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Interactive assignments

Posted: 25 Sep 2019, 14:51
by christineciccone
Assignment 1

The group meeting started off kind of awkward because none of us had met each other before. We met at my house and Daniel showed up first. When he showed up, he rang the doorbell and I grabbed the door. He introduced himself and we sat at my kitchen table. We started off with small talk and discussed where we were each from. That came about because I noticed Daniels accent. I asked him if he was from New York but he was from New Jersey. He then asked me where I was from and I explained. Joe our other group partner texted us saying he was a few minutes late because he could not find his keys. When Joe showed up he let himself in and said Hello. He came upstairs and he introduced himself as did we. We just started talking about the class and the fishbowl. We discuss the different names for each category that belongs in the fishbowl. Both of them were very nice and outgoing once we got to know each other more. The conversation seemed to be easy. We started talking about the weather and just kept small talk with each other. Joe and Daniel started talking about where they live and they found out that they live near each other and that Joe knows Daniel neighbors. We started talking about how Daniel has a house in Vermont and we learned that he likes to ski and goes up to his house there a lot even though he is from new jersey. Then we started talking about the pizza places near us and how we did not like any of the options. We all agreed on one good places near us called Pasquales. We then talked about the types of pizza we've had there and what we liked best. After the conversation about pizza and Danial asked if we are good to go and all knew the rules for the assignment and got to know each other enough. We all agreed that we were good to go and Daniel got up first then Joe. They passed my roommates and said it was nice to them and headed out. For never meeting each other before the meeting went well and all got along.

Awkward: not smooth or graceful; ungainly.
Outgoing: friendly and socially confident.
Talking: engaging in speech
Learned: showing, requiring, or characterized by learning; scholarly
Agreed: discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties.
Accent: distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class

Awkward, Outgoing: Being an awkward person mostly comes about because you believe you are awkward. Whereas someone who doesn't think this about themselves would consider themselves outgoing.

Talking, Agreed: I hate talking in public but love talking to my friends and I think most people would agree with this statement.

Accent, Learned: I love hearing people's different accents and where there because you can learn a lot about one's culture through this.

I've learned through this process that meetings are a lot more interesting when you break them down. By talking to strangers and getting to know them by forced interaction creates for interesting conversation. I was lucky enough to have a group meeting with two very outgoing people.

Felt Experiment

Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 14:44
by christineciccone
Bridge: a structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river.
Concrete: into a mass; solidify
Linking: connecting or joining something to something else
Senses: the body perceives an external stimulus
Describing: give an account in words
Mind: a person's intellect.
Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea
Working: functioning or able to function
Between in the period separating

Word Pool:
Christine Ciccone
Bridge: connecting, link, bond, connection.
Concrete: real, confirmed, demonstrated, solid
Linking: Joining, attachment, joint, connection
Senses: feelings, affection, wisdom, wit
Describing: intercept, understand, depict, characterize
Mind: thoughts, intuition, perception, reasoning,
Abstract: open, brief, outline, encapsulation,
Working: actions, practice, performance, occupation, operating
Between: unite, within, bounded, enclosed

CONNECTING with people can create new friendships. (Thought process of what I might use: Link, Bond)
It is CONFIRMED that the world is round. (Thought process of what I might use: demonstrated, real)
In JOINING people's minds together you can enhance your knowledge. (Thought process of what I might use: attachment, connection)
Everyone has different FEELINGS towards texts and images. (Thought process of what I might use: affection, wisdom)
To CHARACTERIZE someone you must know them. (Thought process of what I might use: Understand, depict)
Everyone has their own PERCEPTION of life. (Thought process of what I might use: intuition, thoughts)
To OPEN up you have to be comfortable with your feelings. (Thought process of what I might use: Brief, outline)
Your ACTIONS speak louder than words. (Thought process of what I might use: Practice, performance
You can be outwardly calm but nervous WITHIN. (Thought process of what I might use: Enclosed, Bounded)

Felt experience:
I remember when Ir was finally CONFIRMED I was going to URI. I started looking for roommates and was OPEN to rooming with anyone. I remember FEELING extremely nervous on the first day. I tried to act calm and confident but I was so scared WITHIN. My PERCEPTION of college was only from what I had seen in movies. I was lucky because my roommate and I CONNECTED really well and she became one of my best friends. On the first night, we were looking into JOINING different groups and clubs to get involved. It took me very little time to realize your ACTIONS in college are noticed a lot less than they were in high school. There is less CHARACTERIZATION of people because everyone is able to find their own group in which they fit in.

