making space
Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 10:51
Tune in, Turn on, Drop out - Timothy Leary. A concept that was misunderstood by some and clear as can be to others. Nonetheless, its message can be interpreted in many ways colored by ones own perception. Perception shaped by experience and understanding. Speaking on images evoking emotions, the sensors that can be peaked and those sensors being tethered to certain reactions and emotions. Emotions connected to experience and different interpretations. Sensory overload can occur and its a persons responsibility to maintain a certain threshold or filtering process in these current times and moving forward. There's now a digital existence connected to these emotion evoking images. This digital existence is so prevalent that the illusion behind it all becomes more and more real in the sense that the basis on which that in itself is judged exists digitally and is now the main reference point for members of the worlds society.
The stars turn and a time presents itself - David Lynch
The stars turn and a time presents itself - David Lynch