Class 1 Notes

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Class 1 Notes

Post by darlinggarcia » 23 Sep 2019, 13:32


"I'm looking at you, looking at me, looking at you."
Don't blink and your learning will be extraordinary
*Use fat dictionary: American Heritage 5th Dictionary*
Gilbert Simondon (Google name & find a phrase)
Phrase: Simondon thus inscribes himself in the movement of utopic socialism.
Depicts individual as a process through individuation rather than as fixed entity.
Anthony Gidden' Structuration Theory - duality of structure
Using imagination & putting it out there is done through felt experience
In the past change was needed, in the present, need to be in touch with images
How you see the world = image in the mind
To form society, need to share felt experience
We're learning one word at a time, how to create word structure (sentence), and sharing images our words evoke = becoming a society
You can get anything you want by creating a society/reality through words and images
Always clarify & use words selectively

Vocabulary & Definitions:

Sociality - degree to which individuals in a population form cooperative social groups

Individuate (Gilbert Simondon) - distinguish from others of the same kind

Social Reflexivity (Anthony Gidden) - circular relationships between cause and effect, especially as embedded in human belief structures

Derrida Deconstruction - questioning differences through close examination of the language and logic of philosophical and literary texts

Activity - things being done by a person or group

Learning - obtaining knowledge/skills by experience or being taught

Society - organization of individuals living together in a more or less ordered community

Unabated - no change in intensity/strength

Archive - collection of records providing information

Reflection - serious thought/consideration

Flow - action of moving along in a steady and continuous movement
Last edited by darlinggarcia on 30 Nov 2019, 00:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 9/17/2019 Notes/Vocab

Post by darlinggarcia » 24 Sep 2019, 09:45

maximizing your money
when you enter fishbowl, you're entering the gymnasium where you're exercising your mind
you're working with yourself
eyes, words, mind <- three things
if the letters are piling up, drop them, has our back
not you vs me, trying to form society

he's creating a society, showing how to build a society, trying to end up the same

learning to connect w each other
connectivity is big

starting with email, making a commitment to read each others every text
connection w other people will happen in our head
happens through exchange of symbols

getting into everything a deeper way

lead symbolic lives -> textual lives -> life of words (nothing exists out of words, limited vocab = limited life)

add value to group = carefully selecting words and underlining sections

trying to put us in dictionary

change the way we think - > only i can testify to this change

restructuring creates value
learning how to restructure

when putting notes, hit reply to initial post

you're not doing this for professor, doing this for creating knowledge
every time you put things into divisions and subdivisions, you're creating knowledge

knowledge is not something out there/trying to figure out, rather creating our own experience where we create life & sustaining each others lives
taking care of ea other by adding interaction (always in the head, so even when working alone doing it from p.o.v that group members benefit from it)

distraction = not slowing down, not focusing, not selecting words nor substituting them to create value

entering fishbowl, stop yourself, remind yourself that you're entering to create value, then continue

remind yourself

reason why people tell you a reminder is so that you don't forget

if you're doing it for the grade, then you're wasting time

come a long way from how to react

our differences realized in our mental structures & we want to get at that
determined by our selections of words, differences in the words we selected
trying to connect differences

playing a word game

developing your own fishbowl

always ask "how so"

have to immerse yourself
even if appear same, still different
your difference is everything

-cancelled class nxt week, would like for us to meet, social exercise
1. preindividual - writing notes before meeting (feelings with regard to meeting, entering meeting with this in mind)
2. arrive to meeting, open ended, chatting about everything and anything except sanjiv and class
3. immediately sitting after and reflecting on what happened in convo & physical, emphasizing convo
4. looking at notes & circling 6 words with keeping in mind that a word is symbol, concept, phenomenon
5. pairing 6 words up into three pairs, making 3 dichotomies (when two words not related to each other, not adjectives, have to be opposites)
6. taking meaning of those words further, go to dictionary, get a further collection of words, and creating a simple sentence (3 total sentences)
7. under ea sentence, write a short paragraph describing social meeting (paragraph should fit with this sentence, sentence is abstract)
8. writing about social meeting but making it into a fit and tweaking it

give him 3 paragraphs, 3 dichotomies, 6 words, notes can be attached

"creating history as possibility"
Paulo Freire- “If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed” 

you don't want to copy someone else, you want to experience it, experience the connectivity, experience the things for yourself
not copying the other person, looking for differences
that person is not better than me, rather different than me, look for the differences

