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CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 10 Sep 2019, 21:25
by sandrachu
“I’m looking at you, looking at me, looking at you” – like in Fishbowl
Immersion > give Fishbowl at least 15 mins/day
End of letter: bottom bolded words/vocab > enter definitions > try using actual dictionary
Individuation and Gilbert Simondon
How do you see the world? The image in your mind
To form a society, must share your felt experiences
We are learning:
- one word at a time
- how to create a sentence/word structure
- to share images our words evoke
By doing the above, we become a society
Read letters at least 3x to understand
Derrida: Deconstruction
Social Reflexibility > Anthony Giddens
Overview of syllabus grading
Class Notes 9/17/19
Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 20:11
by sandrachu
Maximize return for your expenditure
Like a gymnasium, you enter the fishbowl to exercise
To be in the gym is to look at what your mind looks like - you are looking at the last sentence you wrote
We are trying to build a society - we want to end up like the interview teacher example
Connectivity is big!
Commitment to read all of my group members’ posts
Connectivity with other people happens in the head; it happens through the exchange of symbols
We connect through words which have meanings
We are writing for the sake of the group to add value to the group - we must carefully select our words
Purpose of the course: to change the way we think
It is okay if we are behind in number of posts on fishbowl - we are all at our own pace and getting used to it right now
Restructuring and Selection creates value
Our fishbowl notes can be used for negotiation in jobs to show how we think
We’re creating knowledge everytime we put things into Divisions and Subdivisions
We’re creating knowledge for ourselves and creating our own reality
The interaction is always in the head - doing posts so that groupmakes benefit from it.
Enter Fishbowl, stop for a moment, and focus!
Distractions means not slowing down, not focusing, not selecting your words or substituting them to create value.
Shift from those days in the past due to technology - we are learning to sympathize with people on hand and are expected to know about certain topics immediately.
Digital value, connectivity
Our differences are realized in our mental structures
We’re playing a word game
Always ask “How so?”
SOCIAL MEETING EXERCISE: want groups to meet socially
1. 3 individuals
2. Writing notes before the meeting (ethno-graphic notes): the meeting is open ended, social, and chatting about any topic besides class. Then write notes about what happened/what was said.
3. Look at notes and circle 6 words (words = concepts/symbols)
4. Pair words into 3 pairs (making 3 dichotomies) - want word pairings to not be related
5. Look up the words and find a collection of words
6. Create a simple sentence from the words (3 total) that are independent of the meeting. Under each sentence, write a short paragraph (3 total) describing the social meeting - should fit the sentence.
6 words / 3 dichotomies / 3 sentences / 3 paragraphs
Creating history as possibility - how so? Depends on the symbols you select. Paulo Ferreira.
Don’t want to copy other people - you want to experience it for yourself!
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 02 Oct 2019, 20:43
by sandrachu
Do work in regards to your team members - don't let them down
Deadlines are flexible, but try not to do work far away from the deadline date
You are determining your own structures
Must learn to construct meaning from the letters, for yourself
Derrida deconstruction
Looking at options to substitute a word, and then re-frame the sentence
We all think individually - it shows in the words we select
Innovation and creativity
Can only innovate if you're open to different ideas - different words - different substituted words
The course is easy - just have to take action in:
- The head - in the mind
- Typing - in the material
Social meeting exercise meant to be an ice=breaker, to see each other as human
We can develop this further through the idea of Friendship in the Workplace
Inter-subjective spaces are created
Our selected words/symbols/ideas making an impact to the group
Eyes looking at eyes
We are learning non-linear thinking - thinking in ways your mind is working
We are craftsmen of words. Critical Making. Critical Thinking.
We are always asked to search names - give a sentence that you can remember related to the person/topic
Went over and read the handout regarding Professor Dugal's annual review for every two years.
Impact, Innovation, and Engagement
Knowledge economy. We exchange knowledge and key texts as the currency
We want to take ownership of our text
Words to change reality
Learning through association - contemplation
Own a good dictionary
Trying to find a relationship between the 2 words - Learning Abstraction - felt experiences
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 08 Oct 2019, 21:06
by sandrachu
Hard copies - if late, may not get feedback the very next class
For grading, posts must be in the Fishbowl - hard copies are for feedback; encouraged to share our feedback with each other
Grade on paper is tentative. You can go back and edit the posts with the given feedback and they'll be graded again at the end of the semester
10 steps handout given
Don't be worried about absences - speak to Sanjiv about them - can catch up by reading other's notes and posts rather than asking Sanjiv
Try not to email directly unless it's really important
2 levels: class is the universe, and each group is another social
Creating a social within a given CONTEXT. How? By looking at the global situation
Diversity helps. It's the answer to productivity and success
Look at the social between transnational corporations (global businesses)
Bartlett and Ghosal did research on global businesses - 4 factors
Develop a knowledge and knowing of each of the 4 factors of a successful global business
Integrated Networking Structuring - take meanings of vocab words again and again
1. Opening Structure - Integrated Network Structure > opening sentence > entering unknown with a given structure > going to create it between the 3 of us in a group
2. Word Pool - gathering words > bigger dictionary = better > the more you write down in your word pool, the greater the possibilities
3. Restructuring - re-writing the sentence, substituting words, simplifying > want to be using all 3 concepts. RELATE. > not about meaning, but the substitution
4. First Person: your felt experiences > you're describing an incident and explaining it from your memory > Experiential, will take thinking, interpreting, visualizing but NOT foctional > in the iteration where the grade comes. Abstraction - 3 words. Graded on steps 3 and 4.