Felt Experiment

Posted: 18 Nov 2019, 20:51
by christineciccone
Bridge: a structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river.
Concrete: into a mass; solidify
Linking: connecting or joining something to something else
Senses: the body perceives an external stimulus
Describing: give an account in words
Mind: a person's intellect.
Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea
Working: functioning or able to function
Between in the period separating

Word Pool:
Christine Ciccone
Bridge: connecting, link, bond, connection.
Concrete: real, confirmed, demonstrated, solid
Linking: Joining, attachment, joint, connection
Senses: feelings, affection, wisdom, wit
Describing: intercept, understand, depict, characterize
Mind: thoughts, intuition, perception, reasoning,
Abstract: open, brief,outline, encapsulation,
Working: actions, practice, performance, occupation, operating
Between: unite, within, bounded, enclosed

CONNECTING with people can create new friendships. (Thought process of what I might use: Link, Bond)
It is CONFIRMED that the world is round. (Thought process of what I might use: demonstrated, real)
In JOINING people's minds together you can enhance your knowledge. (Thought process of what I might use: attachment, connection)
Everyone has different FEELINGS towards texts and images.(Thought process of what I might use: affection, wisdom)
To CHARACTERIZE someone you must know them.(Thought process of what I might use: Understand, depict)
Everyone has their own PERCEPTION of life.(Thought process of what I might use: intuition, thoughts)
To OPEN up you have to be comfortable with your feelings. (Thought process of what I might use: Brief, outline)
Your ACTIONS speak louder than words. (Thought process of what I might use: Practice, performance
You can be outwardly calm but nervous WITHIN. (Thought process of what I might use: Enclosed, Bounded)

Felt experience:
I remeber when Ir was finallly CONFIRMED I was going to URI. I started looking for roommates and was OPEN to rooming with anyone. I remember FEELING extremelty nervous on the first day. I tried to act calm and condiant but I was so scared WITHIN. My PERCEPTION of college was only from what I had seen in movies. I was lucky because my roommate and I CONNECTED really well and she became one of my bestfriends. On first night we were looking into JOINING different groups and clubs to get involved. It took me very little time to realize your ACTIONS in college are noticed a lot less than they were in highschool. There is less CHARACTERIZATION of poeple because everyone is ablw to find there won group in which they fit in.

Word Pool:
Bridge-link, span, cross-over
abstract - conceptual, theoretical, philosophical
Known- familiar, studied, recognized
Senses-feeling, perception, awareness
Mind- attention, thoughts, attentiveness
Describe- report, narrate, recount
Linking - attach, associate, connect
Metaphor-image, symbol, analogy
Concrete- definitive, detailed, solid

Bridge- The internet keeps us all LINKED. (Thought process of what I might use: span, cross-over)
Abstract- The professor was very THEORETICAL in his teachings. (Thought process of what I might use: Conceptual, philosophical)
Known- The ocean is constantly being STUDIED. (Thought process of what I might use: familiar, recognized)
Senses- Your PERCEPTION of certain events can help to define your actions. (Thought process of what I might use: attention, awareness)
Mind- When learning a new subject you ATTENTION is key to grasping the knowledge. (Thought process of what I might use: thoughts, attentiveness)
Describe- The football analyst was NARRATING the game. (Thought process of what I might use: report, recount)
Linking- People can CONNECT over a common hobby. (Thought process of what I might use: associate, attach)
Metaphor- Green is a SYMBOL for fully charged. (Thought process of what I might use: image, analogy)
Concrete- The writing for a business case has to be very DETAILED. (Thought process of what I might use: definitive, solid.

Felt Experience:
Playing football my whole life has had a big impact on the person I am today. The teamwork then is LINKED to my abilities to work with a group of people now. THEORETICALLY, football teamwork and teamwork in a school or office setting are a little different. Though I really feel they CONNECT since you learn the ability to communicate with your peers. The more and more I have STUDIED for exams I’ve realized my ability to pay ATTENTION stems from focusing on football as a young child. Also, football plays are very DETAILED so being able to understand them at a young age helped develop good skills. In high school, we would have to watch game film and NARRATE what was going on. This helped us to see what we had done. It helps to be able to show self-criticism in the real world. Football is a SYMBOL of team-work. It defiantly has developed my PERCEPTION of working together as a team.

