Response to Letters

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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 15:00

Response to Letters

Post by christineciccone » 17 Sep 2019, 21:31

Making Space
"Emotions are evoked by Text and Images. Always has been."
Emotions are triggered because of words people say and images that we process. We all have different emotions and responses to words and images that may be the same. That's what makes texts and images so powerful.

Sharing What We See
"In this circumstance, connecting across differences is the way forward into the future"
We all view words and situations in a different way depending on how we feel that day or stuff that has happened to us in the past. by using our words to discuss why we do the things we do and how we react we see different perspectives. None of us react the same to a situation. By explaining these differences to others is how we grow and gain a new perspective. We can only learn by sharing our differences and keep growing.

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