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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 00:23


Post by matthew_waleyko » 17 Sep 2019, 12:12

Individual Assignment 1 – Virtual Reality: Our Digital Escape:

Watch video and reflect then select and post 10 phrases form the video.

1. “We are being able to stimulate more and more senses”
2. “In 1969 the real experience theater came to life”
3. “Think of virtual reality as a portal into any world we can create”
4. “Any idea any location any mentality can be created”
5. “Learning becomes easier and less stressful”
6. “We can use this to solve previously unexplored problems”
7. “Although the human brain is smart and attentive to details it’s pretty easy to trick”
8. “The brain is forcing you to accept the reality is real”
9. “It may eventually become weird to send the real world”
10. “If we are able to build these places and fully immerse ourselves where we can’t tell were in a simulated reality we just might find out that we are never going back”

Posts: 114
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 00:23

Individual Assignment 2 – Theory of Assemblages:

Post by matthew_waleyko » 20 Oct 2019, 21:33

Individual Assignment 2 – Theory of Assemblages:

Make notes of key sentences, particularly those that help you understand you social entity, the fishbowl, as a flow of information
• “There are connected spaces and unconnected spaces”
• Globalization opens up all sorts of ways to undermine and change the way we think about political geography.
• “China exports business people, nannies, students, teachers to teach Chines around the region to intermarry and to occupy ever greater commanding heights of the economy”
• “What you really have emerging in the far east are national cultures but in a much mor fluid, imperial zone”
• “Kurdistan has no choice but to behave in order to profit from its oil”
• “independence alone without infrastructure is futile”
• “More pipelines mean more silk roads, instead of the Great Game”
• “The post-colonial entropy is accelerating”
• “Evolving into … a global network civilization”
• “Connectivity not sovereignty has become the organizing principle of the human species”
• “We will build more infrastructure in the next 40 years than we have in the last 4,000 years”
• “Connectivity is how we optimize the distribution of tools and resources around the world”
• “it is how mankind becomes more than the sum of its parts”
• “you cannot calculate any of their individual value without understanding the role of the flows of people, finance, of technology which enable them to thrive”
• “Their cities belong as much to the global network civilization as to their home countries”

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