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Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 16:11
by jessica_watson1
BUS 345 - Business in Society (No final or deadlines)

-We already know the meaning of business from the many BUS classes we’ve taken in the past three years. That being said, this class will focus more on the society in Business in Society. We do this by deconstructing texts and images in order to understand the concepts of sociality and how it is building for the future.

-“You are creating a reality for yourself.”

-Using electronic words/phrases that are used on Twitter are appropriate to use in this course since we live in a society that relies on technology.

-Understanding concepts by using the American Heritage Dictionary and put them into my own words in order for me to understand.

-What is expected to be done throughout the course: (5)
1. Taking notes and putting them on Fishbowl
2. Developing concepts/vocabulary by using American Heritage Dictionary as a resource
3. Reading deconstruction letters and find the things that are capitalized in the letter.
4. Interactive Assignments – 10 step process of integrating network structures
5. Individual Assignments – addressing a particular concept
EX: Structure  putting the meaning into my own words

-“Knowledge building is an emotional exercise.”

1. Sociality
2. Individuation – Gilbert Simondon
3. Deconstruction – Jacques Derrida

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 11:21
by jessica_watson1
09/17/2019 - Simulating a Society

The Fishbowl:

- The moment you focus, your lives are changes.
- Fishbowl is between you and your text.
- Your learning is in your head and through your reflection.
- “You are learning to create knowledge.”
- “You are learning to create a knowing.”

-For Vocabulary: Understanding Concepts, Put the vocab words that I’m defining on the top of my topic/reply
- Ex: “name, name, name” – Professor Dugal

- Nuance - A slight degree of difference, as in a meaning of a certain word.
Ex: Synonyms
- Redundant - Unnecessary amounts of words used or repetitive statements in expression.
- Simulation (also means HW)
- Emergent - Coming into view, existence, or notice when looking up multiple meanings to a word.
- Staying focus with the words and stay connected.
- Connected - Logically or intelligibly put together and shown for one’s self

- Virtual Reality
- Goes into Visual Reality
- Creating a society with visual reality

- For letter reflection:
- Do vocab first
- After vocab, respond to the email and how you relate
- Be different than the other person’s responses.
- Make notes that work for you.
- Symbols, images, words
- You are looking at words carefully, how am I supposed to read it carefully?
- Looking at a dictionary and seeing the different meanings of the word
- You are always posting/writing to add value to the group.
- You can add value by chasing nuance and the meaning of the word & which word is appropriate for you.
- You always have your dictionary with you. (American Heritage Dictionary)

Social Meeting Assignment
- Read to meet socially that is outside Ballentine Hall.
-Ex: Bar, restaurant, coffee shop, etc.
- Open ended assignment.
- When with group members, do not talk about this class or Professor Dugal.
- Keep a diary for this assignment (Ethnographic notes)
- Pre-individual (before meeting up) (will see more about in email by Professor Dugal)
- Writing how you are feeling before a meeting.

1. Take notes about what happened after the meet up occurred.
- Be very specific and detailed
- Ex: spilling wine, picking up a bagel, etc.

2. Select six words
- Remember words are concepts/symbol
- Phenomenon, image

3. Pair them up in order to come up with three dichotomies
- Take those dichotomies & take it further
- Do this by going to the dictionary and find another word that similarly mean the same thing
- Create a pool of words from what I find.

4. Come up with a three simple sentence. (kiss principle)
- “Keep it simple stupid”
- These three sentences are abstracted.
- Does not have to be a perfect sentence.
- Can include initial changes that I would delete as I am writing.
- No first person or name of restaurant (abstract)
- Writing about the group member’s outside school life.
- Abstract sentence = applies universally

5. Under each sentence, describe my social meeting experience in a paragraph.
- It must fit the sentence I listed.
- “Reality is not what happened, but what you created.”
- Always take your words further.

Submit hard copy as well as posting it on the Fishbowl website, under "Interactive Assignment".

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 10 Oct 2019, 10:08
by jessica_watson1

Read 4-7 of page 2 of packet given

Service: Social res.
Apperception – looking at myself, looking at myself working
Performative writing – im performing while im writing it
- Google “publish or perish, but demo or die!”

We are not doing meditational, we are doing contemplation

Must find these writings: Simple, challenging, or fun.

Through letters, see what does it mean to be a participant observer

When said “Please google”
- Look for a sentence or phrase that relates to you
- Put in authors who you got the phrase from.

“you don’t eat your vegetables at the end of the month, you need to eat them everyday”

“I’m looking for evidence if you are learning “

The word “enhance”
- We are enhancing each other
- Enhancing each other’s work

Do not expect to reply back to post

Working non-linear
- Not working logically
- We are doing this by
- Selecting two words and relating them to one another
o Relation between 2 concepts/word/symbol/image/idea
- Select process one is looking at
- Form an abstract sentence (structure)
o From the abstract sentence, we are entering the environment/world

Dictionary is your tool box

Fundamental Approach
- Abstract
o Felt – experience (FE)
Class are different than letters.

