10 + 1 steps
Step 1: Integrated Networking Structure
Integrated: with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated
Networking: the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts
Structures: the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex
Step 2: Word Pool
Integrated: merged, meshed, blended, united, combined, unified, fused, consolidated, coherent
Networking: connect, web, grid, matrix, system, complex, maze, tangle, interact, exchange
Structures: form, order, assemble, organize, composition, construct, arrange, shape
Step 3: Restructuring
Integrated: blended
Networking: complex
Structure: system
Step 4: Felt Experience
This past summer I worked as a lifeguard, this job required me taught me the blended skills of in water rescues and on land treatment. This was scary at first because everything seemed so complex but as I practiced and did multiple trainings, I figured out a system to remember and apply all the skills I learned.
Individual Assignments
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:16
Re: Individual Assignments
Complex Adaptive System
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step1: Complex Adaptive System
Complex: composed of many interconnected parts
Adaptive: serving or able to adapt; showing or contributing to adaptation
System: an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex whole
Complex: Abstract and multifaceted
Adaptive: Ever changing to succeed in environment
System: Efficient routine to create overall progress
Complex: consisting of many different and connected parts:
Adaptive: characterized by or given to adaptation
System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network
Step 2: Word Pool
Complex: elaborate, intricate, complicated, tangled, detailed, extravagant, involved
Adaptive: flexible, adjustable, pliable, elastice, malleable, reactive
System: structure, organization, method, process, network, group, operation
Complex: compound, multiplex, intricate
Adaptive: adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable, variable
System: structure, organization, arrangement, order
Complex: multiple, compound, elaborate
Adaptive: modifying, flexible, elastic
System: Method, process, technique
Step 3: Restructuring
Complex Adaptive System —> Complicated Reactive Structure
Complex: Complicated- “Society is a complicated place”
Adaptive: Reactive- “We must be reactive in our society, to gain a better understanding”
System: Structure- “To properly function as an organization there must be structure”
Complex Adaptive System —-> Intricate and alterable process
Complex: Intricate- cohesions of diverse concepts makes for an intricate whole
Adaptive: Elastic- a society’s elasticity refers to its ability to experience change and return a stability.
System: Order- Majority accepted way of doing something
Complex: Compound > The human body is made up of a compound of neurons.
Adaptive: Elastic > Extroverts are very elastic in public environments.
System: Method > Vocalists use a downward doll method in order to use their breath properly while singing.
Step 4: Felt Experience
Kristen- My felt experience in relation to this concept is revolved around the complexity of our society. When you think of society it's hard to understand the depth of it. People assign society to a brief definition that is not intricate or cohesive. I used to think society was just a term to categorize a group of people or community but it’s much more than that. Through these assignments I have gathered that society is a complex adaptive system and an integrated networking structure as well as many other definitions.
Quasia- Complex Adaptive System —-> My felt experience in relation to this concept is sparked by the idea of adaptation. When I think of adaptation on a personal level, I do not view it as much like a change of doing something I already do, but instead of overall growth in efficiency. For some reason, the idea of adaptations resonates more with me when I think of how individuals within a society alter their behaviors to fit in with the order of the whole. When reflecting, what I try to do in the name of growth is in fact adapting, it just I don't think to view it that way unless I’m comparing it to the whole.
Adel- My felt experience in regards to this concept reminded me of the idea of music. When I think of music, I do not think of the flow of music notes and rhythm. Although it brings the concept together, music is more than just music notes. Every piece of music that we hear has a story behind it. Whether we are listening to a master piece by Franz Schubert or simple lyrics by Green Day, although they are both in the same family of rhythm, they both tell two different narratives.
Step 5: 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
Myself- Depth
Quasia- Efficiency
Adel- Detail
Kristen- Community
Myself- Progression
Adel- Longevity
Adel: Involve
Kristen- Complexity
Quasia- Growth
Myself- Flow
Step 6: A/B
Detail/ Growth
Step 7: Word Pool
Depth: intensity, base, measure, sharpness, capacity, boundary, importance
Progression: advance, improvement, development, order, growth, evolution
Detail: Describe, Intricate, Precise, Exact, Accurate, Comprehensive
Growth: Prosper, Evolution, Advance, Expand, Production
Step 8: Structure
The DEVELOPMENT of my learning and understanding has no BOUNDARY
If you want to EXPAND on the concept of music, you must DESCRIBE the embodiment of what it entails.
