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Notes: Dominic Scata

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 10:28
by dominicscata
Learning through osmosis
Design thinking is a living text
Immerse yourself in text
Social meeting exercise (opened ended meeting)
Write down what you are feeling
Ethnographic notes
Select 6 symbols
Pairing up the words into 3 pairs
Go into the dictionary to find these words
Create a simple sentence

The social meeting is important to get to know your other classmates. Spending less than 30 minutes to get to know someone could help create a good bond between those people and they could even become good friends. It is good to be in touch with your emotions.

Re: Notes: Dominic Scata

Posted: 31 Oct 2019, 11:36
by dominicscata
When you’re contributing to any paper or idea you need to be able to add value to it

There are different ways of thinking

Different ways of thinking are called discourse

We will be doing the 10 steps four times

A machine doesn’t allow innovation

If you select the wrong word, the whole analysis is wrong

Textual analysis