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Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:45
by aron_greene
Select 6 symbols (words)
Pair it up into three pairs
The word your pair are not associated with each other
Go into the dictionary for those words and writing it out
Three sentences down
Treat it like a word game
Framework for you to interpret the social meeting
Describing incidents form the social meeting
Creating text, immaterial not tangible
We get closer together when we share our experiences

Exercises 1

Posted: 09 Oct 2019, 16:23
by aron_greene
Fishbowl 10+1 steps
Opening structures
Entering the unknown, never without a structure, even when you are born
Gathering a word pool
Drawing a boundary of your context, opening the dictionary, writing more words
Pulling out the words, list them out
New sentence from the word pool
Sentence that you like, simple but catchers meaning of first structure
No right or wrong
Good to know how to abstract
Felt Experience
Completely different ball game, bringing the “I’ into it
A description, an event or incident, talking about yourself, has to fit the abstraction
Working together
Perceptual categories
Reductionist technique- Google it
Look at previous steps and reduce it to one word
How does the text make me feel
Ownership of your text, knowing and knowledge
5 and 6 are jointly
Negotiate dichotomy
From the 9 words
Taking 2 words further and create a WORD POOL
Push boundaries of your mind
Simple Sentence
Done jointly
Felt experience
Perceptual Categories
Realization and Insight