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 10 Oct 2019, 10:11
by jessica_watson1

Adjusting the changes on the Fishbowls ***

Grading is only from the Fishbowl

Look up the meaning of:
o Relation
o Integrated
o Networking
o Structures
o banal

Developing a society with a concept
- Fishbowl: 10 + Steps
o Barlet & Garshel
 Compared successful and unsuccessful
o Integrated networking structure
 Developing anoi and a knowledge about integrated networking structures
- Learning is starting with vocabulary
- Make sure to look up authors when doing google searches
- Trying to add value

Fishbowl Structure
- 1. Always start with an opening structure
o We don’t exist without the structure
o We enter the unknown with a structure

- 2. You are gathering other words (word pool)
o The bigger the dictionary, better off

- 3. Restructuring
o Your version of what is a integrated networking structure
o Simpler  better off you are.
o Learning to share your thought process
o Abstraction

- 4. Felt-experience
o In the first person
o Incident or event that I have experienced.
o Keep it short and fit the abstraction (include the two words)

- 5. 9 words
o First set:
o Reductioness technique – find a single word to represent it
o Symbolic
o Perceptual
o Sharing your perceptual categories
- Margaret Catherine Bitson
o Parafoil vision

- 6. Joint two words from group
- Both six and 7 are for both working with the group

- 7. Taking them into a word pool further
- When you work through the text, you own it
- It is a never ending process
At the end: it should be one structure sentence & 2 felt-experience

- 8. Same as 3

- 9. Same as 4

- 10. Same as 5

- 11. Have a paragraph about insight and realization
- Expression

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 15:17
by jessica_watson1
Notes 10/22/19

Developing a practice
Google methodology:

- Social Constructivism – A theory of knowledge based on interactions with other people.
- Symbolic Interactionism – A social behavior that focuses on the individual instead of the society.
- Participant Observation – Gains a familiarity based on a group of people.
- Self and Social Reflexivity - Discussing about one’s self
- Action research – Changes of an individual is made through actions made. EX: researching
- First person autoethnography – relating self-experience through other outside understandings. (Ex: cultural, political)

We are using these in the algorithm
Aghast – shocked

Integrated Network Structure – good for a business
Avidly -

Step 10+1
1. Opening step is a common structure to my group (Integrated, networking, structure)
Take the idea further

2. Word pool

3. Restructuring: reformat the structure (Integrated network structure)

4. * a short paragraph (felt experience)
a. Include Anecdote (description, incident, event)

5. See what my group member’s wrote (9 words)
a. Come up with dichotomies with each word
b. Use those two words and create another word pool

6. Creating a sentence

7. Felt experience (another paragraph)

8. Realization (Act of understanding) and insight (gain of awareness from readings )
a. What did you realize from the previous steps & insight from it
b. Realizing how two words can relate to one another

Complex Adaptive System
Dynamic decision making – the knowledge structure
Unique innovative capabilities
“How did you do it and why did you do it” - Savjiv
Complex, Adaptive, Systems *** next assignment due next Tuesday class
Deep thinking – Have a deeper realization of something or theory.
Sanjiv thinks he feels at home with our class.
We must improve ourselves in order to succeed the class and in our lives.

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 17:27
by jessica_watson1
Notes 10/29/19

10+1 Steps
- Complex, Adaptive, Systems
- Dynamic, Decision, Making
- Unique, Innovative, Capabilities

-Characteristic of successful global companies
- This will lead to a leg up in a global business
- Deadline: after getting feedback… a week
- The fishbowl is the fragment
- The abstract in our syllabus is what we experienced in our activity w Integrated, Network, and Structure
- Egalitarian – think the same
- If you want to grow, you want a learning organization
- Learning organization is learning from your fellow co-workers in order to grow.
- Dugal is immerse in the text when he sends more than one letter a day
- Focus and curiosity as a daily practice
- Anecdote – A short personal incident
- Possibility/perspective
- Stay close to text --> That’s how to get out of these negative feelings

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 19:36
by jessica_watson1

Information I was able to retrieve from group member:
- My group (Matthew and I) did the best paper out of the rest of the class.
-Definitely try to keep the momentum up.
- We, as a class, are on the right track with these papers.
- Either getting a B+, A-, and A+

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 19 Nov 2019, 22:57
by jessica_watson1
11/19/2019 – Notes - How knowledge is constructed in the US
Started off looking at our abstract on this website – our friendship & meaning abstracts
Can put it these abstracts into our resume... will be aware if we are a part of it
Creating a knowledge content
Engagement redefined … as you engage with the outside & you put in the inside wanting to create / add value for the group.
Engagement- Focused working on a concept.
Expression- How I feel about the situation
Public display of symbols… word symbols/dichotomies
Enactment: To make something important or pop out
Enactment of symbolic actions
Constructing knowledge means creating meaning
Individual who acts with purpose
The felt-experience
- natural tendency to expand on the statement
o Take the step forward… how so?
o Going into anecdote
Picasso is a long time genius
Jackson Ballock – read about him

Re: Taking and Making Notes

Posted: 10 Dec 2019, 14:57
by jessica_watson1

A selfie

Final can be three pages or a 3-minute selfie video – due date will be Tuesday Dec. 17th 2pm

-Talk about other group member.
-Talk about 10 + 1 Step process.
-What did we get out of this class? (takeaways)

Selfie video:
-One and a half minutes each member.
-Do the selfie in a neutral background.
-Be relaxed and yourself.
- Talk about *Globalization
-Global phenomenon – integrated, dynamic, unique, innovations (10+1 Steps)
-Not defining it, but anecdote it. Give examples and how interactions between one another worked together.
-Looking at global phenomenon and talk about it.
-Send a quote or structure to put under the video / write up.
-How we created value and use vocab words that were introduced to us.
-Staying within the context.

Writing portion
-Writing about your experience of the global phenomenon.
-Look at the final FE for each 10+1 tasks
-Experience how you performed.
-Ex: experiencing integrated why performing (speaking) integrated.
-Make sure to give an example (Anecdotally)
-Enter synctx/structure -> understand w different images -> step by step, word by word
-Looking inward and came out with a structure to see if it fits.
-Creating your own truth / inventing your truth
-Being true to yourself, experience and imagination.