action
LOOK: To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object
ACTION: The state or process of acting or doing
WAY:A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another
FRAME:A structure that gives shape or support
CREATE:To cause to exist; bring into being
LOOK: To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object
ACTION: The state or process of acting or doing
WAY:A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another
FRAME:A structure that gives shape or support
CREATE:To cause to exist; bring into being
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Letter 28: Engagement and construction
ENGAGEMENT:The action of engaging or the state of being engaged
CONSTRUCTION: The act or process of constructing, frame work, model
ENGAGEMENT:The action of engaging or the state of being engaged
CONSTRUCTION: The act or process of constructing, frame work, model
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Letter 29: Social networks and new forms of sociality
SOCIAL:Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization:
NETWORK: An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals.
INTERTWINE:To join or become joined by twining together.
STRUCTURE:Something made up of a number of parts that are held or put together in a particular way; arrangement
AFFECT: To have an influence on or effect a change in:
CUSP: A point or pointed end.
FORM: plexiform; having a shape
SOCIAL:Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization:
NETWORK: An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals.
INTERTWINE:To join or become joined by twining together.
STRUCTURE:Something made up of a number of parts that are held or put together in a particular way; arrangement
AFFECT: To have an influence on or effect a change in:
CUSP: A point or pointed end.
FORM: plexiform; having a shape
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Letter 30: Looking at what we're looking at
RECURSIVE:Of or relating to a repeating process whose output at each stage is applied as input in the succeeding stage
REFLEXIVE:Of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection
IPSO FACTO:By the fact itself; by that very fact
MELD:To declare or display (a card or combination of cards in a hand) for inclusion in one's score in various card games, such as pinochle
MOLD: A hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance.
MORPH:An allomorph
SORT: A group of persons or things of the same general character
SIFT: To put
SELECT:To take as a choice from among several; pick out
SPACE:A set of elements or points satisfying specified geometric postulates
VISUAL: Of or relating to the sense of sight
MENTAL: Of or relating to the mind
IMAGINARY:Having existence only in the imagination
PHYSICAL: Of or relating to the body
REAL:Being or occurring in fact or actuality
RECURSIVE:Of or relating to a repeating process whose output at each stage is applied as input in the succeeding stage
REFLEXIVE:Of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection
IPSO FACTO:By the fact itself; by that very fact
MELD:To declare or display (a card or combination of cards in a hand) for inclusion in one's score in various card games, such as pinochle
MOLD: A hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance.
MORPH:An allomorph
SORT: A group of persons or things of the same general character
SIFT: To put
SELECT:To take as a choice from among several; pick out
SPACE:A set of elements or points satisfying specified geometric postulates
VISUAL: Of or relating to the sense of sight
MENTAL: Of or relating to the mind
IMAGINARY:Having existence only in the imagination
PHYSICAL: Of or relating to the body
REAL:Being or occurring in fact or actuality
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Letter 31:Inter-subjective spaces
Inter: Between
Subjective: Dependent on or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world
FURTHERANCE:The act of furthering, advancing, or helping forward
BEDROCK:The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel.
SOCIAL: Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization
CONTEXT: The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
Inter: Between
Subjective: Dependent on or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world
FURTHERANCE:The act of furthering, advancing, or helping forward
BEDROCK:The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel.
SOCIAL: Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization
CONTEXT: The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.