Word Pool:
Bridge: Connecting, link, overpass, platform
Concrete: detailed, objective, solid, specific, real
Linking: combining, coupling, joining
Senses: feel, impression, touch
Describing: call, specify, paint, picture, define
Mind: disapprove, object, resent, look askance at
Abstract: disconnect, uncouple, withdraw
Working: live, in process, employed, functioning
Between: enclosed by, halfway, amid, among, opening

connecting your thoughts with your actions is a great way to exemplify yourself to others. (Thought process of what I might use; link, overpass, platform)
The painter drew a DETAILEDdrawing of the forest. (Thought process of what I might use; objective, solid, specific, real)
To make a chain, you use COUPLINGpieces of iron. (Thought process of what I might use; combining, joining)
The wind was so strong, you could FEEL the wind on your face. (Thought process of what I might use; impression, touch)
The author PAINTED a picture with his words. (Thought process of what I might use; call, specify, picture, define)
He RESENTED his mom for making him clean his room. (Thought process of what I might use; look askance at, disapprove, object)
He got bored with the class and was in a state of DISCONNECT. (Thought process of what I might use; uncouple, withdraw)
With more oil in the gears, the motor was able to be FUNCTIONING. (Thought process of what I might use; live, in process, employed)
AMIDthe two pieces of bread were peanut butter and jelly. (Thought process of what I might use; enclosed by, among, halfway, opening)

Connecting, Detailed, Coupling, Feel, Painted, Resented, Disconnect, Functioning, Amid

Felt Experience
My first ever job was at a local hardware store in my town. Working there for two years, made me feel like I was a part of something big. Coupling with the fact that I grew to know everyone there very well, it was a great place to work. Then one day the owner sent us a detailed memo, saying that he was retiring and selling the business. New owners came in and there was a state of disconnect from the beginning. They painted a picture, where they resented the old employees from the beginning. There was no connection between us and them, and the business was less than functioning. Amid all of this, we realized that this was no longer a place for us to work, and we all sadly left.

Assignment 3

Posted: 20 Nov 2019, 15:47
by christineciccone
Original Sentence
Knowledge as objective or literal truth places too much emphasis on the object of knowledge and not enough on paradigms, perspectives, assumptions, language games, and frames of reference of the observer.

- Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education
- Emphasis:Importance
- Object: something
- Paradigms:pattern
- Perspectives: View
- Assumptions: basis
- Language games: manipulating
- Frames of reference:observation
- Observer: watches

New Sentence: As an Observer you can see different patterns and paradigms in people. You learn this through what knowledge people emphasise and can help you to learn their perspective. These observations become a frame of reference for us, rather than making assumptions. The object of observes is to get past language games and understand people and their perspective.

New Words: The importance of observation is to watch and view people and how they break down information. If there are patterns of something specific it helps us to understand and manipulate our perspective to understand others. The basis of observation is to understand.

Felt Experience:
Christine: As I grow older I learned the IMPORTANCE of acquiring INFORMATION through experience and education. This was SOMETHING that took me a while to learn and I had to change my VIEW. My first year of college I was very overwhelmed with new knowledge and soon realized the importance of it all that was being thrown at me. I quickly changed my perspective and started absorbing the knowledge in my classes rather than letting it overwhelm me. Because of this I started doing better in school and setting goals for myself. I got into a PATTERN of studying and taking notes and that became the BASIS OF absorbing a lot of knowledge. I MANIPULATED my thinking into a more positive perspective and WATCHED my grades improved.

Daniel: When I played football in high school the coach emphasized the IMPORTANCE of teamwork. He said by OBSERVING and paying attention to how others act as a team shows a lot about how well there going to play. He made us do a lot of team bonding because that's what he thought was most important to the game. I learned from this that in any group setting you will succeed by working with your group, and having a positive relationship. I WATCHED by team get better the more we bonded with each other. We got into a PATTERN of practice, team, bonding, games. This has now become the BASIS of how I view working in groups. This is SOMETHING I will always take with me wherever I go. This was some of the most important INFORMATION I have ever been taught and no one can MANIPULATE that into something else.

