Response to Letters: Making Space

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Response to Letters: Making Space

Post by darlinggarcia » 23 Sep 2019, 13:47

A cycle is being created through us evoking our emotions. As you said, our emotions are evoked by text and images, which then affects our drive. Through every action, this cycle is behind it. The types of emotions evoked will definitely have the largest factor on what type of society we shall become.

Moreover, the presence of the internet has a large affect on us as well. With the fishbowl, we will be able to reflect on every action and what emotions led us to it.


FOCUS- pay particular attention to
EVOKE- put one in conscious mind
CONTEMPLATE- think profoundly about/ponder
DIFFERENCE- way in which individuals/things are not alike
MAKING- the process of producing something
DESIGNING- doing something with a specific intention in mind
SPACE- a continuous area or the dimensions of height, depth, and. width in which all exist and move
SOCIAL - needing companionship
INNOVATIVE- introducing new, original, and creative ideas in thinking
Last edited by darlinggarcia on 23 Sep 2019, 14:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Response to Letters: Making Space

Post by darlinggarcia » 23 Sep 2019, 14:13

10 Phrases:

1. "Virtual Reality has actually allowed us to become part of the world we make."
2. "The reason why we can perceive depth so well is because of our two eyes."
3. "Although you can't tell, each of our two eyes sees the world in different ways; this small difference makes all the difference."
4. "Mistakes are life threatening and learning is much more easier and much less stressful."
5. "Someone who struggles to speak in front of large audiences can use virtual reality environments to train themselves for situations in the real world."
6. "Virtual reality allows us to do things we can not do in reality."
7. "As virtual reality continues to improve, these simulations will continue to get closer and closer to mimicking reality as we know it."
8. "Virtual reality is still a rather new idea and is just starting to now be executed, and eventually your brain will be tricked into believing that every smell, touch, or taste will be real."
9. "Although the human brain is smart and extremely attentive to detail, it is pretty easy to trick."
10. "Dreaming is one of the things that makes humans so incredible, our brains can create such deep and realistic stories from our memory, these dream stories have sponsored the greatest forms of entertainment and our even accountable for some of the biggest theories of our universe, and for all we could know our dreams could be limitless."

REFLECT- think deeply and carefully about
REPEAT- say/do the same thing again
PHRASE- small group of words constructed as a conceptual unit
SELECT- carefully choosing the most suitable thing

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Re: Response to Letters: Restructuring Text

Post by darlinggarcia » 24 Sep 2019, 09:31

With the fishbowl, we are able to reflect meaning we are creating value. Allowing ourselves to share helps us build a society. With the sharing process, we are able to restructure our words, while heavily influencing our perspective on the world.

Don Schon: The Reflective Practitioner: "Reflective practice is a dialogue of thinking and doing which I become more skillful."
"Our bias towards thinking blinds us to the non-logical processes which are omnipresent in effective practice."

RE-STRUCTURE- convert and organize differently
CREATE- bring something into existence
VALUE- one's judgement of what is important in life
SHARE- give a portion of something to another/others
PROCESS- series of actions taken to achieve a particular end
REFLECTION- serious thought
SOLITUDE- the state of being alone
LEARNING- gaining knowledge through experience, being taught, or studying

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Re: Response to Letters: Sharing What We See When We

Post by darlinggarcia » 24 Sep 2019, 10:20

Dr. Dugal's words do not always mean what you think they mean. He uses the internet as a scene where he builds upon our hub. His usage of syntaxes cause one to pause and think. These letters force us grow into or become part of the society we are building. Everything we put down in the fishbowl is relevant to our connection, not as a class, rather as a society.

Giles Deleuze- considered himself an empiricist and a vitalist
In becoming one piece of the assemblage is drawn into the territory of another piece, changing its value as an element and bringing about a new unity.


THEATRE- area in which something happens
METAPHOR- figure of speech in which a phrase is applied to an object to which it is not literally applicable
SEE- perceive with the eyes
IMAGE- a visible representation

MOVE- go in specified direction
PLAY- engage in activity
FRAME- a structure that underlies/supports a system/concept/text
STRUCTURE- arrangement between elements of something complex
SCENE- a place where an incident in real life/fiction occurs

ACROSS- expressing movement over a place
AISLE- a passage between rows

SYNTAX- arrangement of words & phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language

RELEVANT- appropriate to what is being done/considered

READING- looking and comprehending the written/printed matter by mentally interpreting the symbols expressed
INTERPRET- understanding the meaning of words/info
PROCESS- series of actions taken in order to achieve a particular end
HUB- effective center of a region/network
NETWORK- system of interconnected people/things
BECOME- grow into
SINGULARITY- state of being different
DIFFERENCE- point at which people/things are not same
CONNECT- bring together
DESTINY- events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future

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Re: Response to Letters: Question

Post by darlinggarcia » 24 Sep 2019, 10:25

Thank you for explaining what we are to do with Fishbowl. Moreover, I appreciate that you do not see our questions as a bother.


Raised- elevated to a higher level
Shared- distributed something with others
Right- justified
Moment- an exact point in time

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Re: Response to Letters: Simulating a Society

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 09:58

Simulation is viewed as a controversial method, but most new scientific methods or even technology are usually judged. In a way fishbowl is a simulation as it allows us to put things out in the open just as "virtual reality allows us to do things we cannot do in reality." Overtime, simulation will become a norm, and it will be interesting to see the improvements and how we as a society can contribute to it.


