Class 1 Notes / Vocab

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Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 17 Sep 2019, 11:31

Im looking at you looking at me look at you.

- the degree to which individuals in an animal population tend to associate in social groups (gregariousness) and form cooperative societies. Sociality is a survival response to evolutionary pressures.

USe library dictionary
- copy from dictionary

required to take notes

- describes the manner in which a thing is identified as distinguished from other things.

- serious thought or consideration about, past or recent events or outcomes

How you see the world; what is the image in your mind

Flow- of information, images, feelings, experiences, words

To form a society, past experiences must be shared

Learning one word at a time

Learning how to structure our words

Sharing the images that our words evoke

- a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language which emphasizes the internal workings of language and conceptual systems, the relational quality of meaning, and the assumptions implicit in forms of expression.

*Social Reflexivity*
- circular relationships between cause and effect, especially as embedded in human belief structures

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 17:57

Getting used to fishbowl
Pay attention to Sanjiv’s letters for 345
Maximize results by reading the 400 level class letters
Like a gymnasium, want to be exercising with everyone
Eyes, yourself, and the words you’re typing
Put grading and behind-ness in the back of your mind and focus on reflection

Connectivity is key
Start with connecting with the people in your group and professor
I am making a commitment to read every text of my group member
Connection with other people will happen in my head, through the exchange of symbols
Then connecting with the class
Then connecting with the other class

Lead symbolic lives
Lead lives of words
Limited vocabulary = limited world
Writing your words for the sake of the group, to add value to the group
Carefully selecting words
Wants us to change the way we think, it’s going to take words
To get an A, you must be active in the Fishbowl
Restructuring creates value

Our fishbowl posts will be under the 6 categories that we are creating

Notes are your negotiation during an interview
Not making these notes or google searches for Professor Dugal but for ourself
Every time you put things in divisions or subdivisions, you are creating knowledge
This knowledge is created for yourself
Creating your own reality and your own sociality, sustaining each other’s life
The interaction is always in the head

Distraction means I am not slowing down, focusing, or selecting my words nor substituting them to create value
If we put the screens down for a week, we will feel like we are walking on air, remind ourselves of the purpose
Through the exchange of text, we have created an entirely new market
Figure out what creates value for people and provide it

Know how to address anything that anyone says
Empathy on the spot
We are trained to have empathy at a young age
Talking about difference and how we are different
Our differences are realized in our mental structures and we want to get at that
These differences are determined by the selection of our words
Connect across these differences

Need a physical dictionary

What are integrated networking structures?
Professor Dugal spends the day thinking about the letter and emails it to us in the following mornings
Key question to raise through the semester is “How So?”


The network is about us and how we interact with the other people in our society

CANCEL TUESDAY’S CLASS TO MEET SOCIALLY, wants us to get a drink if we are 21+
Social meeting exercise
1. Pre-Individual
Writing out your notes before the meeting (excitement, nervous, feelings)
Ethno-graphic notes (private notes)
Taking about everything except this class or Sanjiv
2. Immediate departure notes
Write out everything that happened in conversation and emphasize the conversation immediately upon departure
3. Circle 6 words
A word is a concept and a symbol
4. Pairing the words into 3 pairs
A slash between two words
5. Dichotomy
The two words in the pair are not related to each other at all, need to be opposites
6. Taking the meaning of the words even further
Take to the dictionary and get a better understanding of the words
Create a simple sentence from the words we have
3 sentences in total
Under each sentence, write a paragraph that describes the social meeting, the paragraph needs to relate to the sentence
Remit the name of the restaurant and the names of the people?

The rest of the semester will be creating dichotomy’s

“Creating History as Possibility” – Paolo Ferreira (GOOGLE HIM)

Don’t want to copy someone else but want to experience it yourself
Want to experience networking and social connectivity
Look for difference

Process vs. Theory
Just absorb it and do what is required

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 17:57

Join a professional society.
Don't let your groupmates down.
Keep up with the posts in Fishbowl.
"eat your vegetables every day, not in the last 3 days; same goes for Fishbowl letters and responses,"
Don't feel guilty to Professor Dugal, feel guilty to your group members if you are behind on your letters.
Select one word to describe how events transpired.

We are entering the unknown (the internet) and we can't comprehend it.
Take one step in and determine what your steps will be.
At the end of the class, we will have accomplished a lot.

