Social Meeting Assignment

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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 11:01

Social Meeting Assignment

Post by michael_falaye » 29 Sep 2019, 23:12

Pre- meeting notes
I'm am going to meet with my team in about an hour. I don't know any of them, so I hope that they're cool people. I'm not really hungry so I don't plan on buying any food. My day has been great so far and I've gotten through most of the important tasks of my week. The assignment isn't really to clear to me, but I'm going try my best to complete it correctly. I am looking forward to meeting with my team members. I like to talk, so hopefully they do as well.

Our group met in the library. It was the best meeting place for us because we all lived off campus and I’m not 21, so that ruined the fun of going out for a drink. I really enjoyed the conversation we had. We seemed to be comfortable with each other right away and nothing was awkward. We somehow found a way to talk about everything, from our classes to our personal lives. I arrived there first and the other group members soon after. Eric arrived last because it took him a little while to find Darling and me. Eric is from Pennsylvania and Darling is from Central Falls, RI. Eric is studying supply chain management and is looking for an internship/job opportunity soon. I know some professionals in that field and I hope to connect him with some of those people in my professional network. Darling and I have had some classes together in the past. She used to be an Finance major but has switched her major to accounting because she likes accounting more. She likes to eat Spanish food and Eric likes to eat nachos, steak, and pizza.

Comfortable; Awkward
Looking; Found
First; Last

Comfortable - providing physical ease and relaxation.
Awkward - not smooth or graceful; ungainly
Looking - attempt to find
Find - discover (someone or something) after a deliberate search
First - coming before all others in time or order; earliest
Last - coming after all others in time or order; final

I like to make myself comfortable wherever I am, so I always address awkward settings head on.

My group members ended up being a lot friendlier and down to earth than I expected. We had some of the same favorite professors, hobbies, and a lot more in common. After a while, it didn’t even feel like an assignment because we were comfortable with each other. At the end, something that we were skeptical of became pleasant.

I’m always looking to find ways to minimize day to day inconveniences.

Discussing majors, connecting with people, and helping people find what they’re looking for is something I love to do. I hope to connect Eric with some of the people in my professional network to help him get where he wants to be. This is the same way I would also hope to be helped to achieve my own career goals.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

I look forward to working with my group this semester. I enjoyed connecting with them and our conversation. I know this is only the first of many assignments that we will be contributing to, whether they be individual or group assignments. It’s nice to be able to contribute and impact someone else’s work .

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