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"Reader response theory" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 27 Oct 2019, 15:25

Disclose - to reveal new or previously unknown information
Own - to possess something; be in possession of

Posts: 173
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"Your fishbowl is your youtube channel" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 01 Nov 2019, 15:46

Singular - only one in number; exclusive
Multitude - numerous in number; multiple

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"Self-driven agenda" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 01 Nov 2019, 15:48

Agenda - a list of things to be done, problems and ideas to be addressed, or events likely to happen

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"Simulating complex adaptive systems" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 01 Nov 2019, 15:54

Simulation - an imitation of real life, through fake events and/or through the senses (vision, touch, hearing, smell)
Depict - to portray something in words, picture, or other means
Individualization - to give individual characteristics to something, or to give something one's personal touch
Fragment - an incomplete part of a bigger whole

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"Morning thoughts: developing a voice" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 02 Nov 2019, 19:25

Voice - the sound one makes from speaking; the attitude or opinion they express
Sound - an audible noise that can be heard
Action - the step(s) or activity that is done, typically to bring forth a result
Fact - something that is perceived or proven to be true
Fiction - something that is perceived or proven to be false or fake
Coalesce - to combine or unify two or more things together
Agency - acting in order to produce a particular desired effect
Silence - the absence of sound; quietness
Non-Cooperation - refusal to cooperate; refusal to work with others

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"Looking forward to reading" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 02 Nov 2019, 19:59

Mind - one's consciousness, thinking, perception, etc.; the cognitive aspect of a human
Mental - relating to the mind of a person
Cerebral - relating to the brain; intellectual
Cognitive - relating to cognition; the action or process of knowing
Material - something physical or real; important
Reify - to make something that is abstract more real
Tendency - the inclination toward a particular characteristic or habit

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"Simultaneous reading and writing" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 04 Nov 2019, 01:16

Simultaneous - existing, happening, occurring, operating, etc...at the same time; a coincident in time
Reading - to peruse or view written or printed work
Writing - transcribing characters onto a surface to form words; the action of one who writes
Diverse - different in character or quality; not of the same kind; not alike in nature or qualities
Pattern - a recurring design, symbol, or set of events
Meaning - an implication of significance
Produce - to create; the result of an action
Evolve - to develop into something new

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"Further reflection on your performance" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 10 Nov 2019, 17:41

Composition - the way in which something is made up; the ingredients, makeup, or structure of something
Self - a person's particular being that distinguishes them from others
Representation - to act or speak on behalf of another; the way something or someone is portrayed
Portrait - a depiction of someone
Depict - to show or represent by drawing, writing, or another medium
Penumbra - the lighter area of a shadow
Halo - the circular disk of light above a holy person; the ring of light surrounding something bright
Shadow - the dark area produced when obstructing light
Silhouette - the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background

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"Widening your range of caring" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 10 Nov 2019, 18:07

Conversation - a talk or discussion between two or more people
Position - the place someone/something is located; the stance someone takes physically, or regarding a particular subject
Widen - to make or become wider
Range - the span or scope that is possible to reach
Care - to be concerned or feel emotion about something

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"Reorienting One's Vision: The Return" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 10 Nov 2019, 18:13

Look - to direct one's gaze toward a specific direction; to think of
Vision - to be able to see
Sight - the power of seeing
Return - to come back to a place or person
Site - a website
Reorient - to change the focus or direction of someone/something
Event - an occurrence that happens
Phenomenal - something extraordinary or very remarkable
Form - the shape or configuration of something
Domain - a specific sphere of activity or knowledge

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"Recounting anecdotes and honoring lived experiences" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 10 Nov 2019, 18:30

Anecdote - a short story about a real incident or person
Theorizing - the act of forming a theory about something
Recount - to give an account about a past event or experience
Honor - to regard with respect or high esteem
Experience - an event or occurrence that changes or leaves an impression on someone

Posts: 173
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 22:19

"Constructing social memories (345)" letter vocab

Post by sandrachu » 10 Nov 2019, 18:53

Synthesis - the combination of ideas to form a theory or system
Social - relating to a collective group or gathering
Memory - a recollection; something remembered from the past
Fragment - an incomplete part of a bigger whole
Manifold - many and various
Unification - the process of being united
Construct - to build or create
Nascent - something just beginning or developing

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