Write responses to his letters to get an A

Have to be able to determine what the opening statement means.
"Learning to construct meaning,"
Constructing meaning for yourself, not trying to figure out what the author is saying; more personal and subjective.
Students at URI made presentations but they didn't know what it meant, that's why JWU had a higher hire rate for specific occupations.
Deconstruction, Derrida
Take each word, especially the difficult ones, take to the dictionary and replace that word with options in the dictionary.
'Reframe' the sentence
Take a policy/sentence and restructure it.
One substituted word can make the difference of $1,000,000 if your company changes pathways due to language.

We are all different from each other, our differences come from the words we choose to use.
INNOVATION, want to show how you are different
Can only innovate if you are open to different ideas, words, and substituted words.
Ideas, he's talking about my particular word.
Select a word from the text and explain the symbolism.

Social activity breaks the ice between the three of us.
Don't have to just stay within the group, can help friends that are not in our groups.

FRIENDSHIP, friends in the workplace
Work gets done much better and faster if you work with friends.
Will notice our group members from across the campus
"Intersubjective spaces"
Doing things for yourself
"selected words and symbols are making an IMPACT to the group,"
By creating the intersubjective space, you have things going on between each other, looking at each others symbols.
"eyes looking at eyes,"

Sanjiv works hard so that we are confused
Getting all of this information that will be added to our confusion
"Learning non-linear thinking,"
Not about being confused, but about thinking in ways that your mind thinks
"We are craftsman of our words,"
Critical making (different perspectives).
We don't want to have linear thinking, we want to be able to think in the ways others also think.
Working to be a phenomenologist, looking for and at phenomenon.
Not enough to just say "it's interesting" need to deconstruct more than that.
It all comes down to the words and symbols that you selected.

Professor Dugal gave us his annual review to read through.

Will always be asked to google names.
Don't give facts, pull out something that you want to associate with the person googled.

The more journal publications that Sanjiv has, he can demand higher salary rates.
We don't need to follow these journals in business.
We need to accomodate for the students because they are the future of economics.

Google Howard Rheingold, David Bohm, Bakhtin
We are learning to do performative writing "I DO"
go to:
Looking at your process and you're sharing so that it is useful to other people and particularly useful to your career.

First topic: Integrated Networking Structures
Then we will slowly work through the 10 step algorithm.

We are the center of the world, speak for ourselves, we own our texts
Want to get to the point where nobody can copy our words but instead write our words and have them cite us.
"in a knowledge economy, the exchange and ownership of information and text is what makes you rich,"

We give the instructions to the people stuck in the well, need to construct our words in understanding ways.
"want our words to change the reality,"
Do the vocabulary very carefully, add a personal touch to the definitions.
"learning through association," that is what contemplation is
Medidation is when thoughts keep coming and you remove them to keep the mind blank for a set time.
Contemplation is focusing on the words and focusing down, always use the dictionary (tool box).
Want to form a relation between two words that are substituted for other words in order to find a connection and a sentence which leads to abstraction.
Need to have a felt experience (a feeling that you experienced).
From a felt experience, you get confusion and then abstract from it to determine a feeling you are having about the experience.
Proceeding upside down.

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 17:58

Words are of importance
Keep up with the class work to fall in the A range
Make changes that are suggested to get an A-
Find one person in the class to keep up on, we want to “stalk” their Fishbowl and model ours off of theirs
Our group of 3 is interacting in a CONTEXT (Google)
Creating a social at these two levels within a context.
Diversity in your groups helps, diverse groups will overcome non-diverse groups

Transnational corporations (global businesses), Bartlett and Ghosal.
We will develop a KNOWLEDGE and a KNOWING of each of the 4 factors of a successful global business as determined by Bartlett and Ghosal

1. Integrated networking structures
Professor Dugal has 12 dictionaries all around the house, his grandfather made him get the dictionary whenever he didn’t know the definition of a word

Fishbowl 10+1 Steps
1. Opening structure
integrated networking structure.
You're entering the unknown with a given structure
We are never without a structure - born with DNA structure

2. Gathering Words
Word pool
The bigger the dictionary, the better
Carefully writing the words down. The more you write, the greater the opportunities

3. Re-Structure
Substituting words to make them as simple as possible while using all 3 concepts
You want your restructured sentence to be a good, simple one
Your development happens when you take the words further - it’s about the substitution, not the meaning.
An abstraction. 3 words in relation to each other. No people in it
You want to show your iteration. Don't delete anything
You want to be the teller and not the told, which you can only do when you know how to produce an abstract

4. First Person - "I"
"Where do I fit in this?"
It is your story. You're describing an incident, explaining it, it's coming from your memory. It's experiential because you experienced it.
If you can't match your experience to this step or step 3, the computer can basically do it for you
It takes a lot of thinking, interpretation, imagining, visualizing
It must be grounded in your own experience because you want to create knowledge and knowing

