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cyber culture

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 11:59
by joedowning

Living mindfully in cyber culture, survival in a new way. An internet existence where we have had to develop as you say crap detection techniques. A lot of it has become intuitive, knowing what seems false and what also seems to be credible sources of information. Through experience and also just constant practice of existing and operating digitally.

Attention – notice taken of something or someone.
Awareness, antenna open for business. Interest peaked, and curiosity flowing.

Participation – the action of taking part in something.
Participating in cyber culture, where everyone is at. Participating in information ingestion and also sharing.

Collaboration – the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
A community effort, a unified attempt and or execution of a task. A shared goal of a certain outcome and sharing the work it takes to get there.

Network – a group or system of interconnected people or things.
Using a network to collaborate toward a desired outcome. Goal completion in the name of a collective effort.