An individual’s values directly relate to their idea of EVOLUTION. People will improve in the areas they deem IMPORTANT
Step 9: Felt Experience
Kristen: College is a time where you are thrown into different tests without an understanding of how to complete them, but the goal is to learn from the outcomes. These outcomes are there to help with the DEVELOPMENT of your life, which has no BOUNDARY so it is a never ending cycle of failing and learning.
Quasia: Living in a time where people are constantly stimulated, multitasking and distracted, surface level ADVANCEMENT is quite common. When time is on the opposing side, precise intentions of DEVELOPMENT are beneficial.
Adel: Life is not as PRECISE as some people think. In order to PROSPER, it is evident that you go through trials and tribulations to get to where you want to be. The PRODUCTION of one's life is merely a sketch on a piece of paper. Whether you believe it or not, your next move is an indication of how the next couple of steps later on will play out. Through different stages of your life, you may believe that it was/is ACCURATE to where you may end up. This means that there were a couple of distinct places you wanted to be or people you wanted to become. For example, when you were 5 you wanted to be a dancer. This meant that for a couple of years you did everything in your power to become a dancer. At the age of 10 all of that may have changed and you now wanted to be a doctor. For the next couple of years you set life goals in relation to how a doctor lives. At the age of 16 you changed your mind and did not know what you wanted in life. This means that at that age, and possibly the next couple of years, you explored yourself and what you can achieve. Whether it be COMPREHENSIVE to what you believed in the past, or simply living into the future of enigma, you created a door to endless possibilities. The point of all of this is for people to understand that their EVOLUTION is boundless. It will never be EXACT as the person next to them but it will also not be INTRICATE to create. Once you have found out who you are, you will be able to do anything.
Step 10: 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
Myself- Cycle
Quasia- Stimulated
Adel- Evident
Kristen- Outcomes
Myself- Purpose
Adel- Adaptation
Step 11: Final Paragraph
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step1: Complex Adaptive System
Complex: composed of many interconnected parts
Adaptive: serving or able to adapt; showing or contributing to adaptation
System: an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex whole
Complex: Abstract and multifaceted
Adaptive: Ever changing to succeed in environment
System: Efficient routine to create overall progress
Complex: consisting of many different and connected parts:
Adaptive: characterized by or given to adaptation
System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network
Step 2: Word Pool
Complex: elaborate, intricate, complicated, tangled, detailed, extravagant, involved
Adaptive: flexible, adjustable, pliable, elastice, malleable, reactive
System: structure, organization, method, process, network, group, operation
Complex: compound, multiplex, intricate
Adaptive: adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable, variable
System: structure, organization, arrangement, order
Complex: multiple, compound, elaborate
Adaptive: modifying, flexible, elastic
System: Method, process, technique
Step 3: Restructuring
Complex Adaptive System —> Complicated Reactive Structure
Complex: Complicated- “Society is a complicated place”
Adaptive: Reactive- “We must be reactive in our society, to gain a better understanding”
System: Structure- “To properly function as an organization there must be structure”
Complex Adaptive System —-> Intricate and alterable process
Complex: Intricate- cohesions of diverse concepts makes for an intricate whole
Adaptive: Elastic- a society’s elasticity refers to its ability to experience change and return a stability.
System: Order- Majority accepted way of doing something
Complex: Compound > The human body is made up of a compound of neurons.
Adaptive: Elastic > Extroverts are very elastic in public environments.
System: Method > Vocalists use a downward doll method in order to use their breath properly while singing.
Step 4: Felt Experience
Kristen- My felt experience in relation to this concept is revolved around the complexity of our society. When you think of society it's hard to understand the depth of it. People assign society to a brief definition that is not intricate or cohesive. I used to think society was just a term to categorize a group of people or community but it’s much more than that. Through these assignments I have gathered that society is a complex adaptive system and an integrated networking structure as well as many other definitions.
Quasia- Complex Adaptive System —-> My felt experience in relation to this concept is sparked by the idea of adaptation. When I think of adaptation on a personal level, I do not view it as much like a change of doing something I already do, but instead of overall growth in efficiency. For some reason, the idea of adaptations resonates more with me when I think of how individuals within a society alter their behaviors to fit in with the order of the whole. When reflecting, what I try to do in the name of growth is in fact adapting, it just I don't think to view it that way unless I’m comparing it to the whole.