PLATFORM- an opportunity to voice one's views/take action
MOMENTOUS- decision of great important
FORMATION- the action of developing
DRAMATIC- person intending to create a striking effect
TRANSFORM- make a thorough change in form/character
UNDERSTANDING- the ability to apprehend something
MAPPING- operation associating each element of a given set
SIMULATE- imitate the character

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Re: Response to Letters: Reading the Other's Postings

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 10:07

At first, I was only reading the Fishbowl to see whether my responses and notes were efficient enough. However, that quickly changed upon reading different classmates responses as we all have different thoughts and writing styles. This helps with sharpening my reading skills. In addition, the more immersed I become, I hope to be able to gather a stronger reflection method while adding on to my knowledge.


IMMERSE- involve oneself deeply in a particular activity
DEEP- very intense
UNDERSTANDING- the ability to comprehend something
MODE- a way in which something occurs
READING- looking and comprehending the meaning of written/printed matter through mentally interpreting the symbols

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Re: Response to Letters: New Forms of Intimacy and Friendship

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 10:25

Anthony Giddens: “When the image of Nelson Mandela may be more familiar to us than the face of our next-door neighbor, something has changed in the nature of our everyday experience.”

As Giddens says, these transformations are occurring everywhere, especially with the aid of the internet and improved technology. We are more intimate over technology rather than in person. I believe with the social meeting exercise, we can challenge this; especially since most group exercises are done through technology, so this will be a nice change.


INTIMACY- close familiarity
AGENCY- action
EMOTION- a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
CREATIVITY- use of imagination/original ideas for production
FORM- a particular way in which a thing exists/appearsFRIENDSHIP- state of trust & support between people

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Re: Response to Letters: Theory of Assemblages

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 10:43

Deleuze and Guattari and Assemblage Theory - Relationships are formed through the processes of coding, stratification, and territorialization.

Manuel DeLanda - Through case studies, DeLanda showed how the assemblage theory carried real power as it can be applied to economic, linguistic, and military history.

How Megacities are Changing the Map of the World: "The global connectivity revolution, in all of its forms -- transportation, energy and communications -- has enabled such a quantum leap in the mobility of people, of goods, of resources, of knowledge, such that we can no longer even think of geography as distinct from it. In fact, I view the two forces as fusing together into what I call "connectography." 

Mapping the Future of Countries: "Geopolitics is a very unsentimental discipline. It's constantly morphing and changing the world, like climate change. And like our relationship with the ecosystem we're always searching for equilibrium in how we divide ourselves across the planet. Now we fear changes on the map. We fear civil wars, death tolls, having to learn the names of new countries. But I believe that the inertia of the existing borders that we have today is far worse and far more violent. "

Its interesting to see how Khanna supports the relationship of connectivity and geology. With the internet, we have gained a lot from, but we have also used it as a border to separate ourselves from each other. If we learn to use the internet as an advantage rather as protection, we can form everlasting more personal connections. In a way the social exercise shall help us, maybe we will form those connections but we have to give up that worry that differences are why we should hide in solitude.


SOCIAL- companionship
ONTOLOGY- set of concepts in a subject area that shows their properties and the relations between them
AUTONOMY- the capacity to act in accordance with objective morality
ENTITY- existence
ASSEMBLAGE- gathering of people
FLOW- proceed continuously

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Re: Response to Letters: Reassembling the Social

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 10:52

I do not think I have revealed myself enough, but with time and practice, the fishbowl will help me fully emerge myself. With these letters, I have been able to isolate what's the most important to reflect upon.

Rabindranath Tagore- He was the first non-European awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1913. He introduced the use of colloquial language into Bengali literature.


SIFT- examine thoroughly to isolate the most important
SORT- resolve a problem
SELECT- carefully choose the most important
ASSEMBLE- bring people together for a purpose
ASSOCIATE- connect with something else in one's mind
EMERGE- become apparent
ENTER- begin to be involved in
REVEAL- make known to others

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Re: Response to Letters: Why We Teach Each Other

Post by darlinggarcia » 25 Sep 2019, 11:05

In this article, there were three quotes that spoke out the most to me.

1. "General education, or the core, is at the heart of any university’s mission. Students may major in dozens of different things, but they are supposed to emerge from a university education with a shared core, a general body of intellectual, ethical and cultural knowledge that will guide them even if they change careers."

When I was doing my general education courses, I was seeking and selecting the most easy ones as I was not that interested in them. Sadly, it was not until my junior year that I took a calculus course, which I actually enjoyed. General education is actually important, it helps create intellect within a student. I found myself emerged in calculus while gaining. knowledge. With my last semester, I am able to take free electives, and I think it will be more math classes.

2. "One of the most basic challenges of any other general education course is to speak to others who are not like us, whether we are professors or students."

General education classes help build on connectivity. They help assemble us with people who we would initially not have thought about as potential friends or even mentors (professors).

3. "With their perpetual youth, innocence, hope and idealism, they instruct me to believe that the world can actually be changed. Even as these students are conflicted with real anxieties about their futures and their personal problems, their existence reminds me of my most basic function at the university: to teach. Bad teachers waste lives and time, their own and those of their students. Good teachers competently teach their subjects. Great teachers give something from deep inside of themselves. I expect to be a good teacher."

A great teacher is well separated from a bad teacher. A great teacher allows their students to teach them as they teach, while a bad teacher wastes time. With a great professor, you are able to construct more knowledge and build a network.

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Re: Response to Letters: Meeting Once Again

Post by darlinggarcia » 08 Oct 2019, 11:15

Being able to identify the faces in my group has enabled me to learn more expressions and add it to my own identity. I hope with the aid of my teammates we can subject ourselves to connectivity.

management of aesthetics of story telling:
1. felt meaning from abductive reasoning
2. characterized by feelings of connectedness
3. enjoyed for its own sake-supply criteria for identifying store quality & suggest how to make stories more effective

AESTHETICS- set of principles concerned with appreciation of beauty
ABSTRACTION- freedom of representational qualities
APHORISM- pithy observation
AXIOM- statement regarded as being self-evidently true

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