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Posted: 25 Sep 2019, 16:09
by joedowning
Determining the metaphor is a constant unfoldment. Situations and times present themselves that offer unforeseen experiences that create a new understanding of what was already perceived to be understood. The constant learning in a life’s journey is sometimes hidden or at least described in metaphor and we equip our experience and knowledge to decipher the messages that can offer some answers. Specifically, in looking to determine the metaphor of an organization we employ this awareness towards the direction that it appears to be going, the impact it is looking to make, and the connection we may feel towards it.

Wearing our magic goggles as Dick Gregory put it, according to him this describes the perspective conferred by movement from ethnocentrism to world-centrism. He also stated that this advance is like wearing special eyewear that enables one to perceive what is invisible or absurd to those without them. Shaping an evolving the ability to once again deprogram and reprogram. Move on from judgement shaped by misinformation and transition to having a spiritual grasp of acceptance and overall receptiveness to different outlooks and cultural approaches.

The fishbowl has the potential to be heavily metaphor laden text. The potential to be neither positive or negative just neutral as well as potentially leaning to one side or the other of that equation, knowledge being exchanged and an overall reciprocal exchange of thoughts and feelings contributing to the overall consciousness of the group. There's messages to be examined and filtered in to understanding whether or not it suits the recipient of the messages. No judgement just exchange to be consumed at ones own accord.