Joe: I took a class last year and it was one of my favorite class and favorite professors. I don't like public speaking but the professor had made me like it more. She taught me tips and INFORMATION on how to get past my fear. She also taught me the IMPORTANCE of public speaking. I would OBSERVE her techniques and learn from them and use them as my BASIS. She would MANIPULATE her words to make the class understand. I WATCHED her do this mny times it became a pattern. This year when deciding classes I saw the same professor. I chose this class assuming I would like it and learn more about public speaking because I liked the class I took with the professor the year before. I ended up loving the class again and it changed my VIEW of speaking.


Christine → Joe: Acquiring
Joe→ Christine: Favorite
Joe → Daniel: Deciding
Christine → Christine: Overwhelmed
Joe→ Joe: Favorite
Daniel → Christine: Bonding
Daniel → Joe: Attention
Joe→ Danial: Dont
Daniel → Danial: Teamwork

Deciding → Favorite
Acquiring → Don't
Attention → Teamwork

Christine thought about her work: Insightful
Christine thought about Joes work: Brave
Christine thought about Daniels work: Important

Joe thought about his work: proud
Joe thought about Joes Christines: successful
Joe thought about Daniels work: Interesting

Daniel thought about his work: Influential
Daniel thought about Joes work: Smart
Daniel thought about Christine's work: driven


Important: of great significance or value;
Interesting: arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.

Christine: There are many important things in life you need to know. For example how to do your taxes, how to write thank yous, and how to pay bills. However, these important things in life are not always interesting to do and achieve, therefore people do not focus on the importance of them. Some of the most important things are not always interesting. Though, I do think you can find interns in almost anything if you focus on the little details and think of the bigger picture.

Daniel As I mentioned earlier my highschool football coach always mentioned the importance of team bonding. I never thought about why he was setting up so many team dinners and team outings. I later on realized he never had close ties with his family so they would fight a lot. His story intrigued me and made his idea behind team bond so interesting to me.

Joe: I realized the importance of a good professor once I found a teacher that helped me get over my fear of public speaking. He taught me that once you face your fears you can actually learn to love and find enjoyment in something you were once scared of.

Christine thought about her work: valuable
Christine thought about Joes work: inspirational
Christine thought about Daniels work: deep

Joe thought about his work: hopeful
Joe thought about Joes Christines: informative
Joe thought about Daniels work: eye-opening

Daniel thought about his work: meaningful
Daniel thought about Joes work: happy
Daniel thought about Christine's work: confusing

Christine: Vocabulary really is important and gives a deeper meaning to writing. You put together words that you would not normally do, and you think deeply about their meaning. I learned that vocabulary is knowledge, and vocabulary can help you to convey your feelings.

Daniel: Seeing everyones different perspectives and personal stories gave me a new perspective and more insight into my two partners. I learned about their lives and how they viewed certain things and got an insight into their knowledge.

Joe: I learned how important it is to share knowledge and perspective with other people, especially strangers. After this process, I feel like I know my group members more and they gave me new perspectives as well.

Re: Interactive assignments

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 13:30
by christineciccone
Felt Experience 2
Original Sentence
Knowledge as objective or literal truth places too much emphasis on the object of knowledge and not enough on paradigms, perspectives, assumptions, language games, and frames of reference of the observer.

- Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education
- Emphasis:Importance
- Object: something
- Paradigms:pattern
- Perspectives: View
- Assumptions: basis
- Language games: manipulating
- Frames of reference:observation
- Observer: watches

New Sentence: As an Observer you can see different patterns and paradigms in people. You learn this through what knowledge people emphasise and can help you to learn their perspective. These observations become a frame of reference for us, rather than making assumptions. The object of observes is to get past language games and understand people and their perspective.

New Words: The importance of observation is to watch and view people and how they break down information. If there are patterns of something specific it helps us to understand and manipulate our perspective to understand others. The basis of observation is to understand.

Christine: It is IMPORTANT to read because it gives you knowledge
INFORMATION is a very powerful tool in the workplace
I chose criminal justice as my major because SOMETHING about it intrigued me
How you VIEW yourself matters because that's how others perceive you
The BASIS of conversation depends in your vocabulary
I noticed a PATTERN of good grades in my school work when I work hard
I've WATCHED some of my friends family grow up before my eyes
It's easy to be MANIPULATED without the right knowledge.

Joe: The most IMPORTANT part of family in communication
The information I've learned in this class has helped me grow
Everyone has different VIEWS on life
The BASIS of this class is self reflection
PATTERNS are everywhere if you just look.
People WATCHING is one of my favorite things to do
Don't let be MANIPULATE you because of your kindness.