Adel- My felt experience in regards to this concept reminded me of the idea of music. When I think of music, I do not think of the flow of music notes and rhythm. Although it brings the concept together, music is more than just music notes. Every piece of music that we hear has a story behind it. Whether we are listening to a master piece by Franz Schubert or simple lyrics by Green Day, although they are both in the same family of rhythm, they both tell two different narratives.
Step 5: 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
Myself- Depth
Quasia- Efficiency
Adel- Detail
Kristen- Community
Myself- Progression
Adel- Longevity
Adel: Involve
Kristen- Complexity
Quasia- Growth
Myself- Flow
Step 6: A/B
Detail/ Growth
Step 7: Word Pool
Depth: intensity, base, measure, sharpness, capacity, boundary, importance
Progression: advance, improvement, development, order, growth, evolution
Detail: Describe, Intricate, Precise, Exact, Accurate, Comprehensive
Growth: Prosper, Evolution, Advance, Expand, Production
Step 8: Structure
The DEVELOPMENT of my learning and understanding has no BOUNDARY
If you want to EXPAND on the concept of music, you must DESCRIBE the embodiment of what it entails.
An individual’s values directly relate to their idea of EVOLUTION. People will improve in the areas they deem IMPORTANT
Step 9: Felt Experience
Kristen: College is a time where you are thrown into different tests without an understanding of how to complete them, but the goal is to learn from the outcomes. These outcomes are there to help with the DEVELOPMENT of your life, which has no BOUNDARY so it is a never ending cycle of failing and learning.
Quasia: Living in a time where people are constantly stimulated, multitasking and distracted, surface level ADVANCEMENT is quite common. When time is on the opposing side, precise intentions of DEVELOPMENT are beneficial.
Adel: Life is not as PRECISE as some people think. In order to PROSPER, it is evident that you go through trials and tribulations to get to where you want to be. The PRODUCTION of one's life is merely a sketch on a piece of paper. Whether you believe it or not, your next move is an indication of how the next couple of steps later on will play out. Through different stages of your life, you may believe that it was/is ACCURATE to where you may end up. This means that there were a couple of distinct places you wanted to be or people you wanted to become. For example, when you were 5 you wanted to be a dancer. This meant that for a couple of years you did everything in your power to become a dancer. At the age of 10 all of that may have changed and you now wanted to be a doctor. For the next couple of years you set life goals in relation to how a doctor lives. At the age of 16 you changed your mind and did not know what you wanted in life. This means that at that age, and possibly the next couple of years, you explored yourself and what you can achieve. Whether it be COMPREHENSIVE to what you believed in the past, or simply living into the future of enigma, you created a door to endless possibilities. The point of all of this is for people to understand that their EVOLUTION is boundless. It will never be EXACT as the person next to them but it will also not be INTRICATE to create. Once you have found out who you are, you will be able to do anything.
Step 10: 1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
Myself- Cycle
Quasia- Stimulated
Adel- Evident
Kristen- Outcomes
Myself- Purpose
Adel- Adaptation
Step 11: Final Paragraph
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:16
Re: Individual Assignments
Dynamic Decision Making
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step 1: Dynamic Decision Making
Dynamic: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic
Decision: the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment
Making: the means or cause of success or advancement
Step 2: Word Pool
Dynamic: effective, compelling, potent, vigorous, powerful, intense, magnetic
Decision: selection, ruling, verdict, outcome, choice, agreement, result, finding
Making: produce, form, build, mold, create, change, transform, contract, structure, perform
Step 3: Restructuring
Dynamic: Intense
Decision: Agreement
Making: Form
Step 4: Felt Experience
Many classes I take require you to participate in group projects through out the semester. Within every group there is always one person who tends to slack and one who is on top of everything which leads to an INTENSE experience. Since everyone has there different opinions and viewpoints it is rare that the group has an AGREEMENT about the topic at hand. As the project begins to FORM each person divides themselves into designated sections to complete the necessary requirements.
