Class Notes: First Class

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Class Notes: First Class

Post by alopes98 » 16 Sep 2019, 15:01

- Looking at You, Looking at Me, Looking at You
- Different perspectives
- Similar to Fishbowl

- Emersion: Click, Respond
- Vocab
- View of the World
- How are people different from you?
- Where are you positioned?

- VOCAB: In Fishbowl, Post the definition of the Vocab
- Under your name > Try to use PAPER DICTIONARY
- Sociality: The tendency to associate in or form social groups
- Individuation: The process by which individuals in society become differentiated from one another

- NOTES: Take Notes, Make Notes
- "According to Gilbert Simondon..."
- Reflection: GEORGE SOROS; Reflexivity is the theory that a two-way feedback loop exists in which investors' perceptions affect that environment, which in turn changes investor perceptions.

- Share > Imagine > Experience >Project
- "How do you see the world?"
- "What is the image in your mind?"
- Flow; "Image of Flow"
- Linking WORDS through IMAGES

- To form a SOCIETY > Experience
- Learning one word at a time
- Learning how to create word structures
- Sharing images that words evoke

- ANTHONY GIDDENS: "Social Reflexivity"
- "In an era of social reflexivity people are demanding access to decision making, challenging traditional modes of authority, and coping with the effects of rapid change and chronic uncertainty."
- "the routine incorporation of new knowledge or information into environments of action that are thereby reconstituted or reorganized"
- Planning & Goal Orientation

- JACQUES DERRIDA: "Deconstruction"
- deconstruction is an approach to understanding the relationship between text and meaning. ... The purpose of deconstruction is to show that the usage of language in a given text, and language as a whole, are irreducibly complex, unstable, or impossible."
Last edited by alopes98 on 14 Dec 2019, 20:51, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Class Notes: 9/17

Post by alopes98 » 01 Oct 2019, 11:21

Forming a society: learning
It's not me vs. you
Creating a society: how to interview, how to succeed
Learning how to connect: Connectivity is BIG
Committing to read every text of my group member- only when we do that we will connect, connection with other people will only happen with our head, exchange of symbols and words
Connect through words
Lead symbolic lives: we lead textual lives, we lead lives of words, nothing outside words; nothing exists outside of words
Writing your words for the sake of the group; to add value to the group- carefully selecting words
Do things your way; if you like a different way then go for it
Restructuring creates value; selecting creates value
Creating knowledge; putting things into divisions and subdivisions
Creating your reality and sociality
SUSTAINING each other's life
The interaction is always in the head
Distraction means I'm not slowing down, I'm not focusing and I'm not selecting my words nor substituting them to create value
We all need reminders; not that you don't know but you need a reminder
Figure out what creates value and provide it
Our differences are realized in our mental structures and we want to get at that
Differences in the words that we selected, the meaning of words
Connect across these differences
Ask, "how so?"
Cancel one class, meet socially (grab a drink)
Pre individual- writing notes before meeting with the group- ethnographic notes- open-ended, social, over a drink, chatting about anything and everything, NOT about the class
After- write immediately after about what happened from memory- writing as much as you can: what took place, emphasize conversation
The more detail they are, the better off you'll be
Looking at your notes- circle 6 words keeping in mind they are concepts/ symbol
Pairing them in three pairs; two words each, dichotomies
Have to be opposites, not direct opposites
Gathering a collection of words, create a simple sentence
3 sentences in all
Under each sentence, write a paragraph (short) describing the social meeting, should fit w the sentence, a sentence is an abstraction
Creating history as a possibility
Nuance (important word)
Don't copy someone else, experience it for yourself

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Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes: 10/01

Post by alopes98 » 01 Oct 2019, 12:12

Don't feel guilty in regards to not doing your work but feel guilty for those in your group
Twitter; one word; select a word because it depends on the class
Entering the unknown(internet) in which we cannot comprehend; what do we do as individuals? Take one step in and determine what your step is > determine your own structures
Learning to construct meaning; not searching for any truths but meaning for yourself
Do not read and reproduce but not know what it means
Approach to take: deconstruct > Jacque Derida
Take each word; go in dictionary and look at options to substitute that word. Reframe the sentence
We all think in many different ways; how? > we select different structures and words that we select
Why do we identify differences > Innovation; you can only innovate if you are open to different ideas and different words; different substituted words
A word is also a symbol; select a word from your text and say “this is what my text symbolizes” which is why the course is easy
The action is in the typing(the material) and in the head (the mind)
What does it mean to be friends in a workplace > break the ice and become identifiable
Create an intersubjective space
Your words are making an impact to the group
By creating that intersubjective space you are creating eyes on eyes
We are learning non-linear thinking
It is not about being confused but you are thinking in ways that your mind is working
We are craftsmen of words
Critical thinking means different perspectives
Working to be a phenomenologist
Immersed in a culture of critical making
Look at your process and share them
Integrated networking structures
Words to change reality
Learning through association
Felt experience; abstract; how did you connect two words together

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Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes: 10/08

