Group Meeting

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Posts: 53
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 11:00

Group Meeting

Post by nicole_farrales » 27 Sep 2019, 13:23

Group meeting

My group and I decided to meet for coffee last Thursday. I was excited to meet with a group in a non-classroom setting and talk about things having nothing to do with school. I was looking forward to getting to know new people and discuss our lives. This assignment was interesting because I’ve never had to meet with a group outside of school setting. Also, we didn’t talk about the class much at all which was different than any other group project I have ever done. We all have very different lives and are from different places which is cool because we all had separate interests. It was cool to introduce yourself to people who don’t already know anything about you.

Words that I was able to pull from how I was thinking and feeling during the meeting are
1) Happy
2) Interested
3) Open
4) Jittery
5) Engaged
6) Excited

a) To be interested in a conversation, we must be engaged in what others are saying
b) I was happy that everyone was open and honest about their lives
c) Although I was excited to be meeting with a new group, I was jittery when talking about myself

Posts: 83
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 11:00

Re: Group Meeting

Post by jdowtinjr » 11 Dec 2019, 21:28

Group Meeting Thoughts

Meeting with a new group of people is always nervous. You don't want to come off as awkward or different from everybody else. You don't want to be judged by them in negative way. My group meeting allowed everybody to be accepted for who they are. It allowed each group member to express themselves and help us understand one another. We are aware that we all come from different backgrounds, yet we are similar in some way.

Words to think about during the meeting:


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