5. Starting Interaction - Perceptual category
with group members
Don’t feel guilty to professor Dugal, feel guilty to your group members if you keep them waiting
Perceptual category
reductionist technique - reducing to one symbol
We will each give 3 words for each structure/felt experience, 9 total
You only post once you've all done it
Don’t read what another student wrote for their word as it forces you to think a different way

6. Interactivity
which two words form a dichotomy out of the 9 words - form a sentence from them
dichotomy: the two words should be as unrelated as possible (red/pink vs. red/yellow)

7. word pool for the two dichotomous words
back to being on your own

8. create structure out of the word pool
Jointly with your group
create your own separate structures, rearrange, and communicate with the group to come up with a joint structure
Inflection point which is contingent upon the dichotomy you created

9. Felt Experience
on your own again

10. Perceptual categories
each group member leaves a word for each member's felt experience

11. Insight and Realization
this step will be explained once we get there

Dynamic decision making
Go slow and build upon things

abstract on friendship in the workplace
we are in a knowledge economy

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 17:59

Shooting for an A, Shooting for the Conference
Have to work at it daily
Have to show a prescence in the classroom and in the Fishbowl

"Catch up so we can Move on"
Not about numbers
Learning to learn

"Shift your attention in this course"
Things you attend to differentiate out

4 Components of a Successful Business:
Integrated Networking Structures
Complex Adaptive Systems
Dynamic Decision Making
Innovative Capabilities

When you're creating knowledge you are on your own
Creating something with the 10 steps
Creating a sociality, a social organization and understanding society
"Learning to create a better society"
"Sharing your knowing" - creating knowledge through self reflection
Self reflection is what goes through your mind as you look at a specific word, text, symbol, or image
Add value to the group
Doing this through:
-Social Constructivism (social construction of reality)
-Participant Observation
-Symbolic Interaction
-Action Research
-Auto Etonography - putting yourself in the center and looking at the connectiveness going through you (HUB)
See yourself as a hub
Always asked to work in teams, identify who is the team leader
The team leader is the one that will be up for promotion next year with a raise
Practicing being a team leader now
We are looking at each other digitally
"Looking at diversity differently, looking at the selection of symbols that we make"
That highlights the fact that we are all different and unique (Footnotes but at the center of the page)
In the group to add value to the group, this adds value to yourself and to the larger group

Have to bring the self-reflection up to par
HARDCOPY, this is an assignment?

Learning to empower your text
Learning to create value - organizing our words in a certain way
World wants to know about your felt-experiences
Everyone wants to hear about your experiences

Enhancing Each Other
Sentence structure you're creating is an abstract
Know how symbols interact with each other
Bringing it all to the forefront
Vocabulary is of utmost importance, throw in reflections
"The journey is inwards" - had to remove the textbook, we are learning to write a textbook
Has to do with the digital

Only give Professor Dugal a hard copy one time, shows our insecurities if we give a hard copy several times
We have to learn when to put the pen down
"Self-organization" that is the risk we are taking regarding our grades

4 opening structures:
- Integrated Networking Structures
1. read the structure
2. then create a word pool, substitute words
3. create pithy statements, will have 3 statements per group
4. reorganize the structure
5. share how the structure relates to you (Felt Experience should fit the abstraction) - writing poetry
6. read each others and give a word to describe your opinion on the post. Read your own post and sleep on it to give a good opinion on it
7. create the dichotomy (2 unlinked words) to create another pithy statement (together)
8. create another word pool to substitute the dichotomous words and take it further
9. Group pithy statements
10. This felt experience is individual but on the group abstract
11. Give the single words to each felt experience again
12. What insights do you have on the overall experience, pick out 2 or 3 words that you didn't think could be linked and realize what you did

Give a completed 10+1 step paper as a hardcopy to Professor Dugal
We cannot be dependent on affirmation for self content, we have to self reflect on our work to be content in it
Calibrating each others mind, it's meaningless without the felt experiences
We should give a felt experience to each letter and expand upon a word that we appreciate

Look on her face was aghast when told to retake the class
Morale of that story is to not say that we learned nothing, she did not retain the knowledge that was presented to us
We need to provide the evidence so that we can get a good grade

Peter Senge (GOOGLE HIM) - "The Laerning Organization" The Fifth Discipline
An idea is a word - Sanjiv told us that, always remember it. It can make the difference of a million dollars

