Sharing the World: Social Media Reflections

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Sharing the World: Social Media Reflections

Post by maia_weltman » 08 Oct 2019, 18:03

Self-reflection: looking back, reviewing.
- “Self-reflection is a good way to measure growth and change.”
Participative observation: taking part in a foreign practice in order to understand better
- “ By taking part in Professor Sanjivs fishbowl, I am practicing participative observation in order to expand my vocabulary.”
Symbolic interaction: passing of languages through words or symbols
- “In Italy there is much symbolic interaction across natives to foreigners.”
Auto-ethnography: using writing to recall personal experiences to makes connections with
more meanings and understandings.
- “ I have a note book by my bed where I practice autoethnography.”
Dichotomous thinking: all or nothing.
- “Sometimes, when faced with stress, we can enter dichotomous thinking practices which tend to yield negative results.”
Structures and structuring: building, developing, learning, progressing.
- “ In the Fishbowl, we are structuring the way in which we are growing and learning in this class.”
Interpretation: learning the meaning; explain.
- “Every day we are interpreting new words into our vocabulary.”
Sharing thoughts and mental processes: empathizing, learning to grow, adapting.
- “Sharing thoughts and mental processes is an important aspect of learning because it helps us grown and adapt.”

“Our eyes are not capable of seeing, nor even contemplating, intimacy, at least not directly. They can only imagine something about intimacy from the light, the gestures, the words, that it radiates. But intimacy as such will remain invisible, irreducible to appropriation, and thus strange to the logic of Western discourse, to the logos, except in its delusion its lack, its derelictions and artificial ecstasies.”
INTIMACY: close.

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