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Posted: 16 Sep 2019, 08:52
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 1
• Making notes is very important in this class.
• Read by deconstructing text, every test should be read at least 3 times.
• This class is focused on learning and knowledge creation.
• This is a writing class where a lot of the responses are single word or sentence.
• Knowledge building is an emotional exercise.
• A big part of the class is the sociality within the group
• A focus in the class is about soft power projection.
______o There was an anecdote where professor Dugal “Created a reality in which he [the car salesman] had no choice [but to give him a VW Beatle]”.
• Everyone should be taking ownership of their work.
______ o Papers submitted based off of the class will include students as coauthors
____________ Pertains to students in the B and above category.
• Professor will introduce a 10-step sequence to aid us in our learning
• If there is a group meeting then the class meeting will be canceled
• The first meeting of the group should occur in a social setting and there should be a starfish post regarding this.
• This class is about learning so even arriving at a wrong answer is still good as that is a part of learning.
• There is no final exam.
• Deadlines are internal to the group.
• There are no official due dates for the course work.
• If you do everything you will not get less than a B.
• Attendance is built into the class via the posting of your class notes.
• There will be 4 interactive assignments
• To succeed in this class there will need to be evidence of learning.
• They will be bolded in the letters sent by Professor Dugal.
• Google the word and skim through the results and associate a sentence from the text with that word.
• Post this in FishBowl
To do:
• Reread the syllabus.
• Type up and post these notes.
• Google
______o Individuation and Gilbert Simonds
____________ Post a sentence from the results on fishbowl
______o Deconstruction and Jacque Deillide
____________ Post a sentence from the results on fishbowl
Notes Class 2
Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 10:24
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 2
____• If you get an A in the class in the professor will write you a letter of recommendation
________o This letter will talk about the skills you have acquired in this class
____• Letters are important as you will be needing them throughout your life
________o E.g. needed in order to move
____• Learning to communicate in this new environment is extremely important because those that do not will fall behind
________o The purpose of this class is to empower you by teaching you how to communicate
____• In society we need to learn how to create knowledge
________o We are creating knowledge among the three people within the group
____• Students should express emotions in their posts
____• We are creating a society that is very visual
____• Homework will often be in a separate email that focuses specifically on the homework
____• The next video that we will be watching will focus on networks
____• In this class we focus on the network society and the visual society we live in
____• The most important external person associated with this class is the film guy
________o The is important as he will come to a class
____• The notes that are being taken add value to my mind as I reprocess what the professor says in my notes
____• Looking at a word carefully is looking up the word and selecting other words
________o A good dictionary to use is the American Heritage Dictionary
____• Words
________o Are concepts
________o Symbols
________o A phenomenon
________o An image
____• Nuance – In this class we are learning nuance
____• Redundant – people are becoming redundant due to information overload
____• Emergent – The homework in this class keeps emerging and taking shape
________o In this class we are surfing on a wave of words
____• Connective – We as people need to stay connected and maintain connectivity
____• Archived for years
____• We should keep up with the vocabulary
____• If we do not know what is going on, we should view the professor’s letters
____• Our letters section will be about how we respond to the professor’s letters
________o This response is essentially reading the letter and writing what we thought about
____________ E.g. a memory
________o The letters will open up after we have done the vocabulary
____• The posts in fishbowl add value to the group
________o Value cannot be added if you just copy from other people
________o The value is created by reflecting on the nuance and meaning of words
________o The value results from difference and the difference stems from the pre-individual
____________ The difference shows in the way we select words
____• We should find a person that makes good posts and use them as a yardstick for our own posts
________o We should only use them as a yardstick after our own post because we want our experiences to not be reliant on other people
Social Meeting:
