Group Meetup

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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 15:04

Group Meetup

Post by maryvolpe » 26 Sep 2019, 14:42

I texted my group that morning reiterating that I was wearing a leopard dress. It was a combination of mixed feelings. I felt shy, but yet I was trying to stand out so they knew who to approach outside the Dunkin’ that Tuesday afternoon. I was nervous because I didn’t know who I was looking for or where we were supposed to find common ground. I knew nothing about these people… It feels like the last time I introduced myself in a friendly setting was high school.
It came naturally once we introduced ourselves and made it past the small talk. Both Abby and Nicole were also seniors and were very kind. We talked about where we were from, which was all in relatively close quarters. Abby is from western MA and Nicole is from Westerly, Rhode Island. From here, we talked about our internships and our career plans post URI. We also talked about things such as the URI parking crisis, car insurance, how URI has a bee problem and the weirdness of being in between an adult and a child.
I tried to pay attention to how I was feeling and certain body language rather than the small talk. I wanted to describe certain auras rather than behaviors. I then thought back to what we were taught in class, “keep it simple, stupid.” Overthinking was not an option. I was able to pull certain words from how I was feeling and what I was reading in the others. They were-
1. Engaged
2. In-sync
3. Bubbly
4. Balanced
5. Capable
6. Radiance

a) To be balanced, one must be in-sync to their internal aura despite all their external
b) There is a gleaming sense radiance when one shows their bubbly character.
c) In able to graduate college one most be two things- capable and engaged. Everything else is completely irrelevant.

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