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step 1: Dynamic Decision Making
Dynamic: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic
Decision: the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment
Making: the means or cause of success or advancement
Step 2: Word Pool
Dynamic: effective, compelling, potent, vigorous, powerful, intense, magnetic
Decision: selection, ruling, verdict, outcome, choice, agreement, result, finding
Making: produce, form, build, mold, create, change, transform, contract, structure, perform
Step 3: Restructuring
Dynamic: Intense
Decision: Agreement
Making: Form
Step 4: Felt Experience
Many classes I take require you to participate in group projects through out the semester. Within every group there is always one person who tends to slack and one who is on top of everything which leads to an INTENSE experience. Since everyone has there different opinions and viewpoints it is rare that the group has an AGREEMENT about the topic at hand. As the project begins to FORM each person divides themselves into designated sections to complete the necessary requirements.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:16
Re: Individual Assignments
Unique Innovative Capabilities
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step 1: Unique Innovative Capabilities
Unique: existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics
Innovative: tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different
Capabilities: the quality of being capable; capacity; ability
Step 2: Word Pool
Unique: different, uncommon, rare, exclusive, strange, extraordinary, standout, matchless
Innovative: original, new, creative, ingenious, imaginative, authentic
Capabilities: capacity, potential, power, means, efficiency, potency, qualification
Step 3: Restructuring
Unique: Exclusive
Innovative: Authentic
Capabilities: Potential
Step 4: Felt Experience
Kristen Kertanis, Quasia Logan, Adel Lopes
Step 1: Unique Innovative Capabilities
Unique: existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics
Innovative: tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different
Capabilities: the quality of being capable; capacity; ability
Step 2: Word Pool
Unique: different, uncommon, rare, exclusive, strange, extraordinary, standout, matchless
Innovative: original, new, creative, ingenious, imaginative, authentic
Capabilities: capacity, potential, power, means, efficiency, potency, qualification
Step 3: Restructuring
Unique: Exclusive
Innovative: Authentic
Capabilities: Potential
Step 4: Felt Experience
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:16
Re: Individual Assignments
Step 1: Opening
Adel: Dynamic Decision Making
interdependent decision-making that takes place in an environment that changes over time either due to the previous actions of the decision maker or due to events that are outside of the control of the decision maker
Dynamic Decision Making: When constant change forces us to think about what the next move is, analyzing both previous actions as well as the future possibilities to determine the best possible outcome is how decisions are made.
Dynamic: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic
Decision: the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, making a judgement
Making: the means or cause of success or advancement
Step 2: Word Pool
Dynamic: Tone, Energy, Live
Decision: Choice, Conclusion, Think
Making: Assemble, Form, Create
Dynamic: energetic, spirited, active, lively, zestful, vital, vigorous, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, positive, effective, effectual, high-powered
Decision: resolution, conclusion, settlement, commitment, resolve, determination, choice, option, selection, verdict, finding
Making: manufacture, manufacturing, mass production, building, construction, assembly, production
Dynamic: effective, compelling, potent, vigorous, powerful, intense, magnetic
Decision: selection, ruling, verdict, outcome, choice, agreement, result, finding
Making: produce, form, build, mold, create, change, transform, contract, structure, perform
Step 3: Restructure
Dynamic(Tone) The tone of your environment sets the mood in which is mirrored by others.
Decision (Think) If you think before you speak the outcome of your conversation will be smoother.
Making (Create) In order to create a positive environment for yourself, you must give off positive energy.
Dynamic: lively
Decision: commitment
Making: produce
Dynamic: Intense
Decision: Agreement
Making: Form
Step 4: Felt Experience
Adel: As of high school, every move I took was calculated. I was always the type of person who found comfort in a structured routine and always mapped out where I would be in the next couple of years. As a good example, I attended a Performing Arts High School but I knew that Music was not something I would want to make a living out of (mostly meaning I would not go to music school to end up as a music teacher or a choir director). In this case, I found a second home within business and decided to create a different pool of how my life would and could become. Not only did my thought processes resonate with me, but it mirrored on the way I interacted with the people around me and also determined the kind of people I would soon attract.
One of the many underrated treasures a person could have is the ability to navigate both an academic/book and a real world/common sense foundation of knowledge. This DYNAMIC way of thinking allows for just one person to view a problem and evaluate it from many perspectives. When you think of this mindset as a 2in1 asset, you realize how beneficial their DECISIONS are to the whole. As a society, I genuinely believe we should push this type of decision MAKING to our younger generations as it could lead to a much greater impact.