____• Results in no class next week
____• Need to meet socially with group next week
____• The meeting needs to be open ended
____• There should be no fixed topic to discuss
____• Do not talk about the professor and the class
____• Prior to the meeting a diary will need to be created
________o These will be ethnographic notes
________o These notes will represent the pre-individual self
________o These are personal and no one else will see them
____• At the meeting you should observe everything
____• Take notes about the meeting immediately after
________o Be very specific
________o The longer the better for these notes
________o Write about the conversation
________o Write about the ongoing of the Surrounding
____• You should circle 6 words from your notes
____• Create 3 dichotomies between the 6 words
____• Take the dichotomies further by going into the dictionary and creating a pool of words for the dichotomies
____• Create a sentence for each of the dichotomies from the pool of words for said dichotomies
________o These sentences are abstractions that are associating the two concepts
____• Under each sentence write a shot paragraph about the meeting that must fit the sentence
________o You make the sentence fit by tweaking the sentence and the paragraph
________o This represents a reality you create based on the symbols you select form the meeting
____• Will need to turn in a hard copy of the assignment
____• The assignment will need to be posted by the group at the same time
Notes Class 3
Posted: 08 Oct 2019, 09:49
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 3
____• We should be evaluated based on our impact, innovation, and engagement.
____• We will be in touch with our creative instincts
____• Literacy is a social practice
____• In this class we have done two steps out of the 10-step algorithm he is teaching
____• The Method that we are utilizing to learn in this class is similar to RISD’s method
____• When there is a deadline it means that we are moving onto another topic
____• The professor is making the class confusing because today the world is confusing
____• There are no recipients for papers today as no one reads them
____• Professor will always look where the learning is occurring because learning is what employers look for
____• Our People are interested in our selection process
____• Our research activity is centered on learning and innovation in Fishbowl
____• We are looking at the relationship between two concepts
________o A concept is a word which is a symbol which is an image which is an idea
____• We create abstract sentences (structure)
____• We are trying to find the right word
____• The dictionary is our toolbox
____• We are connecting our felt-experience to an abstraction
____• Because we went through the process, we now own that sentence
____• There is nothing the professor can do if a groupmate is blocking you work progression
____• You can inspire each other to do their work
____• We enhance each other
____• The first meeting was an attempt at friendship
____• Work should be simple, fun, and challenging
________o If you don’t feel this way, speak with the professor
____• Should not be done out of guilt
____• Should be done consistently because just like vegetables you cannot eat them all at once
____• We are working nonlinearly
____• The most important thing is taking class notes
____• We are practicing performative writing
____• We will get into videos much latter in the semester once we have something to say
____• If you are complaining about the number of letters if could be that you are being overly conscientious in the responses
Important words
____• Apperception
____• Search through the results and associate one sentence with that concept and name
____• We need to know who the people are that we are googling
Should Google
____• IATED Academy
____• INTED Conference
____• IATED Conference
Notes Class 4
Posted: 21 Oct 2019, 21:49
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 4
____• Society is within a particular context
____• We are payed based on the knowledge we create
____• In a practical sense we are using the meaning of words
____• The knowledge we are creating is created interactively
____• The professor tries to sit in the atrium as opposed to his office
____• We are leaning to write abstractions
____• Our lives are lived out through our text and our structures
____• Integrated networking structure
________o Developing a knowing and a knowledge about this subject
________o we are creating our own unique knowing and knowledge
____• It is important to post on time
____• If you want handwritten comments then you must submit a hardcopy on time
____• The grade on the hard copy is notional
____• E.g. if the paper says B+/A-, then if you make the suggested changes then when it is graded then it will be an A-
____• If the other people in the group are not responding, ask your grandma
____• In the letters you should do something parallel to the 10 steps
____• Should not use the same definition in the vocab as the others because it does not add diversity and value
____• Do not skip out on the google searches
________o need to know the names and develop the favorites
____• When you work thought the text you begin to own it
____• We are developing our expression
____• The professor is not looking at the forum statistics
________o he needs to see that you have been working regularly
________o you did not let your group down
____• We rarely deviate from these 10 steps
____• You should keep the iterative steps do not delete them
____• steps 6-8 are done jointly
____• The first step is to create a structure
________o This is an opening structure
________o we do not exist without a structure, we enter the unknown with a structure, even when we enter the world when have our DNA structure
