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Class Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 15:16
by joeconnell
In this Topic, I will be posting all of my notes from the classes!

Wednesday Sept 18th Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:03
by joeconnell
• Chasing nuance
• We want to settle our differences
• We want to determine the difference of selection in words
• We select nuance because we want to see each other’s differences in our selection of words
• We are going after difference between we are creating value
• Creates value in digital space
• How are you going to put the words in the boxes?
o How are you going to get there?
o You are writing your own textbook
• First person action research (google this)
First person action research refers to an approach to research undertaken by researchers as an inquiry into their own actions, giving conscious attention to their intentions, strategies and behaviour and the effects of their action on themselves and their situation
• Start looking at words as symbols
• You’re learning to abstract
o Look up abstract
• You want to stay rooted in reality
• If you do not have an organization that has room for improvement, then we are stuck with the same stuff always
o Stuck with the same iphone forever
• Textual turn ( google it)
I found a journal and a few articles about this?
• Cultural stock
• We want to talk about bountifulness (google word)
the property of copious abundance. amplitude, bounty. abundance, copiousness, teemingness - the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply; "an age of abundance"

September 10th Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:09
by joeconnell
Gilbert Simondon was a French philosopher best known for his theory of individuation, a major source of inspiration for Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Stiegler.
Individuate is a theory and idea where you are to distinguish from others of the same kind; single out
activity is defined as the condition in which things are happening or being done
Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught
Society is defined as the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community
Unabated is defined as without any reduction in intensity or strength
Archive is defined as a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people
• Learn through osmosis
• Google all names in emails sent to us
• Post under the subject vocabulary all the words that are in bold
• You cannot do a thing without your vocabulary
o Vocab is key
• Vocabulary creates a meaning for you in your language
• Deconstruction of the letters
o You want to be able to understand them
o You want to see the reflection of your work
o Open up a subject called deconstruction
• A key thing is of design thinking is to create a living text
o The fish bowl needs to be a living text
o If it is not living, it is dead space
• Take ownership of your own words
• Respond in our own group for the letter
• Immerse yourself in the text
o To be thinking about it all the time
o We are thinking one word at a time
o Go to the dictionary if you do not know what the word means
 By doing this you get more words that associate with it
• What are your selected words?
• Words are emotional
• Social meeting exercise
• We are big on feelings in this class
• Ethnographic notes
o Whatever happens to you, you write it down
• Take note about what happened at the meeting
o Write down what your group members said
o Who was late, etc
o Select 6 symbols
 DO with care
 6 words
o Pair the 6 words into 3 pairs
 The words being paired up are not associated with each other
 Put two words together that you have never seen together before
o Go into the dictionary for those 6 words, and write them out
 Do it for two words at a time
 Create a simple sentence
 Once you do this, you have half the semester done because we will be doing this for the semester
 It’s a word game
 3 sentences are a framework for you to interpret your social meeting
o Start with sentence at the top, then under, write a description about social meeting
• The precise meaning and significance will vary according to the frame of reference through which it is viewed
• Precise, according, meaning, significance, vary, frame, reference, view

Opening Day Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:11
by joeconnell
• There are no exams that are going to be given
• It is all about the process
• You do not need to buy the textbook
• Designing innovative organizations
o By working in your group of three, that is what it means
• Use it on your resume that you are a design analyst
o Be able to express yourself in the most fluent way possible, you will be able to back up what is on your resume
o By being able to be fluent and having a great vocabulary, you are able to be better looked at in the light of a hiring manager
• Compared to engineering, we are talking about ourselves as human beings, not as just the job at hand
• Design thinking is an iterative process
• There is a crisis in perception
• As humans, we have not caught up to the technology that we have created
• Going to be watching a lot of ted talks, full length movies
• No homework
• No exams
• Always working in groups, can read each other’s texts
• Purpose of this will be not to be difficult, but challenging
o We are creating something here!
• “We are building our cultural capital”
o Pierre Bourdieu
• It always comes down to vocabulary
o Always learn new words
• In this course we are going at it one word at a time
• Learn to engage with each other’s texts
• Reading and responding in a timely manner
• Active listening and active reading means active learning
• The point of the letters is to
• Forced structuralist
• Grade distribution
o Taking and making notes

I am very excited to be learning about this class. I cant wait!

Comments about Notes from prior classes so far

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:14
by joeconnell
Looking back at my notes, I want to point out how much I grew from this class. I was so interested in the development of my knowledge throughout this class. By expressing myself in my notes, I was glad to see my outlook on the class. I really enjoyed learning about the structure of the class in the beginning, and it really makes me happy how much I have grown intellectually throughout the semester.

Comments continued

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:17
by joeconnell
One more note I want to make regarding this class. When Sanjiv talked about how we would grow more with our groups, he was very accurate in this statement. Too much now we focus on our phones and social media. We need to be able to love ourselves, and the surroundings we are in. The internet is a great place of knowledge, but it ruins humanity as well. People need to focus on the now, and live their lives to the fullest. Being apart of a group and getting out of our comfort zone has really helped me to progress throughout this semester. It is a beautiful transition I was apart of. Once again, knowledge has grown me more into a full person.

