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Social Interaction Assignment

Posted: 01 Oct 2019, 11:42
by quasialogan
Pre- meeting notes
Going into this meeting, I feel very relaxed. Yesterday, I completed my social interaction with my group from BUS 345 class, also taught by Professor Sanjiv Dugal. My group has plans to meet at Cool Beans Café, and it’s a beautiful day out. Although I am not close friends with any of my group members, I am familiar with their names and brief moments in the past.

Post Meeting Notes
Our meeting took place at 3:00 pm, and given where I stay, I was able leave 5 minutes early and get there on time. Colby was there when I arrived. I went up to order my iced green tea. Colby suggested we bask in the great weather, so we picked a table outside. This is when Robbie arrived. We began giving on another our short introductions and quickly realized we were all from Rhode Island. Myself from Newport, Robbie from Coventry and Colby from Tiverton. This turned into. Quick geography lessons as I realized I wasn’t familiar with the town of RI, despite our overall small size. Conversation shifted gears as we discussed our classes and the College of Business in general. We shared our opinions on Professor, difficulties of our professors and our experiences as students. Our conversation digressed into talking about Apple and their new phones. We each had different models of iPhones, and snapped pictured on different objects jokingly to compare qualities. Nearing an hour, we decided to adjourn the meeting. Colby went back in the cool beans, Robbie walked, and I parted way in my car.

Suggested; Familiar
Digressed: Adjourn
Qualities; Geography

Suggested: put forward for consideration. Propose, put forward
Familiar: Well known from long or close association. Known, about
Digressed: leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing.
Adjourn: Break off with the intention of resuming it later. End, finish, terminate
Qualities: standard of something as measured against other things of similar kind; degree of excellence of something. Standard, classification, caliber
Geography: the study of the physical features of the earth and it’s atmosphere.

Suggesting an action with familiarity, can prohibit the proper progression

By meeting at the café and not in the library, put us in a position outside of our comfort zone. We were able to enjoy a nice day, as well allow a genuine conversation to spark based on our surroundings alone.

When you find yourself repeatedly digressing, it may be more beneficial to assess adjourning

By assuring that you are producing quality work, it is important to ensure you aren’t just working for the sake of doing work. It is sort of like the work in this class, writing in the fishbowl shouldn’t be robotic. Writing from an authentic place is more beneficial.

You'd be surprised when you take the time the notice the qualities that can be found based on geography
When meeting with our group, it was intriguing to discover our different perceptions of RI based on our hometown. We opened up, and discovered there were mutual friends between us all.

10 + 1 Metaphors

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 16:35
by quasialogan
Conscience is a man's compass
A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete word and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind working to describe the abstract with the concrete

1. Metaphor
a. A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete word and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind working to describe the abstract with the concrete
2. Word Pool
a. Metaphor: Figure of speech, figurative expression, image, trope, allegory, parable, analogy, comparison
b. Bridge: span, cross, connection, traverse, extension
c. Between: in the middle, either side, betwixt, with one
d. Concrete: Specific, definite, real, sure, solidified
e. Word: speech or writing, symbol, language, collection of letters
f. Abstract: conceptual, notional, philosophical
g. Mind: brain, intelligence, intellectual, distressed
h. Linking: connecting, joining, uniting, allying
i. Known: familiar, known about, well known, studied, investigating
j. Senses: discern, feel, observe, notice, impression
k. Working: functioning, operating, going, running, operational, functional,
l. Describe: narrate, tell, chronicle, express
3. Re-Structure
a. Art is when one is able to express discernment articulately through language and create a narration that leaves an impression on the distressed.
b. It is art to express discernment articulately through language and create a narration that leaves an impression on the distressed.
c. It takes skill to use words that can educate the ignorant
- Structure expresses language that creates a story that leaves an expression
- Well thought out ideas create stories that are easy to understand.
4. Felt Experience- first person
a. I learn the most when knowledge is told in a story like manner
5. Group: Reductionist Technique - Assign words for each member based on felt experiences
a. Reductionist: person who analyzes and describes a complex phenomenon
b. Quasia's
i. Q- Learning
ii. R- Enlightenment
iii. C-
c. Robbie's
i. Q- Story
ii. R- Illustration
iii. C-
d. Colby-
i. -
ii. -
iii. -
6. Dichotomy from the 9 words
a. Analogies are
Repeat w Group Members (To Be Continued)