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 17:59

Abstract Deadline Coming Up soon
Abstract will be good, bad, and ugly...we're talking about society
2 abstracts. Expected to get abstracted
3 men and 3 women from the class will get paid?
3 people share a room
Bring what you're doing and the way you're doing it
We are married for life, every time you type your name the group will come up

We want to talk about our hard copies at a professional level
The abstract is already done
Sanjiv will re-write the front page of the syllabus

We are taking precedent over the Dean's meeting

Taking notes
We can earn more money since we graduated with a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD
We want to talk to each other as equals
Want to enhance each other, not necessarily helping each other
Who we are is in our SINGULAR Fishbowl's
We all have our websites
The Fishbowl is a charactar of myself, a reflection of who you are and who you can become
Rooted in the felt experience
We are learning to theorize, nothing happens without theory
Have to identify what is the theory that drives decision making

"Word work is sublime because it is generated" from the syllabus
We belong to a Social Space of Visual Reality

FOCUS and CURIOUSITY can help to solve a problem faced about words
Learning how to be connected to text in a meaningful way
The internet is the backbone for communication
COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION (doing this with our google searches)

Individualization of Work and Fragmentation of Society
The network society and visual reality
A way of seeing and being in the world
We want to be reviewed by experts and our peers so we can get into grad school or into a job we want
Responsible for the text we put

We represent possibilities, Sanjiv represents history
Perspective is the distance to see the whole picture
We can only give perspective on what we have experiences
Sanjiv is full of perspective and we are full of opportunity

Communication technologies have changed, we are either with it or we are not and will fall behind
We want to use communication technologies to create value so we can make money
Taking our time on the 10 steps and sending it to the conference, spending money on it getting reviewed, they want to publish it and it is of value to them
Pursuing a career on learning and expanding our knowledge/understanding
It is all about learning from day 1
As graduates, we have to become a team leader
Leader is a teacher as well

We need to belong to each others social platforms

The individual value

We have done Integrated Networking Structures, next is "Complex Adaptive Systems" and then "Dynamic Decision Making" and then "Unique Innovative Capabilities"
These are the opening structures that we will use the 10+1 steps. These constitute 40% of our grade.
These are the characteristics of successful global businesses/organizations
The way we do business today
After finishing all 4, you have a general understanding of what these characteristics are and what they ENTAIL
We have the initial understanding of Integrated Networking Structures at this point
Finish these assignments as soon as we can
Start the other 2 as well

Put a felt experience in for each letter
Each response is between me and my group members


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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 18:00

Started off by passing back our group assignment for Interactive Networking Structures (10+1 steps)
Complex Adaptive Systems will not be due during this class

Showing up to class is important
We are all in the B+/A- range, it goes up depending on the Fishbowl

On the 10+1:
Self-reflections must have examples (DO NOT make examples on group exercises in other classes) - these must be individual examples
The examples are fragile moments that we have to be gentle with, the shifts are what we want to capture
Revisit our previous post and edit them to receive the higher grade
Don't just have theory like "We must . . . "
Structures are great
We should only have 1 sentence for all 3 words, not one per word.
Further you take the words, the simpler they become and the easier it will be for the Felt Experience to come up
Learning is proceeding in leaps and bounds, going for the anectodal stories
Learning to do deep thinking and deep learning (GOOGLE THESE TERMS)
Reflexive Leadership

Complex Adaptive Systems should be completed by next week with a hard copy
Complete the other 2 group assignments as soon as possible

Abstract Expressionism (GOOGLE)
We have captured and configured spontanity, did it very consciously
Performative Writing, we performed it when we acted on it
Started with an empty structure and started creating a painting on the canvas (our words on the paper)
Freedom and Individuality; we were free to select the words we wanted, it was an individual idea that we came up with
Developed individual styles
Papers are action oriented; not philosophical
Developing a form (structure) of writing; taking any form that you want, there isn't an overlying structure in reality
Our work is always appreciated
We aren't representing something else, representing something totally different than anything else
We are representing our singularity
The movement of ideas (trajectory) is happening through our subconscious, manifests from our psychy
Paper is the signature of our mind, an imprint
We are giving a prototype of how our mind works
"They didn't but you did"
I changed the way I think by going to my inner-self
If someone says they can do it too we say "but you didn't do it, I did it"
Going inwards and presenting it
Layers of depth in our papers, it looks like chaos
It is the outcome of a deliberate process
The process is the product
We are selling our process
We have all over the place compositions (GOOGLE COMPOSITIONS) without clear focus points, it has sweeping statements
The technique is simple, anyone can do it. The paradox is that only I could have made that paper (Individualistic)
Develop a process, take the business and impose the process on it. Seeing how the business reacts and what the outcome is
Our perception of the business takes a shift
Our privilidge is to deconstruct/destroy and say something that is our own property (ownership)
Our felt-experience will empower ourselves
Action Write - Action Learning - Performative Writing (GOOGLE THESE TERMS)
Our paper has a signature technique, it is our own paper with our name on it
Not looking for hidden messages, letting the viewer determine their own message
Sharing our technique and inviting our viewers to do the same, we learn off each other, GROUP VALUE