Many classes I take require you to participate in group projects throughout the semester. Within every group there is always one person who tends to slack and one who is on top of everything which leads to an INTENSE experience. Since everyone has their different opinions and viewpoints it is rare that the group has an AGREEMENT about the topic at hand. As the project begins to FORM each person divides themselves into designated sections to complete the necessary requirements.
Step 5: 1/2/3
Adel: Reflect
Quasia: Impact
Kristen: Lead
Step 6: A/B
Adel: Potential / Insufficient
Quasia: Foundation / Knowledge
Kristen: Navigate / Create
Step 7: Word Pool (Individual)
Potential - Possible, Inherent, Probable, Prospective
Insufficient - Lack, Unreliable, Inconsistent, Irregular
Foundation: base, structure, solid
Knowledge: experience, thoughts, conceptualized information
Navigate- plan, operate, drive, handle, direct
Create- build, shape, devise, forge, generate
Step 9: Felt Experience
Adel: In deciding what college I wanted to go to, I was stuck between what was more beneficial and what I wanted. At first I felt as though I was doing what was best for my parents, ignorant to the fact that it is what’s best for me as well. I was excited for the fact that I would be in New York with my best friend so that is the only thing I really cared for at the time. I was not necessarily interested in doing/majoring in anything specific so I was not too crazy about dream schools and the meaning behind the names. Towards the end of my senior year it was positive that I was going to URI and I was not happy. Now I am glad that I am able to attend this university and become friends with the people I know now while securing a bright future.
When reflecting on this class, I quickly realized I was missing pieces of my academic foundation that withheld me from having a well rounded knowledge base. As I count the days until I end my college career, I appreciate all of my experiences that added a layer to my perspective. This class was one that required a different type of thinking and for that I feel more comfortable knowing I could make good, dynamic decisions.
Coming into this class, I thought I would find it difficult to navigate through the course based on just using the fishbowl. As I started to create within, I started to understand what was being asked. This allowed to expand my learning while reading others' posts and building off of there's.
Step 10: 1/2/3
Kristen - Convenient
Myself - Comfort
Quasia - Control
Adel - doubt
Myself - perspective
Kristen - understand
Myself- Expand
Adel- Beneficial
Quasia- Build
Step 11: Insight & Realization
Adel: It is very interesting to learn where every decision leads you. Whether the decision is temporary or not, it is intriguing to see and think of where you can end up. The decisions I have made so far has taught me a lot of lessons. These decisions have been slowly shaping me into the woman I am becoming and so far I am very thankful.
I’m always intrigued with people and what causes them to make the decisions they do, say the things they say. Analyzing a decision and why a person chose is a very powerful thing to do.
This shows how small impacts can change and affect what is occuring. The decisions you make help you learn and grow. When you decide to change or switch things up, you are bringing in a new lesson to learn.
Adel: Dynamic Decision Making
interdependent decision-making that takes place in an environment that changes over time either due to the previous actions of the decision maker or due to events that are outside of the control of the decision maker
Dynamic Decision Making: When constant change forces us to think about what the next move is, analyzing both previous actions as well as the future possibilities to determine the best possible outcome is how decisions are made.
Dynamic: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic
Decision: the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, making a judgement
Making: the means or cause of success or advancement
Step 2: Word Pool
Dynamic: Tone, Energy, Live
Decision: Choice, Conclusion, Think
Making: Assemble, Form, Create
Dynamic: energetic, spirited, active, lively, zestful, vital, vigorous, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, positive, effective, effectual, high-powered
Decision: resolution, conclusion, settlement, commitment, resolve, determination, choice, option, selection, verdict, finding
Making: manufacture, manufacturing, mass production, building, construction, assembly, production
Dynamic: effective, compelling, potent, vigorous, powerful, intense, magnetic
Decision: selection, ruling, verdict, outcome, choice, agreement, result, finding
Making: produce, form, build, mold, create, change, transform, contract, structure, perform
Step 3: Restructure
Dynamic(Tone) The tone of your environment sets the mood in which is mirrored by others.
Decision (Think) If you think before you speak the outcome of your conversation will be smoother.
Making (Create) In order to create a positive environment for yourself, you must give off positive energy.
