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Paradigm shift

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 08:51
by joedowning
Paradigm shift

The thought seeds planted in your mind grow a garden which is the reality unfolded to us, shaped by experience and concepts. The positive thinking model is in play here as well, positivity training, training the mind to filter positive so that what is perceived thereafter is guided by this principle in the effort to live a happier life.
– Unfolding transformative potential – happens through practice, in living, and within that actively participating in awareness and recognition of the moment and the opportunity that it presents to shape and grow.
– Images and ideas people hold of themselves – something that can either hold back or block potential but on the other side of that boost potential and allow for positive growth. Healthy self images / concepts, conversely there are negative and one does not exist without the other, I’d say its about balance in all things. Personally I have seen some of my most substantial awakenings happen when I open myself to the premise of humility and in that being willing to change what I had previously understood into new understandings all in the name of survival and deeper understanding.
My thoughts on grades and deadlines: I think deadlines are necessary but ideally have a modest amount of wiggle room to accommodate for unexpected events. I believe grades should be student friendly, if a student is paying the substantial fees to attend an institution and is at least attempting to do the work and not totally disregarding the responsibilities of the course then that student should always get a passing grade. Levels beyond that are linked to the amount of “above and beyond” that the student achieves. Personally, I haven’t been able to attend this class physically, but I have paid my fees and participated in this fishbowl consistently since the course started, and have honestly enjoyed myself, I hope I am meeting requirements that the Professor seems fit and can get a good “grade” at the end.

Re: Paradigm shift

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 09:01
by joedowning
-Using your voice - even in silence-

Non verbal ways can make a statement, theres plenty of lessons to be learned in silence, beneficial and substantial. using words has power behind it, also substantial, knowing which words and their tone and delivery and all the other elements of that are crucial in our existence. specifically, being members of institutions or the workplace, finding and using your voice allows you to keep intact your personal mission and values and conduct yourself in a way in which you are not chained to a false template you operate on the beat of your own drum within tasteful bounds of the guidelines that are set. Being considerate to outside of ourselves but protecting and using our own voice to support ourselves in whatever path it may be.