Notes dec. 10

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Notes dec. 10

Post by maryvolpe » 10 Dec 2019, 14:57

Mike Troiano is presenting on Selfies-
Creating a video on what we have learned this semester

The final exam, post your final, 3 pages on fishbowl- due Tuesday at 2pm, Dec. 17th
Either send the selfie, or 3 pages in fishbowl.

Selfie- on the 4 phenomenons, framing it around interaction with each other, and relate it back to the fishbowl
1 minute each
Idea- not to promote the fishbowl, not promote sanjiv
Do it how you like, just keep it in context
not talking about creative process, but rather globalization

the written (3 pages)-
writing about experience of global phenomenon as you were performing it- 4 characteristics

When you enter the unknown, you enter with a syntax or structure.
We are inventing our truth, as opposed to discovering truth. We are being true to ourselves (experience and imagination).

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