Dynamic: lively
Decision: commitment
Making: produce
Dynamic: Intense
Decision: Agreement
Making: Form
Step 4: Felt Experience
Adel: As of high school, every move I took was calculated. I was always the type of person who found comfort in a structured routine and always mapped out where I would be in the next couple of years. As a good example, I attended a Performing Arts High School but I knew that Music was not something I would want to make a living out of (mostly meaning I would not go to music school to end up as a music teacher or a choir director). In this case, I found a second home within business and decided to create a different pool of how my life would and could become. Not only did my thought processes resonate with me, but it mirrored on the way I interacted with the people around me and also determined the kind of people I would soon attract.
One of the many underrated treasures a person could have is the ability to navigate both an academic/book and a real world/common sense foundation of knowledge. This DYNAMIC way of thinking allows for just one person to view a problem and evaluate it from many perspectives. When you think of this mindset as a 2in1 asset, you realize how beneficial their DECISIONS are to the whole. As a society, I genuinely believe we should push this type of decision MAKING to our younger generations as it could lead to a much greater impact.
Many classes I take require you to participate in group projects throughout the semester. Within every group there is always one person who tends to slack and one who is on top of everything which leads to an INTENSE experience. Since everyone has their different opinions and viewpoints it is rare that the group has an AGREEMENT about the topic at hand. As the project begins to FORM each person divides themselves into designated sections to complete the necessary requirements.
Step 5: 1/2/3
Adel: Reflect
Quasia: Impact
Kristen: Lead
Step 6: A/B
Adel: Potential / Insufficient
Quasia: Foundation / Knowledge
Kristen: Navigate / Create
Step 7: Word Pool (Individual)
Potential - Possible, Inherent, Probable, Prospective
Insufficient - Lack, Unreliable, Inconsistent, Irregular
Foundation: base, structure, solid
Knowledge: experience, thoughts, conceptualized information
Navigate- plan, operate, drive, handle, direct
Create- build, shape, devise, forge, generate
Step 9: Felt Experience
Adel: In deciding what college I wanted to go to, I was stuck between what was more beneficial and what I wanted. At first I felt as though I was doing what was best for my parents, ignorant to the fact that it is what’s best for me as well. I was excited for the fact that I would be in New York with my best friend so that is the only thing I really cared for at the time. I was not necessarily interested in doing/majoring in anything specific so I was not too crazy about dream schools and the meaning behind the names. Towards the end of my senior year it was positive that I was going to URI and I was not happy. Now I am glad that I am able to attend this university and become friends with the people I know now while securing a bright future.
When reflecting on this class, I quickly realized I was missing pieces of my academic foundation that withheld me from having a well rounded knowledge base. As I count the days until I end my college career, I appreciate all of my experiences that added a layer to my perspective. This class was one that required a different type of thinking and for that I feel more comfortable knowing I could make good, dynamic decisions.
Coming into this class, I thought I would find it difficult to navigate through the course based on just using the fishbowl. As I started to create within, I started to understand what was being asked. This allowed to expand my learning while reading others' posts and building off of there's.
Step 10: 1/2/3
Kristen - Convenient
Myself - Comfort
Quasia - Control
Adel - doubt
Myself - perspective
Kristen - understand
Myself- Expand
Adel- Beneficial
Quasia- Build
Step 11: Insight & Realization
Adel: It is very interesting to learn where every decision leads you. Whether the decision is temporary or not, it is intriguing to see and think of where you can end up. The decisions I have made so far has taught me a lot of lessons. These decisions have been slowly shaping me into the woman I am becoming and so far I am very thankful.
I’m always intrigued with people and what causes them to make the decisions they do, say the things they say. Analyzing a decision and why a person chose is a very powerful thing to do.
This shows how small impacts can change and affect what is occuring. The decisions you make help you learn and grow. When you decide to change or switch things up, you are bringing in a new lesson to learn.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:16
Re: Individual Assignments
Step 1: Opening
Adel: Unique Innovative Capabilities
The ability of a firm to transform an idea into something new which carries an economic value.
In terms of society, it’s unique innovative capabilities depict how well it is able to create new and never been done solutions to everyday problems..
