Vocabulary: Colby Machado

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Vocabulary: Colby Machado

Post by colbymachado7 » 18 Sep 2019, 13:06

LIVING TEXT- (Dynamic Document)- A text that is ever changing and continually edited for the sake of its growth.

PRE-INDIVIDUAL- Derived from an Aristotelian schema; which requires that the INDIVIDUAL must work backwards in thinking about one's self in order to develop any significant change (whether it be positive or negative).

PRECISE- Marking in an exact, or detailed manner, or careful in regards to detail.

MEANING- Not directly expressed (verbally, or physically) but gives off some sort of an implication.

SIGNIFICANCE- The meaning found in words or events, and is worthy of attention and importance.

VARY- Differentiating in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.

ACCORDING- As previously stated by, or in.

FRAME- A physical, or metaphysical structure through which something is surrounded or seen by the viewer.

REFERENCE- A source of information that mentions or alludes to a specific item or subject.

VIEWED- The ability to see something, or be seen.

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