Jackson Pollock (GOOGLE) - played by Ed Harris
"You can't build Rome in a day"
He got right into the drawing after analyzing it for a while, we are doing the same with our postings in the Fishbowl
Sanjiv is checking in on us every day like how the woman checked in on Jackson after he created his masterpiece

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 18:00

The other 2 Group Assignments:
Try to finish these before Thanksgiving Break

The felt experience is where you empower your text.
1st round, we generalize it, this is more theory and less "I".
2nd round, you reread it, raise questions of "how so?". If the paragraph doesn't answer that, rewrite it.

We will fall into A, A-, B+, B.
The people that work hard get the A.
The people that do the work in the end get the A-.
The people that participate here and there get the B+.
The people that don't really care and are content will get a B.

We aren't expected to be geniuses in 3 months, we just want to prove that we are learning and retaining the knowledge.
We can meet Sanjiv and get feedback so that we can learn how to do it ourselves.
"Forcing us to use deepthinking".
To come up with the anecdote it requires deepthinking.

Don't make the subject of a felt experience on group assignments in a previous class.
Sports are a tough subject, we need to show HOW we came together as a team.
"Deepthinking requires effort".

The purpose of coming to class is to aleviate our stresses about the class.
The 2nd abstract is due in 2 days.
We have to read the letters and respond to them so that we know what is going on in the class.
Even if we are behind, we need to read the letters so we know what Sanjiv is talking about in the class.

If the company and the country you belong to are rich then you get to go to the conferences all expenses paid.
You could be a genius in a poor company or country and not make it to the conferences.

We should only have our names on the abstract if we can answer quizzes about the abstract itself.
We need to be able to explain what it is all about.
This makes ourself, Sanjiv, and the group look bad.

Accounting/finance people want to be told what to do and how to do it.
This class makes us think differently than how we are typically taught.
Offers great perspectives.
Working in teams is necessary, we have to function together.
Peter Senge's Learning Organization addresses what we are talking about.
If the team isn't getting along then forget the objectives because they will never be accomplished.

We need to have a consciousness about the unequalness.
There is always a fight for resources.
We know what is expected of us and we have the 10+1 algorithm so we know how to complete the rest of the class.

login username -
login password - 16e49
We want to show that we are in the process of building.
The 2nd abstracts title needs to be simplified: ENGAGEMENT and EXPRESSION for building meaningful knowledge content.
People tend to not take seriously the papers of undergrads

We went through the 2nd abstract and Sanjiv shared his thought process with us.
I can see the connectivity between the abstract and what we accomplished in the 10+1 assignments.

Nobody should end with less than a B+.
Sanjiv scaled back about 50% on the letters pushed, at the moment there are 70 letters.

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Re: Class 1 Notes / Vocab

Post by ericflynn » 16 Dec 2019, 18:01

This is the last class.
We are having a guest lecturer, Mike Troiano, speak to us. He is a filmmaker in Providence.
Mike owns Clearhead Films

We will be presenting 1 minute on our thought process, can relate to the Fishbowl
Go through the 10+1 steps and state when you felt each of the main topics
How did we experience each of the topics
Get together with the 3 members in the group
1 minute each describing thought process
Send it to mike @ to
Pull out paragraphs of our own text and send it in the email

This will be the final (this is optional, we have a choice on what final we want to do)
If you don't want to do it, do a textual

This is our experience working globally with our group

3 pages that address the 4 structures
Reflect on doing them

Working Friendship

We received our class grades today, I just need to keep up the good work.

Learning to abstract
Each letter is just one sentence
Framing our text
Entering the unknown with a SYNTAX - Alain Badiou
Shifting and tweaking it as life progresses
Requires solitude, no distractions, focus
It's a daily practice
Anytime you use the word structure, look up different vocab and restructure

Sanjiv wanted to teach through images
We have to get in touch with our images
Every single word creates an image in your mind
We need to be able to connect our images to our words to paint the picture in others minds of what we are thinking

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