October 10th Class Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:19
by joeconnell
• Make sure you are at class
• If you want to have your grade shown, then you need to submit a hard copy
o That way if you get a B+ then you can fix the issues and then get the A
• Copying is not an issue
o Find the person who has the best notes and make sure you look like there’s
• There is no deadline for things?
• We are now looking for design of things
• He is here for us!
• We are knowledge workers!
• Need to cross things out, if you do not, then you are faking it
o Show how your mind works
o You need to learn how to watch how your mind works
• Creating knowledge is tentative

Comment on class notes from October 10th

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:22
by joeconnell
One thing that I really enjoyed from the class is being able to learn from others. I myself, am someone who learns by doing. Watching other people do their work is a great way in my opinion to learn. In some instances, yes cheating can be defined as that. But a true learner is someone who looks at others work, and uses that to create their own. You are only setting yourself back if you completely copy another's work. By doing your own and gathering ideas from others, you can make an even better idea of your own.

October 16th Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:24
by joeconnell
• We are getting into groups later on
• A metaphor
o Google the meaning
o A metaphor is a bridge
 What is a bridge
o What does in between mean?
 Google what that means
 What it means in society
 Abstract
o Abstract
o Linking
o Known
o Senses
o Working
• A metaphor is a bridge between the concrete word and the abstract mind, linking something known to the senses with an abstraction to the mind, always working to describe the abstract with the concrete.
o Think about his story about the guys who sat under the table
o Vincent van go example to brother
 Conscience is a man’s compass
• Look up reductionist
• Look up insight and realization
• Notes, google searches, vocab for fish bowl

Word Pool:
Bridge: Connecting, link, overpass, platform
Concrete: detailed, objective, solid, specific, real
Linking: combining, coupling, joining
Senses: feel, impression, touch
Describing: call, specify, paint, picture, define
Mind: disapprove, object, resent, look askance at
Abstract: disconnect, uncouple, withdraw
Working: live, in process, employed, functioning
Between: enclosed by, halfway, amid, among, opening

CONNECTING your thoughts with your actions is a great way to exemplify yourself to others. (Thought process of what I might use; link, overpass, platform)
The painter drew a DETAILED drawing of the forest. (Thought process of what I might use; objective, solid, specific, real)
To make a chain, you use COUPLING pieces of iron. (Thought process of what I might use; combining, joining)
The wind was so strong, you could FEEL the wind on your face. (Thought process of what I might use; impression, touch)
The author PAINTED a picture with his words. (Thought process of what I might use; call, specify, picture, define)
He RESENTED his mom for making hi clean his room. (Thought process of what I might use; look askance at, disapprove, object)
He got bored with the class and was in a state of DISCONNECT. (Thought process of what I might use; uncouple, withdraw)
With more oil in the gears, the motor was able to be FUNCTIONING. (Thought process of what I might use; live, in process, employed)
AMID the two pieces of bread was peanut butter and jelly. (Thought process of what I might use; enclosed by, among, halfway, opening)

Connecting, Detailed, Coupling, Feel, Painted, Resented, Disconnect, Functioning, Amid

Felt Experience
My first ever job was at a local hardware store in my town. Working there for two years, made me feel like I was a part of something big. Coupling with the fact that I grew to know everyone there very well, it was a great place to work. Then one day the owner sent us a detailed memo, saying that he was retiring and selling the business. New owners came in and there was a state of disconnect from the beginning. They painted a picture, where they resented the old employees from the beginning. There was no connection between us and them, and the business was less than functioning. Amid all of this, we realized that this was no longer a place for us to work, and we all sadly left.

October 23rd Class Notes (Movie about Dancing)

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:29
by joeconnell
• Money is made with the conceptual stuff
• Developing the skill of conceptualization
o Stick with it on a daily basis
o Can’t be distracted by it
• You do not want to be outside my concise
• Let’s talk about the metaphor exercise
o Restructured the sentence
• You have to learn to empower your text
o If else you will fail
• We are looking to write our own textbook
• To capture fleeting images in my mind
o For knowing and knowledge creation
• Start with the feeling
Strictly Ballroom
The movie is ok, but I am not enjoying the pausing of the movie. I prefer to just watch a movie all the way through.
Interesting movie
Would not choose to watch this on my own
I don't know how I feel about this movie
The main character should follow his heart
He needs to express himself more and show his true feelings
Dancing with her parents showed his true self
I can't believe he just tossed her to the side
Weird movie in general

October 30th Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:30
by joeconnell
• You are designing text
o We are looking at what we are reading and writing
o That is the trust of this class
• Wow, so this class is about human resources?
• Ways of thinking
o Each way of thinking is a discourse
• How do you design an innovative organization for people to thrive?

November 6th Notes

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 17:32
by joeconnell
• Sentence Time
o Knowledge as objective or literal truth places too much emphasis on the object of knowledge and not enough on the paradigms, perspective, assumptions, language games, and frames of reference of the observer
• Using it as a catalyst
You want everything to be simple
The feelings of loneliness goes away when you surround yourself with words