Unique: existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics
Innovative: tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different
Capabilities: the quality of being capable; capacity; ability
Step 2: Word Pool
Unique - Different, Intricate, Special
Innovative - Idea, Adaptive, Branch,
Capabilities - Ability, Will, Achieve
Unique:distinctive, individual, special, quirky, eccentric, unrepeated
Innovative: introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking
Capabilities: ability, capacity, power, potential, potentiality, competence, proficiency, accomplishment
Unique: different, uncommon, rare, exclusive, strange, extraordinary, standout, matchless
Innovative: original, new, creative, ingenious, imaginative, authentic
Capabilities: capacity, potential, power, means, efficiency, potency, qualification
Step 3: Restructuring
Unique - Every person has an intricate way of telling stories
Innovative - In our current generation it is not hard to be innovative
Capabilities - Everyone in the world has the ability to sing because everyone has a tone.
Unique: Different and valued
Innovative: Fresh and disruptive
Capabilities: skill and knowledge
Unique: Exclusive
Innovative: Authentic
Capabilities: Potential
Step 4: Felt Experience
Adel: My felt experience in regards to this concept reminds me of the world today. In this day in age it is so easy to be innovative. Our society has created so much space for our people today to be able to think outside the box and has been pushing the idea of innovation on the forefront. Diversity is one way of creating a pool of innovation and a lot of people have been interested in the idea of collaboration more than ever.
Quasia: This topic is one that resonates with one of my interests. Throughout my college experiences, I’ve taken a diverse load of business courses. Most recently, I took BUS 149 which is an innovation and design class. This introduced me to the idea of intrapreneurship is a parallel to entrepreneurship but for existing organizations. This idea describes the act of bringing new and innovative ideas to successful and already flourishing companies to keep them in competition with newer ventures. This is very interesting to me and I think a career somewhere along that path would be very interesting.
Kristen: In today's society people are afraid to be their own unique self because of the standards society places on them. What people don't understand is that to separate yourself from others, you need to be your authentic self. When you are innovative and unique, you will notice the shift in persona. This creates the diversity the world needs instead of being cookie cutter and boring. My time in college has allowed me to break my mold and try things outside my comfort zone.
Step 5: 1/2/3
Adel: Thinking
Quasia: Intrapreneurship
Kristen: Authentic
Step 6: A/B
Adel: Diversity / Structure
Quasia: New / Success
Kristen: Space / Design
Step 7: Word Pool
Diversity: Variety, mix, range, array, medley
Structure: formation, composition, form, fabric
New: Fresh, authentic, problem solving
Success: achievement, competitive advantage, goals
Space: area, location, range, zone, tract
Design: idea, plan, pattern, picture, scheme
Step 8: Joint Structure
Adel: The medley of my routine has a very strict form.
Quasia: Fresh ideas keep a society youthful
Kristen: The range of your ideas is your capability
Step 9: Felt Experience
Adel: Now in days, jobs are looking for people with a mix in who they are. Due to the fact that innovation has no boundaries, there is a vast array of people involved. The composition of one idea could be interpreted in many different ways.
Quasia: As I begin my job search, I realize that the competition rewards those who think outside the box. Abstract thinkers are the ones who have the tendency to appeal the most for these positions. This is a great skill to have and wish to embody.
Kristen: Society sets all these standards but also praises those outside that range. If your idea or picture is fresh and new, people are more intrigued but not everyone branches out because of the fear of disapproval.
Step 10: 1/2/3
Kristen - Enlightening
Quasia - Different
Myself - Creative
Adel: Boundaries
Myself: Abstract
Kristen: Uncommon
Myself: Intriguing
Adel: Array
Quasia: Appealing
Step 11: Insight & Realization
Adel: My experiences have allowed me to become comfortable in being different. Innovation and diversity is something that comes natural to me so it is very easy for me to work with other people and be open to new ideas.
Quasia: I think Adel brought up a great point when she said that innovation and diversity are something she’s comfortable with, which allows her to easily stay open minded. I love this idea of staying open minded because this is where creativity comes into play. Whether or not one agrees with the suggestions of other, hearing the perspectives can change the game.
Kristen: This course has allowed me to make that shift and explore. By being yourself, your product will be more authentic and real capturing more from those around. Innovation is a continuing cycle that benefits when society is more unique.
Adel: Unique Innovative Capabilities
The ability of a firm to transform an idea into something new which carries an economic value.
In terms of society, it’s unique innovative capabilities depict how well it is able to create new and never been done solutions to everyday problems..
