Notes 9/11/19
Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 11:29
Notes 9/11/19:
- Learning through osmosis – learning design thinking - Innovated organization between the three of you through interacting
- Always Google the name sent- what sentence or two did you select to represent the work of that guy.
- Want to creating a living text- if not then it is dead space
- Immerse yourself in text- thinking about the word all the time – thinking with one word at a time to the dictionary selection is where the
reflection takes place
- Learning to talk about concepts
Social meeting exercise
- will cancel one class- open ended meeting, no agenda, no time limit, start making notes about what you’re
feeling to write out what you’re thinking/feeling. With regard to the meeting, just write it. Ethnographic notes- observation notes.
o Then write in details of the meeting and explain the meeting. It’s about the saying who said what, take it all down.
- From the notes you’re going to circle 6 words (symbols), Pairing up the 6 words into 3 pairs not associated with each other. Then go
to the dictionary 2 words at a time and writing it out. Creating a simple sentence - 3 sentences with 2 words in them. Frame work for
you to interpret your social meeting. Short paragraph you’re describing the incidents.
- Framing, Interpreting, description, incidents --> look up for social assignment
- Not in touch with your images -- When we share our differences we get closer to each other
- Assignment #2
o “Precise meaning and significance will vary according to the frame of reference through which it is viewed.” - Imaginization
o For each word go to dictionary and write the meaning of the words
o Coming up with a sentence with that domain of words- don’t need all the words
- Learning through osmosis – learning design thinking - Innovated organization between the three of you through interacting
- Always Google the name sent- what sentence or two did you select to represent the work of that guy.
- Want to creating a living text- if not then it is dead space
- Immerse yourself in text- thinking about the word all the time – thinking with one word at a time to the dictionary selection is where the
reflection takes place
- Learning to talk about concepts
Social meeting exercise
- will cancel one class- open ended meeting, no agenda, no time limit, start making notes about what you’re
feeling to write out what you’re thinking/feeling. With regard to the meeting, just write it. Ethnographic notes- observation notes.
o Then write in details of the meeting and explain the meeting. It’s about the saying who said what, take it all down.
- From the notes you’re going to circle 6 words (symbols), Pairing up the 6 words into 3 pairs not associated with each other. Then go
to the dictionary 2 words at a time and writing it out. Creating a simple sentence - 3 sentences with 2 words in them. Frame work for
you to interpret your social meeting. Short paragraph you’re describing the incidents.
- Framing, Interpreting, description, incidents --> look up for social assignment
- Not in touch with your images -- When we share our differences we get closer to each other
- Assignment #2
o “Precise meaning and significance will vary according to the frame of reference through which it is viewed.” - Imaginization
o For each word go to dictionary and write the meaning of the words
o Coming up with a sentence with that domain of words- don’t need all the words