Google Searches
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Luce Irigaray
Examined the misuses of words against women
Examined the misuses of words against women
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Self-reflection: Analyzing one's self
Participative observation: When the researcher interacts in their own research with participants
Auto-ethnography: The author using self reflection to share felt experiences
Dichotomous thinking: Thinking best or worst without the middle grounds in between
Structures and structuring: A structure is made of distinct parts
Interpretation: How somebody gives meaning to something else
Sharing thoughts and mental processes: Through language
It requires a great amount of self-reflection to write papers
Sanjiv participates in participative observation, both teaching the class as well as writing papers and letters to us
Auto-ethnography is something that we do every day in the fishbowl, sharing experiences with each other
Dichotomous thinking allows people to juxtapose words with each other, creating a stark difference
Structures and structuring are integrated throughout our society both in our words and daily lives
Reading the fishbowl posts, a great deal of information can be gained through interpretation of words, we have so much to learn
The fishbowl is a great way to share thoughts and mental process, as we are asked to do exactly that
Participative observation: When the researcher interacts in their own research with participants
Auto-ethnography: The author using self reflection to share felt experiences
Dichotomous thinking: Thinking best or worst without the middle grounds in between
Structures and structuring: A structure is made of distinct parts
Interpretation: How somebody gives meaning to something else
Sharing thoughts and mental processes: Through language
It requires a great amount of self-reflection to write papers
Sanjiv participates in participative observation, both teaching the class as well as writing papers and letters to us
Auto-ethnography is something that we do every day in the fishbowl, sharing experiences with each other
Dichotomous thinking allows people to juxtapose words with each other, creating a stark difference
Structures and structuring are integrated throughout our society both in our words and daily lives
Reading the fishbowl posts, a great deal of information can be gained through interpretation of words, we have so much to learn
The fishbowl is a great way to share thoughts and mental process, as we are asked to do exactly that
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Zygmunt Bauman: Polish sociologist and philosopher, who published a book and was one of the most influential intellectuals in Europe
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Deleuze: A French philosopher who wrote on philosopher, literature, and film. "Considering himself an empiricist and a vitalist, his body of work, which rests upon concepts such as multiplicity, constructivism, difference, and desire, stands at a substantial remove from the main traditions of 20th century"
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Of, or relating to anything that has to do with text
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Anthony Giddens: Known for theory on structuration and holistic view of modern societies
Last edited by Katie Bergantine on 17 Dec 2019, 20:34, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Deep learning
Part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on artificial neural networks
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Brian Massumi: Canadian philosopher and social theorist
- Posts: 47
- Joined: 14 Sep 2019, 21:47
Re: Google Searches
Susan Sontag: American writer, mostly wrote essays but also published novels