Daniel: It is IMPORTANT to stay true to yourself
The more information I've learned the more confidant I feel
My VIEW of college has changed over the years
The BASIS of good conversation is confidence
I've seen PATTERNS in wallpaper
WATCHING what others do in the fishbowl is helpful for self growth.
You can MANIPULATE your thinking to be more open.

Felt Experience:
Christine: As I grow older I learned the IMPORTANCE of acquiring INFORMATION through experience and education. This was SOMETHING that took me a while to learn and I had to change my VIEW. My first year of college I was very overwhelmed with new knowledge and soon realized the importance of it all that was being thrown at me. I quickly changed my perspective and started absorbing the knowledge in my classes rather than letting it overwhelm me. Because of this I started doing better in school and setting goals for myself. I got into a PATTERN of studying and taking notes and that became the BASIS OF absorbing a lot of knowledge. I MANIPULATED my thinking into a more positive perspective and WATCHED my grades improved.

Daniel: When I played football in high school the coach emphasized the IMPORTANCE of teamwork. He said by OBSERVING and paying attention to how others act as a team shows a lot about how well there going to play. He made us do a lot of team bonding because that's what he thought was most important to the game. I learned from this that in any group setting you will succeed by working with your group, and having a positive relationship. I WATCHED by team get better the more we bonded with each other. We got into a PATTERN of practice, team, bonding, games. This has now become the BASIS of how I view working in groups. This is SOMETHING I will always take with me wherever I go. This was some of the most important INFORMATION I have ever been taught and no one can MANIPULATE that into something else.

Joe: I took a class last year and it was one of my favorite class and favorite professors. I don't like public speaking but the professor had made me like it more. She taught me tips and INFORMATION on how to get past my fear. She also taught me the IMPORTANCE of public speaking. I would OBSERVE her techniques and learn from them and use them as my BASIS. She would MANIPULATE her words to make the class understand. I WATCHED her do this many times it became a pattern. This year when deciding classes I saw the same professor. I chose this class assuming I would like it and learn more about public speaking because I liked the class I took with the professor the year before. I ended up loving the class again and it changed my VIEW of speaking.


Christine → Joe: Acquiring
Joe→ Christine: Favorite
Joe → Daniel: Deciding
Christine → Christine: Overwhelmed
Joe→ Joe: Favorite
Daniel → Christine: Bonding
Daniel → Joe: Attention
Joe→ Danial: Dont
Daniel → Danial: Teamwork

Deciding → Favorite
Acquiring → Don't
Attention → Teamwork

Christine thought about her work: Insightful
Christine thought about Joes work: Brave
Christine thought about Daniels work: Important

Joe thought about his work: proud
Joe thought about Joes Christines: successful
Joe thought about Daniels work: Interesting

Daniel thought about his work: Influential
Daniel thought about Joes work: Smart
Daniel thought about Christine's work: driven


Important: of great significance or value;
Interesting: arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.

Christine: There are many important things in life you need to know. For example how to do your taxes, how to write thank yous, and how to pay bills. However, these important things in life are not always interesting to do and achieve, therefore people do not focus on the importance of them. Some of the most important things are not always interesting. Though, I do think you can find interns in almost anything if you focus on the little details and think of the bigger picture.

Daniel As I mentioned earlier my highschool football coach always mentioned the importance of team bonding. I never thought about why he was setting up so many team dinners and team outings. I later on realized he never had close ties with his family so they would fight a lot. His story intrigued me and made his idea behind team bond so interesting to me.

Joe: I realized the importance of a good professor once I found a teacher that helped me get over my fear of public speaking. He taught me that once you face your fears you can actually learn to love and find enjoyment in something you were once scared of.

Christine thought about her work: Insightful
Christine thought about Joes work: Brave
Christine thought about Daniels work: Important

Joe thought about his work: proud
Joe thought about Joes Christines: successful
Joe thought about Daniels work: Interesting

Daniel thought about his work: Influential
Daniel thought about Joes work: Smart
Daniel thought about Christine's work: driven

Christine: Vocabulary really is important and gives a deeper meaning to writing. You put together words that you would not normally do, and you think deeply about their meaning. I learned that vocabulary is knowledge, and vocabulary can help you to convey your feelings.

