10 + 1's

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10 + 1's

Post by ericflynn » 13 Dec 2019, 15:40

Step 1: Integrated Networking Structures
Step 2:
Integrated - with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated, desegregated, united, unified, consolidated, joined.

Networking - the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts, associate, connect, meet.

System - a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network, structure, organization, order, process.

Synonyms for:
Integrated: Togetherness, unify, incorporate, link, synthesize, mesh, organize

Networking: Meet, associate, make contacts, circulate

Structures: Arrangement, design, framework, formation, texture, format

Step 3: In our classes, students must mesh together in order to design a circulation of flowing knowledge in the pursuit of learning.

Step 4: Throughout my years at URI, I have found in my courses that togetherness is important for every class. As most of us are technically competing against one another for jobs out of college, some may take this concept a bit too literally. Students who are willing to mesh with others, and to help others, are learning the most out of anyone. They say the best way to learn, is to teach others. Teaching others, such as one’s peers, is beneficial for all parties and helps to design a circulation of knowledge and information for the class. We all have similar goals, so if we all unify during our pursuits, we all will gain the necessary experience and knowledge to reach those goals.

Step 5: 1/2/3
About my work: Observant
About Michael’s work: Optimistic
About Darling’s work: Experiential

Step 6: AB
Learning, Ignorance

Step 7: Word Pool
Learning- acquisition of knowledge/skills through experience, study, or being taught; master, grasp, enroll, attain, understand, detect, enlightenment, insight
Ignorance- lack of knowledge or info; Incomprehension, inexperience, denseness, foolishness

Step 8: Joint Structure
To defeat our former foolish selves, we must be open to grasping new journeys and experiences.

Step 9: Beginning months and pretty much my first year at URI, I was scared and nervous to branch out. I feel as though that I was sort of in a shell, afraid to break out of it. This was a foolish mindset, and sooner rather than later, I realized this was not the proper way to go about college. I came here from Pennsylvania not knowing a single person at this school, with the intention of meeting new people and to experience something new. So I mustered up some more confidence and allowed myself to branch out to new people and new experiences. This has helped me learn and grow a lot over the past few years.

Step 10: Step 10: 1/2/3
About my work: Common
About Michael’s work: Willing
About Darling’s work: Familiar

Step 11: This assignment had some very profound realizations for personal experiences. It has helped me to draw out some personal choices I’ve made in my life, and to differentiate the positives and negatives of those choices. I believe we have all been in unfamiliar positions or places, with unfamiliar people doing unfamiliar things. It is better to embrace these new experiences, and to just roll with it, rather than hiding in your shell. All new experiences in life have some sort of life lessons or values one can learn from.

Posts: 83
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:37

Re: 10 + 1's

Post by ericflynn » 13 Dec 2019, 16:58

Step 1: Opening
Complex Adaptive Systems

Step 2: Word Pool

Complex: consisting of many different and connected parts. Complicated, confused, compound, multiple, multiplex, elaborate, mixed, difficult

Adaptive: characterized by or given to adaptation; having an ability to change to suit different conditions. Flexible, modifying, robust, adjustable, elastic,

Systems: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method. Arrangement, organization, rules, classification, scheme, structure, philosophy, principle,

Step 3: Restructuring
Relationships/friendships, especially in business, are complicated, in the sense that sometimes one must be elastic in order to live-out a proper arrangement with regards to relationships.

Step 4: Felt Experience

This past summer, I worked at a bike/motor vehicle rental business. They had been in business for over twenty years, as a seasonal business operating only in the spring/summer. My first week, I spent a lot of time analyzing some complicated arrangements they already had in place. I really dove deep into each in-and-out of all components that the job involved, such as paperwork, policies, rental requirements, and setting up/closing down. As I was attempting to take in all of the information I possibly could, I found that I spent too much time trying to do things so specifically and carefully. There were different times of day, and also days where things didn’t need to be done one specific way. As I had three different bosses, I found that it was in my best interest to uphold the trait of being “elastic”. I had to be flexible in order to please each different bosses ideas and ways of doing things. Over time, I noticed that this elasticity was highly beneficial to my performance, as I knew the in’s and out’s of each structure of doing things.

Step 5: 1/2/3
About my work: Adaptive
About Michael’s work: Flexible
About Darlings’s work: personable

Step 6: Complicated, Specific

Step 7: word pool
Complicated: consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.
Specific: clearly defined or identified. Fixed, particular

Step 8: Joint structure
As we continue to grow, new findings become more intricate, so we must not have a fixed-mindset in order to continue to grow.

Step 9: Fe Felt Experience

As I have worked at the same ice rink during the school year for the past three years, I have become accustom to specific processes. This has made it easy for me to get the job done each time I went into work. Recently, new management has been hired in which they implemented new processes and ways of getting things done around the rink. At first, this was overwhelming to me and I feared that I wouldn't like the change. As I accepted these new particular processes, I began to feel more comfortable as I did before. Not having a fixed-mindset truly helped me grow, as elements to my job became more intricate.

Step 10: 1/2/3
About my work: Sedulous
About Michael’s work: Introspective
About Darling's work: Yearning

Step 11: Insight & Realization
In completing these steps, I thought I would sound slightly repetitive. Fortunately, I was able to relate my ideas to multiple different jobs I've had in the past few years. Although there were different elements for each job, I found that adaptability and an open-mindset were traits that truly helped me to learn & grow. I will carry these traits with me through future occupations, and anything I do in life, as I find they are vital to our ever-growing minds.

