Nuance - a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound
"We are chasing nuance"
We are chasing nuance to see the differences in the words we use, the sentences we form. Even the slightest difference can change the entire meaning of what we are trying to say.
First Person Action Research - refers to an approach to research undertaken by researchers as an inquiry into their own actions, giving conscious attention to their intentions, strategies and behavior and the effects of their action on themselves and their situation
Google Terms
Re: Google Terms
Self-reflection: Analyzing one's self
Participative observation: When the researcher interacts in their own research with participants
Auto-ethnography: The author using self-reflection to share felt experiences
Dichotomous thinking: Thinking best or worst without the middle grounds in between
Structures and structuring: A structure is made of distinct parts
Interpretation: How somebody gives meaning to something else
Sharing thoughts and mental processes: Through language
It requires a great amount of self-reflection to write papers
Sanjiv participates in participative observation, both teaching the class as well as writing papers and letters to us
Auto-ethnography is something that we do every day in the fishbowl, sharing experiences with each other
Dichotomous thinking allows people to juxtapose words with each other, creating a stark difference
Structures and structuring are integrated throughout our society both in our words and daily lives
Reading the fishbowl posts, a great deal of information can be gained through an interpretation of words, we have so much to learn
The fishbowl is a great way to share thoughts and mental process, as we are asked to do exactly that
Participative observation: When the researcher interacts in their own research with participants
Auto-ethnography: The author using self-reflection to share felt experiences
Dichotomous thinking: Thinking best or worst without the middle grounds in between
Structures and structuring: A structure is made of distinct parts
Interpretation: How somebody gives meaning to something else
Sharing thoughts and mental processes: Through language
It requires a great amount of self-reflection to write papers
Sanjiv participates in participative observation, both teaching the class as well as writing papers and letters to us
Auto-ethnography is something that we do every day in the fishbowl, sharing experiences with each other
Dichotomous thinking allows people to juxtapose words with each other, creating a stark difference
Structures and structuring are integrated throughout our society both in our words and daily lives
Reading the fishbowl posts, a great deal of information can be gained through an interpretation of words, we have so much to learn
The fishbowl is a great way to share thoughts and mental process, as we are asked to do exactly that