Daniel: Seeing everyones different perspectives and personal stories gave me a new perspective and more insight into my two partners. I learned about their lives and how they viewed certain things and got an insight into their knowledge.

Joe: I learned how important it is to share knowledge and perspective with other people, especially strangers. After this process, I feel like I know my group members more and they gave me new perspectives as well.

felt experience #3

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 13:31
by christineciccone
Felt Experience 3

Sentence: Sameness and differences are a matter of context and point of view, change and continuity often two sides of the same coin.

Word Pool:
Context: the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning. : atmosphere
Continuity: the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something: Persistence
Sameness: lack of variety; uniformity : Predictability
Difference: a point or way in which people or things are not the same: change
Matter: Have significance: significance
Importance:a statement expressing the essential nature of something.: matters

New Sentence: The most important part about context is understanding how it matters in certain situations, people can have different views of context and others can have the same. However, it is important to make sure the context is always changing and does not fall into a pattern of continuity.
Christine: the CONTEXT of a citation helps to determine how it is read
Some belief the afterlife in the CONTINUITY of spirit
There is a DIFFERENCE between being kind and a pushover
All the books I like have a similar SAMENESS to them
How your view yourself MATTERS
The IMPORTANCE of life is to enjoy it.

Joe: It is always important to view the board CONTEXT of things.
The CONTINUITY of life is important
The DIFFERENCE between grades is how hard you work
The people I hung out with have a similar sameness of them.
It MATTERS how bad you want something if your going to get it.
It is so IMPORTANT to read.

Daniel: Situations are viewed differently based on the CONTEXT of how they happened.
Some cultures believe CONTINUITY more than others
There is a DIFFERENCE between everyone, no one is the same.
When buying clothes I realize they have SAMENESS to them.
It MATTERS the time and effort you put into something you want.
The most IMPORTANT meal of the day is breakfast.

Felt experience:

Christine: When I first started this class I was very confused and unsure. I had never been in a class where the ATMOSPHERE was so open-minded and expressive. This was a CHANGE from my other classes because there was no PREDICTABILITY Instead it was how you felt, and about self-reflection. The SIGNIFICANCE of this was that I taught me to self-reflect and to view others' perspectives as well. Their perspectives MATTERS just as much as mine even though they may be different.

Joe: I remember how nervous I was when coming to college. It was going to be a new ATMOSPHERE and not the PREDICTABLE schedule as highschool. It was a huge CHANGE for me but helped me grow a SIGNIFICANT amount. College has helped me a lot over the years and showed me what really MATTERS.

Daniel: When I was little I never got along with my siblings. However, when we got to high school the ATMOSPHERE was different and we were on the same sports teams. When we would fight was still UNPREDICTABLE but we didn't fight as often. This CHANGED our relationship SIGNIFICANTLY and brought us closer. My brothers MATTERS to me a lot.


Christine → Joe: unsure
Joe→ Christine: Nervous
Joe → Daniel: amount
Christine → Christine: open-minded
Joe→ Joe: over
Daniel → Christine: relationship
Daniel → Joe: often
Joe→ Daniel: grow
Daniel → Daniel: fight

Over→ Grow
Open-minded→ Fight
Unsure → relationship

Christine thought about her work: valuable
Christine thought about Joes work: truthful
Christine thought about Daniels work: Inspiring

Joe thought about his work: Proud
Joe thought about Christines: similar
Joe thought about Daniels work: relatable

Daniel thought about his work: Honest
Daniel thought about Joes work: growth
Daniel thought about Christine's work: similar

Honest: free of deceit and untruthfulness
Valuable: a thing that is of great worth

Christine: Growing up it is hard, to be honest with parents about grades, and your friends and everything in your life. As a kid, you want to do whatever you want. However, I learned the more honest I was with my parents the more they valued my word.

Joe: Everyone views of what is valuable and what do not differ. I view honesty as a very valuable thing because it does not give people false hope. Being honest may hurt or be difficult but I was taught it is always the thing to do. Honesty is a tough but amazing quality.

Daniel: Being honest is a very valuable trait because not a lot of people have the ability to do this often. Though being honest can be seen as valuable because it can hurt people's feelings, the value of being honest is because it is hard.

Chrstine: I feel like I finally got the hang of it down. I now see the point in felt experiences and how much it makes you look at words and sentence structures. It is not about what experience you right about it's about how you connect any experience to certain words when looking at the various meanings.

