Before meeting up, our group decided to make a group chat to make communicating easier. While discussing where we would meet, Kyle suggested that we go to Monahan's, a restaurant Haley and myself have never been. Kyle seemed to enjoy it very much so we decided to try it out. I have never been big into seafood but after trying the popcorn shrimp that Kyle suggested, I will definitely be returning to Monahan's. During our social meeting, I learned many things about my group members. I learned that Haley is from New Jersey and Kyle is from New York. In addition, I learned that Haley is a TMD major and Kyle and I are both management majors. I knew Kyle and Haley looked familiar and we realized that is because we have taken some of the same classes. We talked about the College of Business and how difficult it can be to transfer into. This led to a discussion on all the construction happening seemingly 24/7 and the police in Rhode Island. After we finished eating, we decided to try the ice cream from the dairy bar in the back of Monahan's. Haley got Chocolate, while Kyle and I got chocolate chip cookie dough. While eating, we saw a very cute dog walking by. After we finished, we wrapped up the social meeting, said goodbye, and went home.
Overall, the social meeting went well. Kyle and Haley are both very kind and have a lot of interesting stories. I'm excited to work closely with them in the future.
Suggested and Difficult
Suggest - put forward for consideration
Difficult - needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand
Nick suggested an idea that would be difficult to accomplish.
Decide and Communicate
Decide - come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration
Communicate - share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
Our group decided to communicate through a group message
Return and Discuss
Return - come or go back to a place or person
Discuss - talk about (something) with another person or group of people
After class, I returned home to discuss what we should eat for dinner.