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Complex Adaptive Systems

Posted: 02 Dec 2019, 23:59
by abbyrobinson
Complex Adaptive Systems

Complex- multiple, compound, difficult, intricate
Adaptive- adjustable, elastic ,formable, extensible, accommodating
Systems- structure, institutions, assembling, framework, 

1. Multiple people have complained that the structure of the new website is difficult to navigate through. 
2. Institutions had to figure out a way to provide an extensible amount of time to make sure their students had enough time to prepare for their exams while simultaneously making it home for the holidays. 
3. Engineers can find it difficult when assembling brand new machines for companies who are not accommodating to fit their schedules.
4. English teachers often expect a similar framework from their students regarding papers and essays, however, the more intricate the outline and directions are, the easier the students can turn in a well written paper. 
5. Since my waistline changes in sizes frequently, it is important for me to buy pants that have an elastic or waistband rather than using an adjustable belt.
6. In elementary school everyone is taught what a compound sentence is and how it is formable.

Dynamic Decision Making
Dynamic- effective, potent, active, forceful, energetic
Decision- judgement, result, selection, conclusion, verdict
Making- composition, forming, solving, production, advancement

1. In conclusion, puppies are typically energetic due to the behaviors of the owner or their environment.
2. Forming positive judgements about your own life will cause you to be more happy overall. 
3. Sharing drinks is not an effective way to guarantee that your test results for the flu will be negative. 
4. Being an active member on LinkedIn can be an advantage for you while employers are going through the hiring selection process. 
5. The painting at the art museum had a potent composition that kept the horizons straight and pulled the eye of the viewer when they passed by. 
6. Advancements made by researchers in the medical field have led us to the conclusion that chemotherapy is a forceful recommendation made my doctors as it is one of the only ways to help cure cancer. 
The jury came to the verdict that the man was innocent after solving that the finger prints on the door handle were not his.

Unique Innovative Capabilities
Unique- rare, occasional, limited, unlikely, single, only
Innovative- latest, ordinary, introduce, pioneer
Capabilities- abilities, adequacy, proficiency, experience, skills

1. The latest iPhone comes out in a month and is only available in stores and online for a limited time according to this article. 
2. Professional athletes have rare abilities to perform which is what makes them so successful. 
3. My boss’s adequacy to never miss a day of work due to being sick introduces the unlikely chance of his employers to catch a sickness from him. 
4. No single person on earth is exactly like another, which is why people can experience things extremely similar to someone else, but not exactly the same.  
5. Mark Zuckerberg is an American pioneer who used his skills in computer programming and entrepreneurship to launch Facebook.
6. Students who graduate from ivy league schools have high proficiency in their area of study, although the occasional graduate is unable to find a job.
7. Regina’s Pizzeria is no ordinary pizza restaurant because it is only located in Boston.

Knowledge - acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition.
Objective - something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target.
Literal - in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical.
Object - anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
Paradigms - a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme, a display in fixed arrangement 
Perspectives - a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.
Assumptions - something taken for granted, a supposition
Frames of reference- a structure of concepts, values, customs, views, etc., by means of which an individual or group perceives or evaluates data, communicates ideas, and regulates behavior.
Observer - someone or something that observes.

The way we perceive everything that happens to us in our lives can affect how knowledgeable we are, how we assume things, and how we consider our purpose in life. 

Re Felt experience
Overtime I have realized that my experiences have affected how I view things. I like to think of myself as very practical and but also feelings based. I am a sensitive person so my emotions do play a part in how I perceive things. I like to take those feelings into consideration while also thinking about how to look at it from a solely practical way. I form my opinions based on facts. I think it is important to consider all angles of a situation before you can truly understand something. Frame of reference is important in life, it is necessary to understand that it is different for everyone. I always make an effort to try to understand other people’s frame of reference to as it helps to ensure there are no misunderstandings in conversations. I think this is the most fair way to live life. I realize that not everyone does this but I will continue to do this forever.

Abby: multiple, adjustable, structure
Nicole: conglomerate, compatible, organization
Mary: convoluted, flexible, arrangement

Take two words Further
Intricate: convoluted, sophisticated, complex, perplexing
Framework: groundwork, scheme, structure, plan

1/2/3 : 1/2/3 : 1/2/3
Nicole thought about her work: Honest
Nicole thought about Mary’s work: Liberating
Nicole thought about Abby’s work: Truthful

Mary thought about her work: Pure
Mary thought about Nicole’s work: Relatable
Mary thought about Abbey’s work: True

Abby’s thought about her work: Organized
Abby’s thought about Nicole’s work: Concise
Abby’s thought about Mary’s work: Interesting

Fe Felt Experience
This project has helped me to think about words in a new way. I enjoy learning new vocabulary and refreshing myself on vocabulary that I am familiar with but don’t hear it or use it often. I think it is important to see how other people’s minds work. Reading Nicole and Mary’s word pools and sentences enlightened me and gave me a new way of thinking. Overall I enjoyed this assignment.