Joe: This felt experience was a little bit harder for me because there were fewer words. It made me focus in on each word more clearly which is important and gave me a new challenge.

Daniel: I feel a lot more confident in my knowledge vocabulary wise because it was never something I really thought about. These felt experiences have helped me to expand my horizons and ways of thinking.


Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 13:33
by christineciccone
Felt Experience 4
Sentence: lessons too complex to grasp in a single occurrence spiral past again and again, small examples gradually revealing greater and greater implications

New Sentence: It is very hard to reveal the implications of a complex situation. Once you know the whole truth it can be very revealing and you can learn to set examples through what you've learned. Once you grasp the truth your thought can spiral in all directions.

Word pool:
Complex: Complicated, elaborate
Grasp: Seize, hold, grip
Spiral: Scrolled, Circling, wound
Examples: case, illustration
Revealing: Acknowledge, admit
Implications: conclusion, indication, meaning

Christine: Things can get COMPLICATED when you don't have communication
It is always important to SEIZE the day
When SCROLLING through facebook I saw many different posts
ILLUSTRATIONS can have many different meanings
It is important to ACKNOWLEDGE people when they do something good.
I've come to the CONCLUSION that this class has taught me a lot about vocabulary.

Joe: I find it to be more COMPLICATED to learn when you don't read
You should SEIZE every opportunity you can
I can SCROLL through Instagram all-day
I do better learning through ILLUSTRATION because I am a visual learner
It is important to ACKNOWLEDGE when you are wrong
The CONCLUSION wraps up the whole paper

Daniel: everyone in highschool seemed to have COMPLICATED relationships
The bank SEIZED their property
The SCROLL worked for the king
It is important to ILLUSTRATE your feelings
I always ACKNOWLEDGE my teammates when they play well
The CONCLUSION of every paper includes short explanation of everything you talked about.

Felt Experience
Christine Ciccone: When I first moved in with my roommates, I thought it would COMPLICATED because I had never lived with anyone else. We came to the CONCLUSION that when we ACKNOWLEDGED each other personal space things went smoothly. We ended up ILLUSTRATING a really good living situation a sized every moment of living together. You should never just SCROLL past your issues when your roommates but instead talk about them.

Joe: I always found that relationships get COMPLICATED when you don't communicate. My girlfriend and I had to learn to ILLUSTRATE our feelings to each other in order to have a better relationship. When we were mad we would SCROLL through social media and not speak. Now we ACKNOWLEDGE that something is wrong and talk about it till we come to a CONCLUSION.

Daniel: I've learned that you can interpret ILLUSTRATION differently than others. An illustration is a lot more COMPLICATED than people realize and usually have a deeper meaning. The CONCLUSION of illustrations is different for everyone and we ACKNOWLEDGE that. We cannot SCROLL through illustrations simply.

Christine → Joe: Personal
Joe→ Christine: feelings
Joe → Daniel: wrong
Christine → Christine: Living
Joe→ Joe: learn
Daniel → Christine: simply
Daniel → Joe: deeper
Joe→ Danial: relationship
Daniel → Danial: realize

Personal → wrong
Simply → deeper
Realize → feelings

Christine thought about her work: understanding
Christine thought about Joes work: truthful
Christine thought about Daniels work: deep

Joe thought about his work: sad
Joe thought about Joes Christines: relatable
Joe thought about Daniels work: smart

Daniel thought about his work: proud
Daniel thought about Joe's work: similar
Daniel thought about Christine's work: confused

Understanding; bewildering or perplexing
Confused: sympathetically aware of other people's feelings

Christine: it is important to understand other people's feelings to understand them. Someone may be acting a certain way and your confused why. However, once you understand their background and their feelings you will understand why they are acting the way they do.

Joe: Understanding why people have different views on things is very confusing. It's easy to understand your view because it makes perfect sense to you. However, when it comes to other people it confusing trying to figure out their thought pattern if it does not match with yours.

Daniel: It's confusing how people can understand each other without being similar. You can understand and get someone so deeply yet, be so different from them.

Final Thoughts:
Christine: I've learned words are the key to understanding yourself, and others. By doing both of these you have amazing growth and a new perspective.

Joe: I was very timid with this class at first and did not know if I would succeed. After doing these felt experiences I've learned a lot about myself and this class.

Daniel: These felt experiences have helped me to learn the importance of vocabulary and how everything interconnects in someway if you look hard enough.