Social Meeting

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Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Social Meeting

Post by juellmilder » 08 Oct 2019, 13:09

Pre social meeting
We will be meeting at the Mews at 7pm on Monday. Thankfully I already know Nate from my leadership class so I am not nervous. Should be interesting to find Zach since I do not know what he looks like. I assume it will go well since we will just be grabbing a beer in the dollar room. I was not nervous at all, excited for a drink after work honestly.

Social Meeting
I am the first one here then Nate arrives, he is actually from my hometown East Greenwich RI. He went to the public school and I went to a private school so we did not know each other before our leadership class. We talked about mutual friends from EG and about the town itself. Zach walked past us the first time but then joined us at the bar and both boys got buds while I drank Down East Cider. Zach is from mass and originally came to uri to play on the hockey team but he and the coach butted heads a lot. He got five of his teeth knocked out from a stick to the face which is insane to me (doesn’t look like it though so that’s good!) We (they) talked about fantasy football and hockey then we all started talking about the bars. All sad chucks closed, all agreed bonvue is over rated and all love dockside in Newport. Then we just talked about classes overall and parted ways. Awesome to get to know new people in my class.

Hometown- the place someone was born or lived their early life
Parted- moving away from a person or thing

- Many children from the hometown part ways as fall of freshman year starts.

Public – open or shared among all people in the area
Private – Belonging to a particular group or person

- Many attended private middle schools and went to public high schools and colleges

Originally – at the first place, from the beginning
Fantasy - imagination, wondrous, unrestrained imagines
- Fantasy’s turn into original thoughts when shared

Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Re: Social Meeting

Post by juellmilder » 16 Oct 2019, 14:35

Fishbowl Step:
1. Structure
- Opening (sentence)
- Entering the unknown (entering with a structure)
2. World Pool
- Gathering words- drawing the boundary of your context by collecting the words through the dictionary (taking it further)
- Experiential learning
3. Restructure
- Creating a new sentence with the word pool, creating another structure that does not have to build off old structure
- Abstraction (no 1st person) only about words and how they relate to each other
- Relating two words and letting the word pool speak to you
4. FE – Felt Experience
- Bring the “I” into the picture, describing an event or incident, has to fit the abstraction and keep short
5. 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
- Working together
- Perceptual categories
- Reductionist (Define) technique 1-4 reduce to one word- wait for group members to have their original word
- Want to ass to the value
- You look at your stuff but sharing your symbols and each other
6. A/B
- Group work, form your own dichotomy, post then agree with group members (should be completely different)
- This is from the group of 9 words- wants to see all three
7. Word Pool
- 2 words from dichotomy
- Widening the words/context
- Sentence with group-simple sentence
8. Structure
- Group work- all three sentences, creating a final sentence with the group- simple sentence
9. Felt experience
- Individual
10. 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
11. Final Paragraph – Insight and realization

1. “A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete world and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind, always working to describe the abstract with concrete: “Conscience is a man’s compass” as Vincent Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo
2. Taking words further
- Metaphor – a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else
- Bridge – something that is intended to form a connection between two things
- Between – the space separating two things
- Concrete – very specific and definite
- Abstract – existing in thoughts but not having concrete existence
- Mind – is the element of a person that enables them to become aware of the world
- Linking – connecting something to something else
- Known – being able to recognize, familiar
- Working – the action of doing work, being engaged in physical or mental activity for result
- Describe – explaining in worlds of something including all relevant characteristics, qualities or events
3. “One must take the journey to build the bridge between ones abstract mind and the concrete views of society to create a working world view.”
4. As I started taking the words further, I began to think of the journey one has to go on from high school into college to create their own world view and values. This journey is a working view since as you learn more and seek more from the world you change your thoughts and actions.

Posts: 106
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 21:44

Re: Social Meeting

Post by juellmilder » 16 Oct 2019, 16:34

1. “A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete world and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind, always working to describe the abstract with concrete: “Conscience is a man’s compass” as Vincent Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo
2. Taking words further
- Metaphor – a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else
- Bridge – something that is intended to form a connection between two things
- Between – the space separating two things
- Concrete – very specific and definite
- Abstract – existing in thoughts but not having concrete existence
- Mind – is the element of a person that enables them to become aware of the world
- Linking – connecting something to something else
- Known – being able to recognize, familiar
- Working – the action of doing work, being engaged in physical or mental activity for result
- Describe – explaining in worlds of something including all relevant characteristics, qualities or events
3. “One must take the journey to build the bridge between ones abstract mind and the concrete views of society to create a working world view.”
a. “Wisdom comes from connecting experience and one’s conscience, bonding these together to create knowledge.”
b. “Wisdom comes from connecting experience and one’s conscience, these together to create knowledge.”
4. First person, it’s about you, happened to you. Describing it and fitting the abstraction
- My knowledge came growing up alongside six siblings on a horse farm. Many times we would start causing trouble but there was always a line within my own conscience. Starting to bring these together where we pushed limits and got in trouble and the line where my conscience told me this was not a good idea. This connection is where my wisdom and old soul come from.

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