Experiencing is Growing
Lindsay Sneyd
Maia Weltman
Eric Vieira
16 Sentences:
MW 1: When working to relate the bind of the different mind and the familiar intellect, we need to make sight of a solid connection
MW 2: The viewer can see the barriers of standards and the outlook of the relevancy to their entity. They outline the importance of facts and the wisdom these facts provide.
MW 3: Your angle may be different depending on your meaning. Routine and familiar practices become a similar substance, having little change.
MW 4: Higher wisdom set a sample, showing truth as it appears. Hard situations can cause people to fall which may bring upon new suggestions.
LS 1: Education is a valuable resource that witnesses view as an item to help understand various models used to make presumptions on an individual's vocabulary activity.
LS 2: It’s common to link deep thoughts and feelings to characterizing the materials needed in joining what we feel and what we do.
LS 3: Identical objects proceed to be equally different because when they’re apart the meaning can vary depending on various perspectives.
LS 4: For instance, there are broad tutorials that are filmed during specific moments to tell people the meaning behind how to do something to turn it into more simple instructions.
EV 1: As I am working on linking my mind to my senses, I think about the abstract approach that is known to create and describe a concrete bridge.
EV 2: The literal truth behind the knowledge that I have gained is an emphasis on the assumptions and frames of reference that I achieved as an observer; my perspectives and paradigms turned into an object that I used as a language game to leverage what I want to achieve.
EV 2: It is important to know that some are similar and some are opposite, but to not be caught up in the conditions and and progression that may alter our life to make us seen as more alike to other people around us.
EV 4: The model of an education may be a confusing suggestion to some but what has been shown in recent happenings, in order to soar and be superior, it is necessary.
Dichotomy: In order to make a decision you must find a connection within yourself.
Dichotomy: When we consider self-care, we are in a position to win.
Dichotomy: In order to adjust our lifestyles, we must revise our current practices.
Dichotomy: Growth requires a loss in order to succeed
Maia Weltman
Object Model
Wisdom Understand
Opposite Similar
Abstract Describe
Routine Relate
1. The object of a good model is to help you gain knowledge and understand your task at hand.
2. Having wisdom is having the intellect to understand the known and practice more knowledge.
3. Opposite things may be similar in their own light, depending on our position of openness.
4. An abstract examples does not always describe a concrete example of how to do things.
Lindsay Sneyd:
Connection + Relevancy
Routine + Instructions
Wisdom + Truth
Succeed + Growth
Practices + Vocabulary
There is a superior connection between the relevancy of information from different sources
A routine is made based on given instructions followed everyday, but sometimes it’s necessary to make changes.
Wisdom is the truest form of the truth, it’s a beautiful language.
In order to succeed, we must create a model that allows for growth.
It’s important to bridge together vocabulary and practices to be a reliable person.
Eric Vieira
Perspectives, Wisdom
Witnesses, Reference
Intellect, Substance
Moments, Achieve
Necessary, Consider
Wisdom is an activity that can change perspectives.
Witnesses may reference what the conditions the day the crime happened.
What I find most valuable is my intellect and substance that I achieve through learning everyday.
The moments that I admire most is when I achieve relevance in my work.
The most necessary thing to consider is that our senses are what make us who I am
Gain, Understand
Intellect, Practice
Moments, Admire
Necessary, Consider
Wisdom, Perspective
To understand the task at hand you must gain as much experience and knowledge as possible
Intellect is important when practicing things that are unknown.
We should admire moments when we achieve things out of our reach.
It’s necessary to consider both sides when making sense of a situation.
Your wisdom is comprised of your perspective and will only change as you grow.