Notes 9/11/19

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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Notes 9/11/19

Post by juellmilder » 12 Sep 2019, 11:29

Notes 9/11/19:
- Learning through osmosis – learning design thinking - Innovated organization between the three of you through interacting
- Always Google the name sent- what sentence or two did you select to represent the work of that guy.
- Want to creating a living text- if not then it is dead space
- Immerse yourself in text- thinking about the word all the time – thinking with one word at a time to the dictionary selection is where the
reflection takes place
- Learning to talk about concepts
Social meeting exercise
- will cancel one class- open ended meeting, no agenda, no time limit, start making notes about what you’re
feeling to write out what you’re thinking/feeling. With regard to the meeting, just write it. Ethnographic notes- observation notes.
o Then write in details of the meeting and explain the meeting. It’s about the saying who said what, take it all down.
- From the notes you’re going to circle 6 words (symbols), Pairing up the 6 words into 3 pairs not associated with each other. Then go
to the dictionary 2 words at a time and writing it out. Creating a simple sentence - 3 sentences with 2 words in them. Frame work for
you to interpret your social meeting. Short paragraph you’re describing the incidents.
- Framing, Interpreting, description, incidents --> look up for social assignment
- Not in touch with your images -- When we share our differences we get closer to each other
- Assignment #2
o “Precise meaning and significance will vary according to the frame of reference through which it is viewed.” - Imaginization
 Precise
 Meaning
 Significance
 Vary
 According
 Frame
 Reference
 View
o For each word go to dictionary and write the meaning of the words
o Coming up with a sentence with that domain of words- don’t need all the words

Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Notes 10.9.19

Post by juellmilder » 09 Oct 2019, 16:15

- Attending class helps understand the process
- We are knowledge workers, we are creating knowledge through learning in the fishbowl
o Original to you, your creative structure
- Sharing our thought process – instead of deleting put a line through it
o The way your mind works is the resource you’re bringing to the table – through the google search you’re revealing how your mind works.
o Take the google searches very seriously and one sentence about them and this will educate you
- Group
o Are you having a valuable learning experience?
o If there is a person lagging behind, just go with the two of you
- Fishbowl steps 1-4 – first sentence and creating the word pool and doing steps 1-4
- Taking ownership of your text, becomes knowing and knowledge structure which creates mental spaces and where you’re positioned in it
- You’re creating an episode
- You’re improving your vocab – always in motion and always in a state of becoming
o We are a sculpture and the process of formation never ends
- The learning goes beyond these steps in the fishbowl, he is giving us the learning part during it, this is not linear only the steps are
- Know the metaphor and symbol

Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Re: Notes 9/11/19

Post by juellmilder » 24 Oct 2019, 10:22

Skills are conceptual- developing the skill of conceptualizing- being able to refocus
Money is made if you have conceptual skills
GOOGLE: Reification
Pull out phrase and pull out word and felt experience – past and example and do the vocab from the email as well

The Guys
Social construction
Participative observation
Action research
The struggle is to capture flicking images in my mind for knowing and knowledge creation- start with the feeling
- Beautiful, gleaming, glooming city
- Stone by stone I built my life
- Young foolish girl – would have fought that word
- That was before I had human dependence
- Step at a time for 8 eulogy – a word at a time
- 350 men but in a bad year we might lose 6- one day in one hour
- You’re giving their friends and family something they can recognize
- Eyes on him to know what to do
- Evoke**
- Bill was a fireman because it was thick in the Irish blood
- Dismal failures
- Absolutely dependable
- Steady and professional to show the way
- Social construction and symbolic interaction, imagination, text, images, metaphors
- The pebble is dropped in the water
- The impact is extraordinary when you work the text, they can feel the empathy
- Another sequence
- Probation—taking the word further- what does this mean – constructing meaning

Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Re: Notes 9/11/19

Post by juellmilder » 20 Nov 2019, 16:00

- ¬¬¬¬When you write good text you get respect – it is in the text
- INTED 2020- conference – submit abstract now
- Closing the semester – letter- four sentences – do at least two of them – metaphor,
o Opening structure – 11 steps after – need to have four opening structures
o After all four are done – by Dec. 4th Hard copy: All sentences constructed in 10+1 steps – in each you’ve constructed four sentences – four projects list out all the sentences – min. of 16 sentences
 Dichotomies – see that listed as well
 Show the felt experiences
o On Dec. 4th – circle 15 words out of the projects (sentences) and dichotomies- put the words in five boxes- split with two inside and one outside
o With the three words you’re creating a sentences so you’ll have five new sentences – you need to take the words further to form a simple abstract sentence
o 16 sentences and five boxes with the five new sentences! December 4th!
o Five pages
 Your 16
 Your five boxes then have 15 boxes then pick five of the fifteen
 Jointly decided model for the group
o Felt experience is deep thinking – ask yourself how so…. If you can’t answer then just drop it – Telling story – becomes a reference point

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