Unique: existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics
Innovative: tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different
Capabilities: the quality of being capable; capacity; ability
Step 2: Word Pool
Unique - Different, Intricate, Special
Innovative - Idea, Adaptive, Branch,
Capabilities - Ability, Will, Achieve
Unique:distinctive, individual, special, quirky, eccentric, unrepeated
Innovative: introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking
Capabilities: ability, capacity, power, potential, potentiality, competence, proficiency, accomplishment
Unique: different, uncommon, rare, exclusive, strange, extraordinary, standout, matchless
Innovative: original, new, creative, ingenious, imaginative, authentic
Capabilities: capacity, potential, power, means, efficiency, potency, qualification
Step 3: Restructuring
Unique - Every person has an intricate way of telling stories
Innovative - In our current generation it is not hard to be innovative
Capabilities - Everyone in the world has the ability to sing because everyone has a tone.
Unique: Different and valued
Innovative: Fresh and disruptive
Capabilities: skill and knowledge
Unique: Exclusive
Innovative: Authentic
Capabilities: Potential
Step 4: Felt Experience
Adel: My felt experience in regards to this concept reminds me of the world today. In this day in age it is so easy to be innovative. Our society has created so much space for our people today to be able to think outside the box and has been pushing the idea of innovation on the forefront. Diversity is one way of creating a pool of innovation and a lot of people have been interested in the idea of collaboration more than ever.
Quasia: This topic is one that resonates with one of my interests. Throughout my college experiences, I’ve taken a diverse load of business courses. Most recently, I took BUS 149 which is an innovation and design class. This introduced me to the idea of intrapreneurship is a parallel to entrepreneurship but for existing organizations. This idea describes the act of bringing new and innovative ideas to successful and already flourishing companies to keep them in competition with newer ventures. This is very interesting to me and I think a career somewhere along that path would be very interesting.
Kristen: In today's society people are afraid to be their own unique self because of the standards society places on them. What people don't understand is that to separate yourself from others, you need to be your authentic self. When you are innovative and unique, you will notice the shift in persona. This creates the diversity the world needs instead of being cookie cutter and boring. My time in college has allowed me to break my mold and try things outside my comfort zone.
Step 5: 1/2/3
Adel: Thinking
Quasia: Intrapreneurship
Kristen: Authentic
Step 6: A/B
Adel: Diversity / Structure
Quasia: New / Success
Kristen: Space / Design
Step 7: Word Pool
Diversity: Variety, mix, range, array, medley
Structure: formation, composition, form, fabric
New: Fresh, authentic, problem solving
Success: achievement, competitive advantage, goals
Space: area, location, range, zone, tract
Design: idea, plan, pattern, picture, scheme
Step 8: Joint Structure
Adel: The medley of my routine has a very strict form.
Quasia: Fresh ideas keep a society youthful
Kristen: The range of your ideas is your capability
Step 9: Felt Experience
Adel: Now in days, jobs are looking for people with a mix in who they are. Due to the fact that innovation has no boundaries, there is a vast array of people involved. The composition of one idea could be interpreted in many different ways.
Quasia: As I begin my job search, I realize that the competition rewards those who think outside the box. Abstract thinkers are the ones who have the tendency to appeal the most for these positions. This is a great skill to have and wish to embody.
Kristen: Society sets all these standards but also praises those outside that range. If your idea or picture is fresh and new, people are more intrigued but not everyone branches out because of the fear of disapproval.
Step 10: 1/2/3
Kristen - Enlightening
Quasia - Different
Myself - Creative
Adel: Boundaries
Myself: Abstract
Kristen: Uncommon
Myself: Intriguing
Adel: Array
Quasia: Appealing
Step 11: Insight & Realization
Adel: My experiences have allowed me to become comfortable in being different. Innovation and diversity is something that comes natural to me so it is very easy for me to work with other people and be open to new ideas.
Quasia: I think Adel brought up a great point when she said that innovation and diversity are something she’s comfortable with, which allows her to easily stay open minded. I love this idea of staying open minded because this is where creativity comes into play. Whether or not one agrees with the suggestions of other, hearing the perspectives can change the game.
Kristen: This course has allowed me to make that shift and explore. By being yourself, your product will be more authentic and real capturing more from those around. Innovation is a continuing cycle that benefits when society is more unique.