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Post by daniel_chagnon » 18 Sep 2019, 15:26

Making space
We can not necessarily control our emotions in a certain situation but we have control over the way we react to those emotions. "This trinity drives our actions." Your reactions to your emotions determine your actions.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 18 Sep 2019, 15:33

Sharing what we see:
Everyone views certain situations differently. There are a lot of factors that can attribute to these like emotions or past experiences. If someone is having a bad day you may not know that. There may not be any physical signs of anger or sadness, but it can be there. It is really hard to be able to see things through other perspectives because you can never actually feel what they are feeling. It just continues to make interactions interesting.

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Making Space Response

Post by christineciccone » 24 Sep 2019, 12:18

I completely agree that your reaction to your emotions determines your actions. We are constantly acting out of emotion and that drives all of our actions. How we feel or things we felt determine our perspective on life and on people which also tend to affect our actions. Our emotions are a driving force in our lives and help determine or we are nd how we react with others. Being in touch with our emotions is a very important thing but something very difficult.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 09 Oct 2019, 15:20

"Our best chance of understanding design, culture and society, and ourselves, is to open our minds to plurality of imperfect depictions that together allow us to manage and interpret our world."

I love this sentence from the email. The only way you can really understand design, culture, and society, and ourselves is to open up your mind to all of the possibilities in this world. You can not really understand an idea if you do not know the opposite or the negative. Identifying the other side and understanding it makes you truly understand the idea. I am struggling to regurtate the words I am looking for. For example, let's say the boss tells you to do a task. You can absolutely do this task but if you just do it to do it and not for a reason then what are you getting out of it. You must understand why you are doing something. You need to think about why it should be done a certain way and what would happen if it was not done right. Think about the other side. Consider how the other side would react to what you are doing. If you truly understand the reason behind both sides you can always come out successful.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 16 Oct 2019, 15:14

"At the end of the day, you are following your own path of development; following a scent with your nose"

Go with your gut. You need to follow your own path. You make the decisions that impact your life. You are in the driver's seat. We need to realize our self-potential. We are in control and have the potential to make things positive or negative.

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Re: Letters

Post by christineciccone » 23 Oct 2019, 15:53

I liked your interpretation of the letter about going with your gut. In today's world there are so many alterior motives and influences coming fro every which way. It is so easy to get lost in this when in reality going with your gut and your instinct is what you should always follow. Like you said we all have so much self-potential. We need to take hold of our own knowledge and actions and trust we know what too rather than others. We don't take enough time out of our day to focus on ourselves and ou thoughts to be able to tot trust out gut as much as we should.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 06 Nov 2019, 15:29

"Creation is, in this respect, truly “in the (mind’s) eyes of the beholder"

Your creation is what you make of it. You can let others get you down about your creation or you can embrace your creativity. No matter what people are judging or saying about it. It matters what you think of it. Your mind is the limitation of your creation. The only thing that can stop your creative mind is yourself.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 04 Dec 2019, 15:18

"Maturity is the ability to live fully and equally in multiple contexts"

Maturity is being your true self across multiple dimensions. There are many times when we change the way we act or even feel depending on our surroundings. Whether it is the influence of a person, a place or an event our maturity determines how we will act. This is most certainly not an easy task to accomplish. Like Toni Morrison said, "a difficult beauty, an intensely hard-won glory." Full, thorough maturity is tough to achieve, but when you enable your mind to get there, it is full of glory.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 04 Dec 2019, 15:24


How do you develop an organizational design among yourselves and survive the unknown?
how do you come up with something meaningful to say that addresses your self-constructed questions?

I thought long and hard trying to answer these two questions and then I stumbled to the third question..... Are these questions relevant? Then it hit me. These questions are relevant since they made me think so much. I found myself digging deeper and deeper into my own brain trying to develop an answer to these questions. It is at this time you can find yourself in deep thought. This is a difficult state to get into. You have to want to try to pick your own brain apart or you need or be tricked into it like I was with this email. It is an interesting chain of thoughts that I took on reading that email and developing a response. This makes me think about all of the relevant information in my head that I need to uncover.

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Re: Letters

Post by daniel_chagnon » 11 Dec 2019, 17:33

You are the artist, the construction worker, the architect, the author, the voice, the actor, and the audience, in your fishbowl’s dialog. This is true because, in your fishbowl, you are simultaneously, the Observer and the Observed.

Crazy how it all comes together at the end. We are the observers and the observees. We have been reading and diagnosing letters and other word pools constantly observing dialogue and information. At the same time, we have been typing the same stuff we are reading about. Seeing something done in a different way opens your mind to other routes that you can take to success. The more "routes" you know to get to success the more knowledge you have. We are gaining knowledge to know all of the different ways to be successful. This gives us a higher chance of success in our goal.

Dialogue- a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.
illuminate- help to clarify or explain (a subject or matter).
model- a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.

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