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restructuring text- complex adaptive systems: the art of improvisation

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 22:49
by maryvolpe
"I believe that participant observation is more than a research methodology. It is a way of being, especially suited in a world of change. A global society of many traditions and value systems can be a school of life." A school of life; a contributing society of learning. This society all has one thing in common: The eagerness to land a future job which provides not only good money, but also happiness. If you participate in this society, you are more likely to get a lot more out of it and then attribute the ability to use your learnings in your future endeavors.

When it comes to improvisation, I get nervous. I like structure, just as this fishbowl is total structure. Just as Sanjiv's letters are. But it taps into the mind of thinking students, which can be a very dangerous place. I don't know if I'm reading a person's work who wants to get an A, or a persons work who is inspired. I'll take the inspired student over the one bs'ing for the A any day. I love to learn, and that is why I am here. I am inspired, and that is why I am also here. However, I am an organizer, and I am learning how to file all these different thoughts and opinions in my head. Sometimes it comes out as just words, and that is okay. But sometimes it comes out as a philosophical and meaningful text, and that is exciting. I want our words to be a group of beavers building a dam. They should all support each other and be intertwined as one. Every stick is useful to the overall product. Every group member is useful to the fishbowl.