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Assignment 2 Revised: Dominic Scata

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 13:06
by dominicscata
Fishbowl 10 + 1 Steps:
Max Smith & Clare Sandford & Dom Scata

Structure: Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable

Word pool:
Bridge: make (a difference between the two groups) smaller or less significant

Concrete: existing in a material or physical form; not abstract

Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence

Mind: the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought

Linking: connecting or joining something to something else

Known: recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge

Senses: a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch

Working: functioning or able to function

Describe: give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events

Max: Figures of speech helps to refer ideas and thoughts we’ve had to actual existing situations we’ve seen, allowing us to put into words something we’ve felt so that we might better be able to describe or interpret it.
Clare: In life there can be a connection made to everything in order to express an idea or create similarities to one another.
Dom: Interpreting words in our complex world and thinking of ways to activate our thoughts becomes a unique way of thought processing.

Felt experience:
Max: Last week I was running late for work. So that the coworker before we didn’t worry, I messaged them saying I was running “like the wind” and would be there shortly. I used that metaphor to enhance their thought of me hurrying to mimic that of how quickly the wind tends to blow.
Clare: I remember the first time I made the serious connection between my interests in school and a career path. I had never been so determined to solve problems and think logically about a subject matter until I took fashion retail buying in college. The motivation and hard work I put into that class showed me that I would be able to pursue that field in the real world and continue to grow as a professional.
Dom: When I am interpreting words in a conversation I thoroughly think about my choice of words for a response. Activating certain thoughts before coming to a complete response is the only way to have your own process of thoughts. I do this in situations when speaking to friends and it helps conversations flow better.

Step 5: 1 / 2 → 1 / 2
Max → Clare: progress
Clare → Max: enhance
Max → Dom:
Max → Max: mimic
Clare → Clare: Motivation
Dom → Max: intellectual
Dom → Clare: passion
Dom → Dom: thoughtful
Progress / mimic
Enhance / motivation
Intellectual / passion / thoughtful

Word pool:
Max: Reform, growing, forward-thinking, developing, impersonate, make-believe
Clare: imitate, copy, mock, pretend, parody & advance, go forward, continue, make headway
Dom: Analyzing, friendship, perception, realization, inspiration, symbolism, actualization

Max: To grow and move our minds forward in understanding, we use impersonations and symbols to help our mind move into the new way of understanding. These links to what we already know, help our mind transition into the new frame of reference.
Clare: In order to go forward in life personally, it is important to not copy the actions of others and stay true to yourself.
Dom: Analyzing is another form of interpreting. The experiences we make with friendships help us perceive the world in different ways. Realizing that there is inspiration in every symbol shows your thoughtfulness.

Max: When I was trying to learn a difficult chapter in my marketing class, It helped when the professor shared his own personal experience and ideas. I was then able to link his examples to something I relate to or understand and better absorb the new knowledge in a way that I can retain.
Clare: In high school it is easy to get lost in imitating those around you in order to fit in. However, once you go to college you realize that everyone is on their own path in life. I started to notice personal growth educationally and socially once I gained confidence in my own decisions and made changes based on my past.

Step 10: 1 / 2 → 1 / 2
Max → Clare Growth
Clare → Max: Personal
Max → Max: Link
Clare → Clare: Self

Step 11: Final Thoughts
Throughout this project, we shared personal links to our own hand-made sentences. Through these links to our own lives we better understood words, but also had a personal thought to associate these words to. This assignment helped me to better intertwine the words I say to the feelings they instill. Now using this new method, what we say and hear takes on new meaning as we constantly relate words in our environment to the emotions they evoke.

Words are ideas. This exercise was important for us to connect each others personal words as a group. Through this process, we were able to reflect on our own experiences and relate to one another. We both looked at the same words group of words, but came up with different ideas and symbols for each. Moving into the professional world, we need to be able to communicate our own ideas clearly.