Post by alopes98 » 08 Oct 2019, 12:09

Three interacting with a context
Filter of technology; understanding diversity
Global business; Barklett & Ghosal
Defining what a global business
Factors for success
Develop knowledge and knowing of four factors
4 factors include:
Integrated Networking Structures
Complex Adaptive Systems
Dynamic Decision Making
Ideas flow across the Atlantic
1st Step; Structure (Integrated Network Structure)
You are entering the unknown with a given structure
2nd Step; Gathering Words (Word Pool)
Go to dictionary and write down words
Word pool is your resources; contextual and relevant
Not a selection but a gathering
3rd Step; Restructuring
Rewriting the sentence
Start your selection process
Substitute words to make them simple
Use all three concepts (Integrating, Networking and Structuring)
Take those simple words and keep breaking it down
4th Step; 1st Person
Your felt experience; your story
Describing an incident; explain it; its coming from your memory; its experiential
It takes thinking and interpretation; imagining & visualizing; it must be grounded in reality (your experience)
5th Step; Interaction
Read each other's work and reduce YOUR PERCEPTION of it in one word
6th Step; Interaction
Form dichotomy out of the nine words (opposites such as red & yellow)
7th Step; Word Pool
8th Step; Joint Word Pool
Inflection point; your ideas are contingent
9th Step; Felt experience (on your own)
3 felt experiences
10th Step; Perceptual Categories
11th Step; Insight & Realization
Dynamic Decision Making
Don't want to be told what to think and do

VOCAB: Relation

Posts: 68
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes 10/22

Post by alopes98 » 29 Oct 2019, 16:15

Shift your attention in this course
Integrated Networking Structures
Do it in class; in groups
Similar to Social Meeting
On your own trying to create texts and images in which you can sell
Trying to create social organization and your understanding society between you and your group
“Learning to create a better society”
Sharing your knowing through self reflection
What goes through your mind when you are looking at a specific word, symbol, etc
Add value to the group
Social Constructivism
Social construction of reality
Participant Observation
Symbolic Interaction
Action Research
Putting yourself in the center of the world you are creating
Looking at each other digitally
Looking at diversity differently; looking at differences in selections of symbols that we make
We are all unique; “We are all footnotes but we are now at the center of the page”
In the group to add value to the group
Learning to empower your text through self experience
How are you going to empower text?
By rearranging words you are creating value
Important to praise each other
Enhance each other by looking at what others are doing
Creating archives through interaction
Sentence structures are an abstraction
Creating it through interactions of symbols
The journey is inwards
Learning to write a textbook
Self organization
Risk that you are taking
Creating a word pool to subsidize the dichotomized words, taking it further
Peter Senge

Posts: 68
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes 11/05

Post by alopes98 » 14 Dec 2019, 20:49

Deep Learning

Reflexive Leadership
Building 4 short papers interactively
Viewer is thinking about her own business; after she looks at what you've done
Projecting experience on other peoples texts
Abstract Expressionism
Captured and configured spontaneously
Performative writing
Action writing
Performed it when you acted on it which is the selection
Started with an empty canvas; entered with a structure and then created the painting on the canvas
Talking about yourself within freedom and individuality ( Intrinsically American)
Papers are not Intellectual but rather Oriented
Developing a form of writing and you can take any form you want
Every time work is finished it is appreciated because it is your creation
Concept of singularity and representing yourself
We become multitude
Movement of ideas and development is happening through your subconscious
Choices you make are manifestations of your psyche
Making an imprint of your mind

Changing the way you think; doing that by going into your inner self
Journey is inwards and not outwards
Changing the way you think
Layers of depth in our papers and it looks like chaos
Process is the product

Random feels of chaos that are random; anyone can do it
Only you can have made that paper
Privilege is to shoot down and say something that is yours; take ownership of your words and yourself when you first deconstruct the other person
Nobody can reproduce what you are doing
Performative Writing and Action Learning
Revealing hidden truths and writing from your unconscious
Sharing your technique and inviting the viewer to do the same

Posts: 68
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes: 11/19

Post by alopes98 » 14 Dec 2019, 20:50

How Far?
To do anecdotal things you are changing your audiences life
Becomes a reference point in effectiveness
Deep Thinking
Takes an effort and does not come easily
2nd Abstract
Respond to letters and read them so you know that your environment makes sense
From a Career Standpoint:
What we are doing is beating a system of not showing up
Strategize and get our name into the conference so when people type our name the Abstracts pop up
Might feel like the way we do our studies means we did not really do anything but it is actually the real stuff
Frivolous: loss of interest
Getting along in teams in any situation has become very important and organizations look for people who are cooperative with others
Learning to fight for resources through text
Constructing meaning and expressing ourselves through engagement
Not a good title; has too many ideas
Engagements and Expressions for building meaningful knowledge content
Our selection of symbols and actions that we perform
Engagement; with the outside world and adding value
Everytime you post in the fishbowl it is an “event”

Posts: 68
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 23:11

Re: Class Notes: 12/10

Post by alopes98 » 14 Dec 2019, 20:53

One Minute Video: BUS 345 Experience
Talk about yourself and how you connected with each other
Mention the class if you want to but how did you experience being an integrated network and dynamic decision making
Take the selfie; take it individually if you prefer or with your group; send it to Mike (
Total length of the video is 3 MINUTES (one minute each person)
Use of professional language
CONSIDERED A FINAL but its optional between the video or textual
Performative writing
Paper is abstract
We have until the 17th to catch up vocab, google searches, letters, etc
Selfie is your ownership
Your choice to say whatever you want but make it anecdotal
You do not necessarily have to use the term fishbowl rather integrated networking
Written Option:
3 Pages
Address global phenomenon and look back at your experience
Add value to your reflection
So long as you are speaking your truth; saying what occured to you and saying it carefully (working friendship) you are doing fine
Constructing your own truth and framing your own text
The structure frames the text
Is important when you know the unknown
Is important when you are entering a situation that is too much
Learning to enter the Syntax “Entering the unknown with the syntax” - Alain Badiou

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