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Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:53
by juellmilder
“Friendship is taking shape, like a painting, or a design; creative action.”
- Forming friendship is a beautiful process like a painting it is unique in every way.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:53
by juellmilder
Creative action
“Design is something you create. It is a creative act”
- As you begin to bring things together you begin for form something new, unique.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:53
by juellmilder
Engagement and construction
“We’re looking at each other looking at each other.”
- While we are looking at another’s work they are also looking and forming new thoughts and connecting back to their original thoughts as well.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:54
by juellmilder
Social networks and new forms of sociality
“One of the key ideas about social networks, like your fishbowl, is that the Whole becomes greater than the Sum of its Parts.”
- While you are collaborating you are expanding your own knowledge as well as everyone else. This means everyone is growing and creating a greater whole

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:55
by juellmilder
Looking at what we’re looking at
“It's a melding and molding and morphing, continuously into something else.”
- Life is about being able to continually meld, mold, and morph into something new, continually growing.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:56
by juellmilder
Inter-subjective spaces
“Creating this space is the bedrock of every social context.”
- While forming friendships, you reflect on the experience and what it bring into your space.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 15:47
by juellmilder
- Metaphor and Design as an approach to understanding social reality (like your fishbowls), and as an approach to change, belongs to the social-constructionist school of thought. It is underpinned by the idea that human awareness and knowledge have an unfolding transformative potential and that the images and ideas people hold of themselves and their world have a fundamental impact on how their realities unfold...
- 1. Please regard the above paragraph and think of two examples from the film Strictly Ballroom and post it in the fishbowl, during the time of class, or just before class, or soon thereafter.
 Fran and Scott Hasting by taking the steps to go outside the ballroom dancing and exploring more scandalous moves. By doing this they are transforming themselves and their realities which they thought they had to be.
 The dance school is the social- constructionist but not for change, it is constructed to keep the ballroom dancing very traditional and scandal free. Keeping all the sheep in the pen.
- 2. Please relate your examples to your personal experience.
 Similarly to Fran and Scott Hasting my parents went outside the box and decided to homeschool my siblings and I. Many of my aunts ridiculed my patents for this style and that all of us would fall extremely behind the ball. Instead all of my siblings and I have an out of the box way of thinking that has actually helped us excel both in school and work.
 The school of dance is very similar to how school teaches young people. It keeps student bound to one way of thinking, one way of thinking of the future. There has been a movement for careers outside of the box but many schools teach that college is the only way to succeed in life. This teaches students to stay within a box or you will not make it in life.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 31 Oct 2019, 13:24
by juellmilder
Recapping methodology of the fishbowl
“By this selection, you are taking charge and you are forging your own path”
- By creating in this social way you are paving your own path and creating space that you want. This applies to every aspect of your own life, you need to look at the open space and select where you want to go. You have to create your life by yourself.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 31 Oct 2019, 13:24
by juellmilder
Doing Conversation
“You will have archived and etched it on the landscape of our collective minds, forever.”
- Every interaction from words to action is out in the world and makes a lasting impact on those around. I have had many people just speak freely but impacted my worldview and thoughts for the rest of my life.

Re: Taking Letters Further

Posted: 31 Oct 2019, 13:25
by juellmilder
The nature of metaphors
“This word has an image and evokes a feeling. A feeling is a response, a reason to a word.”
- Thinking of metaphors as a way to evoke a feeling, a response and reason to a word gives it a new outlook.