Focus- pay particular attention to

Distraction- extreme agitation of the mind/emotions

Nuance- subtle difference in or share of meaning

Aghast- filled with horror

Connectivity- the state of being brought together

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Re: 10/1 Class Notes

Post by darlinggarcia » 03 Oct 2019, 14:25

not strict about deadline
don't feel guilty in regard to Sanjiv about missing deadline/not doing at all; rather feel guilty to teammates

class said social exercise was:
easy to communicate

course not meant to be hard
you're doing something wrong if this class seems hard
see him if you think you're doing it wrong
entering the unknown (internet), cant comprehend it as its huge, enormous
take one step in, determine that step; more like determining your structure (words, sentence) and then entering the market

generally will not take time off from emailing
meeting is not as important as writing to us
make sure to always read those emails well, make sure you're googling what he labels to google

learning to construct meaning
not searching for truth of letter, rather constructing meeting for myself, & learning how to do that
approach quite simple: deconstruction
taking each word and going into the dictionary to view options to substitute that word, with this you're reframing the sentence

show how you innovate

only innovate if you're open to different ideas/words/substituted words

word is also a symbol
what is your text symbolic of means selecting a word of your text and saying that this is what my text symbolizes and developing it further
action is in the typing and head

intersubjective spaces
ask for spelling if needed

selected words are making an impact to the group
by creating that intersubjective space, we're looking at one another as symbols, creating a symbolic space
eyes looking at eyes

we're learning nonlinear thinking, not about being confused, rather ways on how our mind is thinking while showing it
we are craftsman of words
critical making
critical thinking means different thinking
linear thinking does not allow for other ideas

working to be a phenomenologist

not enough to say it's interesting, minute we see something confusing, we're deconstructing it, sharing how we see it

always sharing how we see it & our point of view: deprived from selected word/symbol
knowledgeable economy- exchange of info & ownership of your text is key currency to make you rich
your words change reality
learning through association= contemplation
always use dictionary = way we enter the world

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Re: 10/9 Class

Post by darlinggarcia » 09 Oct 2019, 20:22

2 levels:
Class = universe
Each group = another social

creating a social w/in a context by looking at global situation
diversity helps; answer to productivity & success
Bartlett & Ghosal did research on global businesses: 4 factors develop knowledge & knowing each of 4 factors of a successful global business

intergraded networking structures- taking meanings of vocab words again & again

1. opening structure
a. intergrading network structures
b. entering the unknown without structure
2. gathering words (word pool)
a. going to dictionary, bigger the dictionary, better it is
b. more what you write down, the more words
3. restructuring (rewriting the sentence)
a. starting selection
b. substituting to make it very simple
c. use all 3 concepts
d. this is an abstraction
i. if having a difficulty:
1) write it all out (show iteration)
2) let it all go; bring it down
3) three words into relationship with each other
4. bring in the first person
a. describing an incident
b. felt experience
c. explaining incident
d. coming from your memory
e. its experiential
f. it'll take interpreting, imagining, visualizing, but must be grounded in your knowledge
g. must fit with three
5. start an interaction (need group members)
a. read each other's and give a perceptual category
b. reductionist technique, perceptual category, interpretation of force
c. don't want to be told what you think
d. have 9 words
6. jointly determining which two words form dichotomy (unrelated words)
7. word pool for the 2 words in the dichotomy
8. creating a joint structure
a. create own structures
b. share them
c. edit to come to final one
9. felt experience
10. perceptual categories
11. insight & realization

Relation: way in which 2 or more concepts/objects/people are connected

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Re: 10/22 Notes

Post by darlinggarcia » 29 Oct 2019, 12:02

we want to catch up so we can move on

Not about the #; rather learning to learn

Shift attention in this course
things we're attending to are very different

w/ real world, you're creating knowledge on your own

Trying to create meaning from texts & images

Creating social organization and creating a society between the our groups
Learning to create a better society by sharing your knowledge, self- reflection
ask yourself, "what goes through your mind in words and symbols," as that's what you want to share.

