9/10/19 VOCAB:
Individuate - the action/process of becoming an individual entity, or distinguishing an individual entity from other entities.
Gilbert Simondon - a french philosopher that theorized about individuation, saying that the individual self is an effect of individuation, rather than a cause.
Activity: Something which a person/animal/group chooses to do, like an occupation or a pursuit.
Learning: To acquire knowledge or skill as a result of study, experience, and/or teaching.
Society: Association, interaction, and collaboration with or between other, typically coupled with a sense of companionship between the group.
Sociality: Friendship, companionship, or social interaction with a person; the state of being sociable. Or, the disposition or tendency to live in a society or to associate with others.
Unabated: Not held back; no reduction in intensity or strength.
Archive: The act of preserving a historical record, document, item, or memory either physically or mentally.
Individuate - the action/process of becoming an individual entity, or distinguishing an individual entity from other entities.
Gilbert Simondon - a french philosopher that theorized about individuation, saying that the individual self is an effect of individuation, rather than a cause.
Activity: Something which a person/animal/group chooses to do, like an occupation or a pursuit.
Learning: To acquire knowledge or skill as a result of study, experience, and/or teaching.
Society: Association, interaction, and collaboration with or between other, typically coupled with a sense of companionship between the group.
Sociality: Friendship, companionship, or social interaction with a person; the state of being sociable. Or, the disposition or tendency to live in a society or to associate with others.
Unabated: Not held back; no reduction in intensity or strength.
Archive: The act of preserving a historical record, document, item, or memory either physically or mentally.
Last edited by sandrachu on 17 Sep 2019, 19:44, edited 1 time in total.
"Making Space" letter vocab
Focus - to devote one’s concentration or attention to something
Evoke - to call (a feeling, faculty, manifestation, etc.) into being or activity
Contemplate - to think deeply or carefully about a person or thing; to meditate or reflect on
Difference - a distinction made between two or more things
Making - to bring into existence by construction or elaboration
Designing - to intend (a thing) to be or do something; to mean to serve some purpose or fulfil some plan
Space - the physical or mental sphere within which a person lives or operates
Social - marked or characterized by friendliness, geniality, or companionship with others
Innovative - to have qualities that bring in or introduce novelties
Evoke - to call (a feeling, faculty, manifestation, etc.) into being or activity
Contemplate - to think deeply or carefully about a person or thing; to meditate or reflect on
Difference - a distinction made between two or more things
Making - to bring into existence by construction or elaboration
Designing - to intend (a thing) to be or do something; to mean to serve some purpose or fulfil some plan
Space - the physical or mental sphere within which a person lives or operates
Social - marked or characterized by friendliness, geniality, or companionship with others
Innovative - to have qualities that bring in or introduce novelties
"Virtual Reality" letter vocab
Reflect - to think deeply or carefully about something
Repeat - repetition of something said or done
Phrase - a small group or collocation of words expressing a single notion
Select - to choose or pick out in preference to another or others
Repeat - repetition of something said or done
Phrase - a small group or collocation of words expressing a single notion
Select - to choose or pick out in preference to another or others
“Re-structuring Text” letter vocab
Re-structure - to give a new structure to; to organize differently; to rebuild, rearrange
Create - to bring into being, cause to exist
Value - the relative worth, usefulness, or importance of a thing or (occasionally) a person
Share - to receive, possess, or occupy together with others
Process - a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
Practice - repeated exercise in or performance of an activity so as to acquire, improve, or maintain proficiency in it
Reflection - the action or process of thinking carefully or deeply about a particular subject
Solitude - the state of being or living alone
Learning - to acquire knowledge of a subject or skill as a result of study, experience, or teaching
Create - to bring into being, cause to exist
Value - the relative worth, usefulness, or importance of a thing or (occasionally) a person
Share - to receive, possess, or occupy together with others
Process - a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
Practice - repeated exercise in or performance of an activity so as to acquire, improve, or maintain proficiency in it
Reflection - the action or process of thinking carefully or deeply about a particular subject
Solitude - the state of being or living alone
Learning - to acquire knowledge of a subject or skill as a result of study, experience, or teaching
"Sharing what we see when we read" letter vocab
Reading - to scan writing, so as to take in the sense; to interpret or be able to interpret the written form of a language
Interpret - to make out the meaning of something, explain to oneself
Process - to register or interpret (information, data, etc.)
Hub - the effective center of an activity, region, or network
Network - an interconnected group of people; an organization
Become (Deleuze) - Gilles Deleuze was a French philosopher. One of his ideas were of "becoming," where two things create a becoming and, by interacting, create something like a symbiotic unit
Singularity - the quality or fact of being one in number or kind; singleness, oneness
Difference - a particular way in which two or more things differ
Connect - to state or establish a relationship with someone/something
Destiny - that which is destined or fated to happen
Interpret - to make out the meaning of something, explain to oneself
Process - to register or interpret (information, data, etc.)
