Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 11:46
ABSTRACT-existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
THEME- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
ADDRESS-speak to (a person or an assembly), typically in a formal way.
THEORETICAL- concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application.
CONSTRUCT-an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.
METHOD-a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
OUTCOME-the way a thing turns out; a consequence.
EMERGE-become apparent, important, or prominent.
TENTATIVE-not certain or fixed; provisional
Each of these words has a common theme. That theme is that in order to create a message one must combine all of the meanings of these words together to create a well thought out idea. These words are a foundational base for thinking. One must be able to ADDRESS their peers, CONSTRUCT a well thought out sentence using certain METHODS, thus creating an OUTCOME for the listener.
THEME- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
ADDRESS-speak to (a person or an assembly), typically in a formal way.
THEORETICAL- concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application.
CONSTRUCT-an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.
METHOD-a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
OUTCOME-the way a thing turns out; a consequence.
EMERGE-become apparent, important, or prominent.
TENTATIVE-not certain or fixed; provisional
Each of these words has a common theme. That theme is that in order to create a message one must combine all of the meanings of these words together to create a well thought out idea. These words are a foundational base for thinking. One must be able to ADDRESS their peers, CONSTRUCT a well thought out sentence using certain METHODS, thus creating an OUTCOME for the listener.