Posts: 83
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:37

Re: 10 + 1's

Post by ericflynn » 13 Dec 2019, 18:06

Step 1: Opening
Dynamic Decision Making

Step 2: Word Pool
Dynamic- (of process/system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress; (of a person) positive in attitude & full of energy & new ideas
Energetic, spirited, active, lively, zestful, vital, vigorous

Decision- conclusion or resolution after consideration
Option, choice, verdict, finding, ruling, recommendation, conclusion

Making- process of producing something
Manufacturing, building, assembly, producing, creating, forming, molding

Step 3: restructuring
In drawing our conclusions, we must remind ourselves to be positive about new ideas.

Step 4: Felt Experience
At the end of 8th grade, going into high school, I was a multi-sport athlete basically my whole life. I played baseball, soccer, and ice hockey. Going into high school I had to make one of the most important decisions I've ever made in my life. I was being recruited in 8th grade to start on the varsity ice hockey team. I had to decide between continuing soccer in high school, or continuing ice hockey. I was a very good soccer player, and achieved a lot of success in my days, but felt like I was getting bored and burnt out. I loved hockey more than anything, but hadn't achieved the level of success with my previous teams that I thought I was capable of. SO I decided to drop everything, and advance only my hockey career as I was looking at all the positives of this new idea. Drawing that conclusion was the best possible thing I've ever done. My team and I ended up winning three back-to-back to-back state championships. In addition, I was the captain of my team for all three years. This decision turned me into a leader, and allowed me to achieve things that I never thought could happen. These were the greatest years of my life. I learned so many valuable life lessons, and I think this decision helped mold me into who I am today.

Step 5: 1/2/3
About my work: Risky
About Michael’s work: Muted
About Darling's work: Riskful

Step 6: AB
Risk, Success

Step 7: word pool
Risk: expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss.
danger, opportunity, uncertainty

Success: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
accomplishment, progress, victory

Step 8: joint structure
Taking the positives of risky decisions will advance our progress of success.

Step 9: Felt experience
In deciding what college to attend during my senior year of high school, I had to weigh out the positives of each decision. I had to decide what was best for me. The decision came down to either my hometown college in PA, or to come to URI not knowing a single person here. I knew I would be taking a great risk coming to URI, and staying in my hometown would have been more comfortable and familiar at first. But risk/reward! I knew if I took the risk of coming to URI, there could be a great deal of success waiting for me to conquer. So I took the risk, and decided to get out of my comfort zone and try new things, meet new people, experience something new. This was a great decision for me, as I found some of the best friends I've had and have experienced all of the positives/benefits and opportunities of living here.

Step 10: 1/2/3
About my work: Relentless
About Michael’s work: Limitless
About Darling’s work: Convenient

Step 11: Insight & Realization
It is actually really cool to recognize my decision making processes. In addition, it is very interesting to see how my past decisions have affected my life up to this very day, and how different my life could be. I am very fortunate to have made the correct decisions for my own benefit. These decisions have shaped me into the man I am today, and cant imagine anything else. These risky decisions have brought many positives into my life.

Posts: 83
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 09:37

Re: 10 + 1's

Post by ericflynn » 13 Dec 2019, 20:26

Step 1: Opening
Unique Innovative Capabilities

Step 2: Word Pool
Unique- being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
Distinctive, individual, special, eccentric, rare, peculiar, exclusive

Innovative- (of product, idea, etc) featuring new methods => advanced & original; (of a person) introducing new ideas => original & creative in thinking
Original, new, novel, unconventional, unorthodox, advanced, futuristic, radical, experimental, inventive

Capabilities- power or ability to do something
Ability, capacity, potential, competence, experience, talent

Step 3: restructuring
To be able to introduce new ideas, we must be peculiar of futuristic potential.

Step 4: Felt Experience
This past year, as I figure out what I am going to do with my life, I have kept my brain and eyes open to new ideas. I have been trying to find current daily problems that people encounter, and to think of solutions to those problems. I have compiled a list of my "million dollar ideas" over the past few months. That list is confidential to only me, as I come up with ways I can make some money. My curiosity of futuristic potential is what allows me to introduce new ideas and unoriginal thinking.

Step 5: 1/2/3
About my work: Futuristic
About Michael’s work: Growth
About Eric’s work: Realization

Step 6: AB
Curiosity, Solutions

Step 7: Word pool
Curiosity: a strong desire to know or learn something.
concern, interest, eagerness

Solutions: a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
explanation, key, quick-fix, result

Step 8: joint structure
It is important to have the trait of curiosity, in order to advance ones capabilities or full-potential.

Step 9: Felt experience
A few summers ago, I worked as a camp counselor for children aged 5-12. This job brought on many responsibilities, as I had to keep track of about 100 children. I did not know what to expect going into the job, but went into it with a positive mindset. To my surprise, these kids were awesome and brought out the "kid" in me again. There curiosity about life helps drive them to live-out new experiences, and to test things out to see what does and what doesn't work. The simplicity of this concept amazed me, and reminded me of how I should be living. To not be afraid of trying new things, or taking risks. That curiosity is bound to bring one very far in life. Also, it made me realize its important to let the "kid" in you live with you your whole life.

Step 10: 1/2/3
About my work: Enlightening
About Michael’s work: Willing
About Darling’s work: Foolish

Step 11: Insight and Realization
It is truly amazing the simple realizations I've come to, that have such a significant impact on my life. I will always be curious, and allow it to help me grow as an individual and never stop learning.

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