Hub - the effective center of an activity, region, or network
Network - an interconnected group of people; an organization
Become (Deleuze) - Gilles Deleuze was a French philosopher. One of his ideas were of "becoming," where two things create a becoming and, by interacting, create something like a symbiotic unit
Singularity - the quality or fact of being one in number or kind; singleness, oneness
Difference - a particular way in which two or more things differ
Connect - to state or establish a relationship with someone/something
Destiny - that which is destined or fated to happen
"Question" letter vocab
Chaos - something consisting of unrelated or disordered parts or elements; a confused mass or mixture
Confusion - lack of understanding
Embrace - to accept gladly or eagerly
Resistance - the action of resisting, opposing, or withstanding someone or something
Confusion - lack of understanding
Embrace - to accept gladly or eagerly
Resistance - the action of resisting, opposing, or withstanding someone or something
"Simulating a society" letter vocab
Platform - an opportunity to voice one's views or initiate action
Momentous - for something/someone to have great weight, consequence, importance, or influence
Formation - the action of forming or process of being formed
Dramatic - characteristic of, or appropriate to, the drama; often connoting animated action or striking presentation
Transform - to change the form of; to change into another shape or form; to metamorphose
Understanding - to comprehend; to apprehend the meaning or import of; to grasp the idea of
Mapping - the drawing, making, or provision of a map or maps; charting, recording, or setting out on or as on a map; planning
Simulate - to imitate the conditions or behavior of (a situation or process) by means of a model
Momentous - for something/someone to have great weight, consequence, importance, or influence
Formation - the action of forming or process of being formed
Dramatic - characteristic of, or appropriate to, the drama; often connoting animated action or striking presentation
Transform - to change the form of; to change into another shape or form; to metamorphose
Understanding - to comprehend; to apprehend the meaning or import of; to grasp the idea of
Mapping - the drawing, making, or provision of a map or maps; charting, recording, or setting out on or as on a map; planning
Simulate - to imitate the conditions or behavior of (a situation or process) by means of a model
"New forms of intimacy and friendship" letter vocab
Intimacy - intimate or close connection or union
Agency - action, capacity to act
Emotion - strong feelings, passion; (more generally) instinctive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
Creativity - the faculty of being creative; ability or power to create
Self - a person's or thing's individuality or essence at a particular time or in a particular aspect or relation; a person's nature, character, or (occasionally) physical constitution or appearance, considered as different at different times
Form - to construct, frame; to make, bring into existence, produce
Friendship - friendly feeling or disposition felt or shown by a person or group of people
Agency - action, capacity to act
Emotion - strong feelings, passion; (more generally) instinctive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
Creativity - the faculty of being creative; ability or power to create
Self - a person's or thing's individuality or essence at a particular time or in a particular aspect or relation; a person's nature, character, or (occasionally) physical constitution or appearance, considered as different at different times
Form - to construct, frame; to make, bring into existence, produce
Friendship - friendly feeling or disposition felt or shown by a person or group of people
"Reading the other's posting" letter vocab
Immerse - to plunge oneself, sink, become absorbed (literally or figuratively)
Deep - of conditions, states, or qualities: intense, profound, very great in measure or degree
Understanding - to comprehend by knowing the meaning of the words employed
Mode - a way or manner in which something is done or takes place
Reading - to scan writing, so as to take in the sense; to interpret or be able to interpret the written form of a language
Deep - of conditions, states, or qualities: intense, profound, very great in measure or degree
Understanding - to comprehend by knowing the meaning of the words employed
Mode - a way or manner in which something is done or takes place
Reading - to scan writing, so as to take in the sense; to interpret or be able to interpret the written form of a language
"Theory of Assemblages" letter vocab
Social - marked or characterized by friendliness, geniality, or companionship with others
Ontology - the science or study of being; that branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature or essence of being or existence
Autonomy - liberty to follow one's will; control over one's own affairs; freedom from external influence, personal independence
Entity - something/someone with a distinct and independent existence
Assemblage - a bringing or coming together; a meeting or gathering
Flow - any continuous movement resembling the even flow of a river and connoting a copious supply
Ontology - the science or study of being; that branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature or essence of being or existence
Autonomy - liberty to follow one's will; control over one's own affairs; freedom from external influence, personal independence
Entity - something/someone with a distinct and independent existence
Assemblage - a bringing or coming together; a meeting or gathering
Flow - any continuous movement resembling the even flow of a river and connoting a copious supply
"Reassembling the Social" letter vocab
Sift - to examine something thoroughly so as to isolate that which is most important or useful
Sort - to arrange (things, etc.) according to kind or quality, or after some settled order or system; to separate and put into different sorts or classes
Select - to choose or pick out in preference to another or others
Assemble - to come together into one place or company; to gather together, congregate, meet
Associate - to join in common purpose, action, or condition; to link together, unite, combine
Emerge - to rise into notice, come forth from obscurity
Enter - to come or go into a place
Reveal - to disclose or make known (something previously unknown or kept secret) in speech or writing; to divulge, declare publicly or openly
Sort - to arrange (things, etc.) according to kind or quality, or after some settled order or system; to separate and put into different sorts or classes
Select - to choose or pick out in preference to another or others
Assemble - to come together into one place or company; to gather together, congregate, meet
Associate - to join in common purpose, action, or condition; to link together, unite, combine
Emerge - to rise into notice, come forth from obscurity
Enter - to come or go into a place
Reveal - to disclose or make known (something previously unknown or kept secret) in speech or writing; to divulge, declare publicly or openly
"Meeting Once Again" letter vocab
Aesthetics - the attractive appearance or sound of something
Abstraction - the action of considering something in an abstract way, by isolating properties or characteristics common to multiple diverse subjects
Aphorism - a short phrase/statement that contains general truth
Axiom - a phrase/statement that's accepted as true/self-evident like a rule or law
Abstraction - the action of considering something in an abstract way, by isolating properties or characteristics common to multiple diverse subjects
Aphorism - a short phrase/statement that contains general truth
Axiom - a phrase/statement that's accepted as true/self-evident like a rule or law