Google Searches

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Posts: 131
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 21:12

Google Searches

Post by Nate48 » 22 Sep 2019, 13:48


Posts: 131
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 21:12

Re: Google Searches

Post by Nate48 » 20 Oct 2019, 15:28

Charlie Chaplins modern times- This chaplin film shows chaplin as a factory worker who is screwing nuts and bolts into a machine at an ever increasing rate until he has a nervous breakdown. This metaphor still applies to modern times as many people are working for increasingly non human corporations for a pointless existence.

positivism- believes that every assumption can be verified scientifically and has a place for understanding by humans.

Deleuze- a french philosopher who wrote about literature and fine art. "Belief is necessarily something false that diverts and suffocates effective production.

brenda Laurel- A video game designer and producer who has pioneered virtual reality. She engages in a burgeoning form of immersion where people can place their attention into a completely different world. She is creating her own systems and environments which promote inclusion in this new world.

Luce Irigary- a philosopher and feminist who focuses on cultural phenomena on the feminine, and its place in society.

Zygmunt Bauman - a philosopher and commenter on life and the reasons that humans act. This a great quote of his which summarizes a lot of his beliefs. We live in a world of communication - "everyone gets information about everyone else. There is universal comparison and you don't just compare yourself with the people next door, you compare yourself to people all over the world and with what is being presented as the decent, proper and dignified life. It's the crime of humiliation"

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