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Class Notes/ Vocab

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 18:25
by quasialogan
○ When we are looking at one another: I'm looking at you looking at me looking at you
§ Fishbowl, we are all watching each other
§ Emersion*- give it at least 15 minutes everyday
§ Similar to twitter
§ *vocabulary* expands your view of the world
○ When questioning what to do for the assignment:
○ Write out the letters with the new vocabulary and restructure the sentences
○ Keep track of those through out the semester
○ You don't learn through note taking, you learn through reflection
○ When sharing information, it is simply sharing you imagination. This is your experience of how you see the world an why
§ Flow: Metaphor of imagination flowing into words
○ You can get anything you want when you create a reality through text and images.
§ Persuasion ?
○ Jacques Derrida: Deconstruction

Vocabulary Bank:
• Sociality: relating to society, need companionship and therefore best suited to living in a communities
• Individuation: distinguish from others of the same kind (Gilbert Simondan)
• Reflection
Social Reflexivity: Anthony Gidden

Re: Class Notes/ Vocab

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 15:50
by quasialogan
• in the class are all posted as replies to create a thread
• Notes are negotiations
• 6 sections: replying to your latest posts
• Creating knowledge every time you create divisions and subdivisions
2. Distraction: Not slowing down, not focusing, not selecting/substituting my words to create value
3. Were creating value for our two other group members

When Letters get posted:
1. Go through posted vocabulary
2. Key Questions:
a. HOW SO?
• When we enter the fishbowl, we are entering the gym.
• We are exercising our minds, checking our brains out in the mirror
• Your mind, yourself and the words you're typing
• Were entertained to the gil
○ We should learn to create value. We could be walking on air
• If the letters start piling up, do not worry, just continue at your own pace
• In the fishbowl you are learning to create jobs/create a society in which we can succeeed through connectivity
• Making a commitment to read every letter of my group members
• Connection with other people with happen in my head. It happens through symbols, those which are words.
• Lead symbolic lives: Textual lives: we lead lives of words
○ If you have limited vocabulary, you will lead a limited word
• Add value to the group;
○ Carefully selecting words, underline and interpret
• Restructuring and selection create value
• Differences are realized in our mental structures
○ This is what we want to get at
Determined by the selection of words

Re: Class Notes/ Vocab

Posted: 10 Dec 2019, 11:39
by quasialogan
-Mike T

Selfie Videos: Recommend us to take selfie, individually if you prefer but it would be better
Option of Selfie Video as a final or we have the tangible option
Reflecting on our time in the fishbowl

Our Abstract:
callus from the administration
it is as tangible as other recognitions
Our Exam:
12/17 @11am
Letters, Vocab and 4 10+1 are due by then
3 Pages Addressing the 4 global phenomenons.
You're looking back and adding more. REFLECTING ON THE DOING
Write it out, then do the selfie

Shoot for an A-