Participant observation
symbolic interaction
action research

Look at diversity differently & our differences in the symbols we create

"We're all footnotes, but we're in the center in the page"

Learning to empower your text; create value through words

Enhancing each other

Can't be innovative if don't know how to make dichotomy

The journey is inwards

Self-organization = the work is never finished

Peter Senge: 5 disciplines of learning organizations

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Re: 10/29 Notes

Post by darlingg1998 » 05 Nov 2019, 11:26

we live in a liquid society.
not helping each other; rather enhancing one another.
fishbowl = reflections of who I am & who I want to become
learning to theorize; nothing exists w/out theory.

Word work is sublime
it makes meaning on our differences

if you don't see connection w/ homework, go home and figure it out

social space of virtual reality
belonging to social spaces of virtual reality

internet is the backbone of networking
Computer Mediated Connection
Business in society placed in fishbowl & transformation
individualism & fragmentation of society
10 steps is a way of seeing & being in the world

you represent history, I represent history
you represent possibilities.

all about learning from day 1.
leader today is a teacher as well.

Complex adaptive systems (due tuesday)
Dynamic decision making.
Unique innovative capabilities.

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Re: 11/5/19

Post by darlinggarcia » 19 Nov 2019, 09:52

back papers with feedback today
next paper, will be due next class instead

empower text
- don't cut yourself short
-revisit what you write

Self-reflection based on examples
moments are fragile
shifts take place in your perception
No theory

Learning in leaps and bounds; the structures so far are great
Deep learning; Deep thinking; Pulling out sentences about these words
Anecdotal Theory
Reflexive Leadership

Abstract Expressionism
captured & configured spontaneously
Freedom and individuality
Not philosophical - papers are action oriented
Representing your singularity - you, we, become the multitude
Change the way you think by going into your inner self
journey is inward
The process of this = product
Layers of depth in our paper
selling our process.

When reading our papers all over the place w/ compositions
no clear focus points.
paradox = only we could have written what we have written, though deconstructing words (felt experiences empower you and your text)
anyone can do it

Action learning, Action Writing
Performative Writing

writing directly from our unconscious
revealing truths

paper = signature technique
videos about Jackson Polluck

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11/19 Notes

Post by darlinggarcia » 27 Nov 2019, 23:04

4 papers:
Integrated networking structures
Complex adaptive systems
Dynamic decision making
Unique innovative capabilities
When completed = pretty much done with semester

Grades - everything needs to be posted in the Fishbowl.
When re-reading, Sanjiv will remember our stories from when we handed in paper copies
Most people fall into the B+/A- range
Only those with As get a letter of recommendation

****Every letter is a feedback to you

"How so?" = question for deep thinking
can change audience's life through your anecdotes
Forces us to use deep thinking
To do deep thinking is an effort
never comes easy for anyone

No prior group work assignments for the felt experiences

It's good not to miss class
Otherwise not in touch with class &become stressed
Always keep reading the letters
At end, we will look at the quality of the letters and the dates posted when grading

Sanjiv afraid we're not getting along - in teams especially important
If team is not getting along, deep thinking will not happen
For team to be effective, must be cohesive & work together

Who to keep out of the authorship of the papers determined by looking at attendance and Fishbowl
paper is due Jan. 7th - Sanjiv has to figure authorship by then
Our names will show up on paper

Going over the abstract - it is like an overview of what we've done in class
Engaging w/ outside world to post it to inside world
Expression: to construct meaning & expression takes knowledge
Promote each other's self work
Enhance meaning in group

Orgs have learned linear thinking is better than using # to predict performance
Functioning in a team at high level = bigger accomplishment than anything we have done individually

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Re:12/10 Notes

Post by darlinggarcia » 15 Dec 2019, 02:47

pull out the 10+1's: integrated network structures, complex adaptive system, dynamic decision making, & unique innovative systems
how did we experience
take the selfie 
pull out paragraphs of own text
1 min each group member

can do textual rather
Final due 12/17 at 2 pm
Everything else due 12/17 at 11 am

global phenomenon
interaction in fishbowl & with one another in groups 
share story with our felt experience 
this corresponds to all 4 of the 10+1 steps

written option => 3 pages:
global phenomenon 
looking back our experiences & adding value to it 
reflecting on DOING the 4 things (NOT WHAT THEY ARE)
post at 2 pm on 12/17 not before

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