Re: Social Interaction Assignment

Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 14:53
by quasialogan
Conscience is a man's compass
A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete word and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind working to describe the abstract with the concrete

1. Metaphor
a. A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete word and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction of the mind working to describe the abstract with the concrete
2. Word Pool
a. Metaphor: Figure of speech, figurative expression, image, trope, allegory, parable, analogy, comparison
b. Bridge: span, cross, connection, traverse, extension
c. Between: in the middle, either side, betwixt, with one
d. Concrete: Specific, definite, real, sure, solidified
e. Word: speech or writing, symbol, language, collection of letters
f. Abstract: conceptual, notional, philosophical
g. Mind: brain, intelligence, intellectual, distressed
h. Linking: connecting, joining, uniting, allying
i. Known: familiar, known about, well known, studied, investigating
j. Senses: discern, feel, observe, notice, impression
k. Working: functioning, operating, going, running, operational, functional,
l. Describe: narrate, tell, chronicle, express
3. Re-Structure
a. Art is when one is able to express discernment articulately through language and create a narration that leaves an impression on the distressed.
b. It is art to express discernment articulately through language and create a narration that leaves an impression on the distressed.
c. It takes skill to use words that can educate the ignorant
- Structure expresses language that creates a story that leaves an expression
- Well thought out ideas create stories that are easy to understand.
4. Felt Experience- first person
a. I learn the most when knowledge is told in a story like manner
5. 1/2/3/ 1/2/3/ 1/2/3:
Reductionist: person who analyzes and describes a complex phenomenon
Q- Learning
R- Enlightenment
C- Relations
Q- Story
R- Illustration
C- Understanding
Q- Learning
R- Image
C- Connection
6. Dichotomy from the 9 words

Q: We learn through stories, painting images we create through understanding.
C: The difference in stories is the ability to use words to paint an illustration, and to paint a thought
R: Although we can learn from a story, we’ll have a better understanding if we have images or illustrations to provoke further thought.
What dichotomy are we choosing?

4. Felt Experiences:
R: I have found that I learn best with images and diagrams that illustrate what I have read or heard. With an example, I am able to connect words with something that visually represents what those words mean. This is beneficial to me for learning both new vocabulary and understanding more difficult concepts.

Q: From my personal experience, I find that I am much more susceptible to learning new concepts when I organize the information in a story like manner. I have taken this fact about myself, and turned it into a technique I use when teaching others. Being involved with leadership positions, i’ve seen this work for the better. Its taken me a while to adjust but I view our assignments and this class in a story like manner which helps.

C: I find it difficult to empower and motivate myself to learn effectively with the absence of being. This positive driving force, is present in everyone's life and allows us to teach others to strive for greatness. Only through the connection of self and thought can “being” be obtained and harnessed.

6. Dichotomies:
Q: We learn through stories, painting images we create through understanding.
C: "The difference in stories is the ability to use words to paint an illustration, and to paint a thought"
R: Although we can learn from a story, we’ll have a better understanding if we have images or illustrations to provoke further thought.

7. Word Pool
Difference, Story, Ability, Use, Words, Paint, Illustration, Thought, Learn, Image, Create, Understand, Provoke, Further
Difference: -Dissimilar -Change-Contrast

8. Joint Structure
R: We can develop a vision within our mind to ultimately change our future.
C: In order to grasp our future, we must develop talents, and think logically.

Q: Two people could explain the same tale using different logic. (Chosen structure)

9. Felt Experience
Q: This new structure reminds me of one of my close friends who is very good with her words. Since we were in high school, she always had a way of being quick yet thoughtful in her responses. It wasn’t until college that I learned how valuable it is to have the skill of turning complex stories into movies.
R: I’ve had a number of experiences with friends where we each recall a memory differently than the other. While some details may remain the same, we all have our own way of explaining it to someone who wasn’t there.
C: The joint structure we chose involves the use of symbols such words or images that envelop a story. The words you choose to paint a picture, and can differ among each person ultimately painting a different image.

10. 1/2/3/ 1/2/3/ 1/2/3
Q- perspective
R- experience
C- develop
Q- Value
R- Memory
C- Differences
Q- skill
R- detail
C- envelop

11. Insight & Realization
I feel like personally this assignment was helpful at first, and through my iteration became redundant. I would like to see my self develop my dichotomies earlier on, so that I have more to discuss with my group. Overall, I do appreciate the story that was told through the 10+1 assignment.