10 + 1 Assignment

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10 + 1 Assignment

Post by michael_falaye » 29 Oct 2019, 11:15

Integrated - with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated, desegregated, united, unified, consolidated, joined.

Networking - the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts, associate, connect, meet.

System - a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network, structure, organization, order, process.

Unified connecting process.

Unified - make or become united, uniform, or whole

Connecting - joining or linking things together, especially so as to provide access and communication.

Process - a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Through the beginning of my professional career, people have always stressed to me the importance of connections. Having a diverse and close professional network is very important, as goes the phrase, “it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.” Many times, where you first start off is not the end. It’s just the beginning of the process. I have learned that in order to get to where I want to be, I need to be able to unify my experiences to utilize my connections.

Beginning- birth, inception, origination, origin, source, genesis
Experience- exposure, reality, practice, understanding, wisdom, training
Learning – education, knowledge, acquirements, training, study

Dichotomy: Learning, Ignorance

Word Pool:
Learning- acquisition of knowledge/skills through experience, study, or being taught; master, grasp, enroll, attain, understand, detect, enlightenment, insight
Ignorance- lack of knowledge or info; Incomprehension, inexperience, denseness, foolishness

Joint Structure: To defeat our former foolish selves, we must be open to grasping new journeys and experiences.

I think experience and self-improvement is a very important part of life, more important than many people consider. Being foolish, to me, is the worst thing one can be and I believe everyone should strive to acquire wisdom. Being open to new journeys and experiences doesn’t mean being open to anything and everything, which is where I feel like many people get confused. Strengthening personal discernment is the biggest challenge in defeating our former foolish selves. Once we can discern between what is useful versus what is useless, harmful versus harmless, and authentic versus what is counterfeit, our journeys become much easier.

Perceptual Categories: Building, Finding, Advancing

I’ve come to realize that there are always opportunities to learn from others in most situations. Sometimes I can learn things that build me up and sometimes I can learn how not to do things. Many times I feel like I overlook this opportunity for many different reasons. Sometimes I have to remove my own personal biases and lenses that could my vision.

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