________o first structure is integrated networking structure
____• Second step is making word pool
________o The bigger the dictionary is the better the word pool will be
________o Which word we select can change your life
________o We want the word pool to be as large as possible
________o You should slow down at this step
____• Step 3, from the word pool you should create a new integrated networking structure
________o When we are creating a restructure, it should make sense to you
________o He is not looking for tidy, include the eliminated words
________o The sentences are abstractions and so there should be no I or first-person perspective
____• Step 4 is a felt experience
________o The paragraph about you and experience
________o This needs to fit the abstraction
________o We want to stay connected to our human experience
____• Step 5, the interaction begins
________o There are 9 words
________o Reductionist technique – google it, reduce an image to one word
________o Representational
________o Symbolic
________o Boiled down previous two steps to one word
________o We are sharing our perceptual categories
________o Key is to not look at the other’ s words
________o Step 5 is done jointly
____• Step 6, going to jointly pair two words from the 9
________o The more opposite the better
________o Adjectives are bad
____• Step 7, we take the two words further
____• Step 8, should each come up with a sentence and mix and match
________o need to show iteration process.
________o Be sure to fight for your own clarity because you will need to create a felt experience.
____• We will go over step 11 later but it is about realization and insight
____• Reductionist technique
____• Margaret Catherin Bateson, Daughter of Gregory Bateson
____• Meaning of the word relation
Notes Class 5
Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 10:18
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 5
____• If you don’t get what we are trying to do in this class you should take it again
____• We are knowledge workers
____• Once we work at a trot then the professor will begin to show films
____• People are looking at the words we are selecting and which ones we sort out
____• Everyone wants to know how Americans think
____• It is beneficial to be in another person’s conciseness
____• When we create, we take the words further and taking the words further is what creates value
____• We are learning to create value amongst the three of us and we do that through words
____• The title of the paper, Name, et all, conference should go under publications section of resume
____• Selfie is the 3 of you talking about for a minute the integrated network structure
____• So far one group has given a hard copy on integrated, networking, structures
________o He will be avidly reading this group’s submission
____• It is a good idea to give a hard copy at least once so you can get the feedback at least once
____• We should give the professor at least one hard copy next week
____• Once we start on our second structure, we are now on our own
____• We will create three additional structures
________o Topics
____________ Complex adaptive systems
____________ Dynamic decision making
____________ Unique innovative capabilities
________o The 10 steps help us learn about these topics
________o These topics are characteristics of successful international companies
________o The 4 structures are 40% of our grade
____• Deconstructing the letters are extremely important
____• We are developing a practice
____• The research methodologies we are using in this course is contained within the 10-step algorithm.
________o We need to get these methodologies under our belt
____• We are grounded in this algorithm
____• When we create axioms do not use fancy words use simple ones
____• You don’t want any of the words in the sentence like system and structure
____• We can go up to the professor in the lobby and show him a sentence
________o The questions the sentence will raise is how and why did you create the sentence
____• Steps
________o Step one write “integrated networking structure” and have the same opening structure
________o Step 2, create a word pool for each word
________o Step 3, rewrite the initial structure that we started out with
________o Step 4, Felt experience paragraph, fit an anecdote to the axiom/principle we created
________o Step 5, Now we work together, cannot do step five until entire group has done 4, together we will have 9 words 1 for each person. 4 for our group two for me and two for Jessica
________o Step 6, Come up with a dichotomy from the 4 words
________o Step 7, come up with a new word pool
________o Step 8, jointly create new sentence
________o Step 9, create felt experience from new sentence
________o Step 10, Realization and insight, individual paragraph about the realizations of the previous steps and the insights I had. Suggested to pull out a few words from the text and write about them.
____• social constructivism
____• Symbolic interactionism
____• participant observation
____• self and social reflexivity
____• action research
____• auto-ethnography
Key Words
____• Aghast
Re: notes_waleyko
Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 11:03
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 6
____• Noting can be outside of communication
____• The fishbowl words are idealizations, these become our value structures
____• We are learning to create value through text, we are creating visual realities,
____• We are addicted to screening and scrolling we will be scared. It is more addictive than tobacco
____• The future is with us
____• Products are not made of materials any more they are made of intangibles
____• If we talk about theory, we should throw in an anecdote
____• Throwing in felt experiences via anecdotes give power to the text
____• The internet is about the individual, we have all become egalitarian and we cannot function without him and he cannot function without us
____• Businesses have become learning organizations.
____• We’re learning about ourselves by the selection of our words
____• Social space and visual reality, in the fishbowl and exercise we created a social space and there is a visual reality
____• In his anecdote the communication gap is so great between them that they cannot bridge it
____• Due today is the integrated networking structures, he will process them for the rest of the week
____• We will be on our own for the remaining three structures so not feedback will be further provided on the steps
____• The structures we are learning about are the characteristics of successful global businesses
____• Right now, we have a leg up on learning about integrated networking structures
____• Next week we do not have to finish the second structure but he suggests us starting it
____• We should take a week for each of the remaining structures
____• What we did in the exercise was thinking about transformation of space and time of the human experience
____• Don’t theorize because we either all know it or can look it up
____• You need to put a concept to something and of you put the wrong concept to it then it will fall apart.
____• If the letters are causing you stress remember you are only competing with yourself, don’t compare with other people.
