Notes 9/17

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Notes 9/17

Post by maryvolpe » 23 Sep 2019, 21:15

"Keep It Simple, Stupid"

We are "learning to create knowledge" and creating "anoin"
virtual reality into a visual reality.

We learned about how to not be redundant. We want our worlds to open up and we don't want to stack up useless information. We also learned how to ADD value. We talked about an example of going to the gym and not working out. You can still say you went to the gym, but it was rather useless.

We are creating a society among ourselves.

Nuances- a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound
Emergent- in the process of coming into being or becoming prominent
Pre-Individual- Simondon, by contrast, the individual, whose being is always relative to the pre-individual out of which it is formed, is not 'one', but 'more than one'

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