5. Interaction - 3 of us > Read other person's work and give one word, and I also give myself one word > 3 resulting words/symbols (from each member of the team) > Perceptual category, reducing > don't want to be told what to think > if one group member stops posting or drops the class, just proceed without them with 4 words instead of 9
6. Jointly deciding which 2 words to form a dichotomy from the 9 or 4 words. Should be unrelated words.
7. Word pool for the 2 words in the dichotomy
8. Creating a JOINT structure. Create own structures and share them, then edit to come to the final one
9. Felt-experience
10. Perceptual categories
*11. Insight and Realization (we will come back to this)
Dynamic decision making
Abstract on friendship in the workplace coming soon from Sanjiv
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 17:04
by sandrachu
-Catch up to move on
- Not about the numbers - we're learning to learn
- Shift your attention in this course - the things we're attending to are very different
- Should have started Integrated Networking Structures exercise - working in class and can show Sanjiv if you already have work
- In the real world you are creating knowledge on your own
- Trying to create meaning from texts and images
- Creating social organization and creating a society between the 3 of us (in a group)
- Learning to create a better society -- How? By sharing your knowledge! Through self-reflection! What goes through your mind in words and symbols? That's what you want to share.
- Participant observation, symbolic interaction, action research, auto-ethnography
Looking at diversity differently. Looking at our differences in the symbols we make
- We're all footnotes in the center of the page
- Add value to the group for the group and for yourself
- Learning to empower your text -- felt experiences!
- Learning to create value through words
- Enhancing each other
- Creating an archive of your interactions to show future employers
- Can't be innovative if you don't know how to make a dichotomy
- The journey is inwards
- Self-organization -- learning to self-organize yourself -- the work is never finished
- Went over the 10 steps in class
- Aghast
- Peter Sange: "The Learning Organization," "The Fifth Discipline."
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 01 Nov 2019, 15:42
by sandrachu
- We live in a liquid society
- We're all unique - each of us are our own society in groups
- We're creating a product - the fishbowl - authorship - take ownership of your work
- We're learning to theorize - practicing it in real life, then process
- Read abstract in class (syllabus)
- "Social spaces of visual reality"
- Need to be in touch with words - slow down the mind, and you'll have focus and curiosity
- Management situation - how to stay away? Stay connected to words in a meaningful way
- Global computer mediated communication (CMC)
- Fragmentation of societies - society of 3 people in each group
- Hand raising - "How many of you understand what we're talking about, or don't know/have never heard of this before?"
1. We've done Integrated Networking Structures
2. Complex Adaptive Systems
3. Dynamic Decision Making
4. Unique Innovative Capabilities
^ These are the 4 characteristics of a successful global business or organization. What do they entail?
When is 2. due? Next week on Tuesday. Recommended to do each exercise as we move to each topic in class.
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 17:43
by sandrachu
- We will be given back papers with feedback today, and hold off on the next paper, will be due next class instead
- Self-reflection is based on examples. All these moments are fragile. Shifts take place in your perception. No theory!
- Learning in leaps and bounds; the structures so far are great
- Deep learning. Deep thinking. Pulling out sentences about these words.
- Anecdotal Theory
- Reflexive Leadership
- Abstract Expressionism
- Trying to finish the 4 papers. We've captured and configured spontaneity.
- Freedom and individuality
- Not philosophical - papers are action oriented!
- Representing your singularity - you, we, become the multitude
- Change the way you think by going into your inner self. The journey is inward.
- The process of this is the product.
- Layers of depth in our papers. We're selling our process.
- When reading our papers, we are all over the place with our compositions without clear focus points.
- Only we could have written what we have written, though
- Deconstructing words - felt experiences empower you and your text
- Action learning, Action Writing
- Performative Writing - writing directly from unconscious and revealing hidden truths
- Your paper has a signature technique, it can only be ours
- YouTube videos about Jackson Polluck - the Fishbowl opening page is actually one of his artworks too
Re: CLASS NOTES - Sandra Chu
Posted: 20 Nov 2019, 22:33
by sandrachu
4 papers; the last one is Unique Innovative Capabilities
Once done, we are pretty much done with the semester
We will have a Final
Grades - everything needs to be posted in the Fishbowl.
When reading again, Sanjiv will remember our stories from when we handed in paper copies
Most people fall into the B+/A- range
Only those with As get a letter of recommendation
Every letter is a feedback to you
Sanjiv will be available for office hours or in the atrium for help
"How so?" question is for deep thinking
You can change the audience's life through your anecdotes
No prior group work assignments for the felt experiences
To do deep thinking is an effort - it never comes easy for anyone
It's good not to miss class
Otherwise you're not in touch with class and become stressed
Always keep reading the letters
At end, we will look at the quality of the letters and the dates posted when grading
Sanjiv is afraid we may not be getting along together - this, in teams, is especially important
Who to keep out of the authorship of the papers - looking at attendance and Fishbowl
Talking about conference and authorship and registration on the website
The paper is due Jan. 7th - Sanjiv must figure out authorship by then
Our names will show up on 1 of the 2 papers
Going over the abstract - it is like an overview of what we've done in class