____• Focus and curiosity are needed for the letters as a daily practice
____• One of the abstracts will be on friendship and the other will be on integrated networking structure
____• The abstract is written in the syllabus and will eb modifies and submitted to the conference
____• Will be updating the abstract paragraph by paragraph
____• The professor will ask for the college to pay for 3 women and 3 men to go to the conference.
________o They will go and present the papers.
____• He expects the college to at least pay for the registration of the conference
____• Possibility/perspective, this is a good dichotomy
Key Words
____• Phenomenologist, studying phenomena
____• Visual reality, is a way of seeing and being in the world
____• Fragmentation of societies, every post in the fishbowl is a fragment
Notes Class 7
Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 14:33
by matthew_waleyko
Notes Class 7
____• We are at a watershed
____• We capture our felt experiences through deep thinking.
____• We are substitution words to improve our understanding
____• To move forward we destroy what was there and end up create something new
____• Meaning is always Deferred
____• The resources are in our subconscious, we cannot outsource our mind.
____• The technique we followed is easy and anyone can do it
____• Our work is spontaneous which we capture and configured
____• We’re trying to empower our text, work on the personal and go after the ordinary and trivial
____• Our papers are all B+/A-
____• We are on the right track; we are continuing to improve it.
____• Our abstractions are spot on
____• Many worked with three abstractions in step 1;
____• What he what is to form a word pool have one abstraction from them all
____• Most people are taking the abstraction and write a lot of theory, and not a personal felt experience.
____• We should be raising the question how so, in regards to the sentence we create e.g., good teamwork leads to success; how so?
____• Continue to substitute words until the meaning you are trying to convey is apparent
____• The felt experience is often difficult as it requires the added step of deep thinking.
____• We can complete the remaining topics all at once but he will be proceeding with the topics one week at a time
____• Read business in the millennium article he sent
____• Some people are having too much theorizing in the papers, we have to capture a specific moment
____• Deep thinking will make us successful
____• Please capture insignificant things if it connects to the sentence
Points about the papers
____• The papers are not about intellectualism they are action oriented
____• We are developing a form of writing based on Freedom and individuality.
____• Freedom and individuality are what drove our creation as we were able to choose our own words and tweak it any way we wanted.
____• What we did was a performance
____• We started depicting on an empty canvas
____• The papers will always be appreciated because we created them
____• The papers are all representing something totally different
____• Our work is always singular, only representing yourself
____• Our papers are compositions that are all over the place and there is no central focus (Good thing)
____• We are making sweeping statements that embody and elicit emotions
____• Our papers are a tangled mess of words bouncing around in every direction (Good thing)
____• We have developed fields of chaos
____• Only we could have written that paper because it is grounded in our personal experiences
____• In the paper we are writing directly from our unconscious and reveling hidden truths
________o This is what action method is
____• The technique has our signature on it
____• The viewer should see our work and come up with a meaning for themselves, We are not trying to convey a specific message.
____• He could see our papers had hidden layers of depth
____• By going into our inner self, we changed the way we think
____• It looks like chaos but it is the outcome of a deliberate process, the process ends up being the product.
____• The process is what we are going after and we are trying to refine that process/product
________o People want to know our process.
____• By going into our felt experience, we had a chance to connect with each other.
____• There will be 3 grades in this class B+, A-, and A
____• For the A it takes everything into account.
________o The letters portion is based on our responses showing that we have read the letter
____• Google searches are important because it shows what ideas you are pulling out of the search
____• Deep thinking
____• Anecdotal theory - Jane Galop
____• Jackson pollock
____• Abstract expressionism
____• Performative writing
____• Performative action
____• Active learning