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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 16 Sep 2019, 16:28

Letters: "making space, virtual reality, restructuring, sharing what we see when we read" -- professor Dugal
Letter1 "welcome to class"; As shown in this letter the phrase " activity of learning" was stated by professor Dugal. When I read this I thought about what is "active learning" and how do I apply this.
ACTIVE: Being in physical motion
LEARNING: The act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skill.

Letter2; “Making space”: I never realized how much text and images are connected, and how they them evoke emotions. When I take the time to reflect on this and think about how certain text for me evokes certain images it is interesting to think about. I ask myself, “why does this image make me feel sad or happy”, “is there a memory attached to the text or work that brings this emotion about?” As we walk through life we are making space for new knowledge and ideas. We may see things in different ways due to our experiences and those views may change as they overlap with new ones. How we feel by text and images being connected and what we associate with what ties into this.

Letter 3: “Virtual Reality: Our Digital Escape”: This video was very interesting. The sentences that I chose will be different than those of other students. As I went through this process, I thought to myself, “why did I choose this sentence and another student did no?, what about this sentence stood out to me?”

Letter 4;“Restructuring text”:When ever we restructure text we can create new knowledge. Sharing can help us to create value and further our thought process. We reflect on what we have experienced and can learn from our new interactions. New knowledge can be created.

Letter 5; “Sharing what we see when we read”: We all interpret things differently. When reading the letters I may take certain aspects of text in a different way that other students. I may pair words with images that other people would not, and assign a different meaning to them. By us sharing this we can see the other side of how people think, through this new knowledge can be created.

Letter 6; Question; During this letter I reflected on what we have done so far. What questions I may still have and why I was unsure about some things.

Letter 7; "Simulating a society": As I read this letter I couldn’t help but have an image come to my head from a video I watched as a kid in my english class. It was a video depicting an analogy where a fish bowl with a goldfish is shown.
ANALOGY: A similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 25 Sep 2019, 16:50

Letter 8 “Reading the other's posting”
I enjoy reading others posts because it opens my eyes up to a new perspective on the same topic. It is more meaningful. I like thinking about how they came to that post and what in the letter stood out to them compared to what stood out to me. What is the meaning of this? Here I am focused, often getting lost my thoughts.

Letter 9 “new forms of intimacy and friendship”
Giddens ideas are very interesting. What does she mean exactly by “new forms of intimacy” and how have they evolved? As I read this letter I thought about how I connect with people. How has this changed for me since I was a child? Do I form these relationships the same way, these friendships?

Letter 10; “Theory of Assemblages”
The word “perception” comes to mind. What I perceive as I read my peers posts and find a deeper understanding within their words. My network grows as does my ability to simplify. The flow of information moves from your letters to myself and to my peers.

Letter 11: “Reassembling the Social”
We are always in a state of becoming. The fishbowl is helping me do this. To be selective in my words but yet meaningful. To learn to communicate in a simple but yet in depth way.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 01 Oct 2019, 22:56

Letter 12: “Meeting once again”
I like the idea of writing a paper on friendship and recording ourselves digitally. Although thinking about watching myself talk on camera can be cringe worthy, I am curious to see how I am perceived. The social activity gave me a glimpse into this.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 08 Oct 2019, 14:45

Letter 13: “Soft power”
"pre-narrative" and "pre-individual” -- Professor Dugal
Soft power means, a persuasive approach to international relations, typically involving the use of economic or cultural influence. These influence I believe will help us develope new knowledge.

Letter 14: “Learning is an Act of Courage”
We went into our social meeting, into the unknown. Unsure of how we would be different or the same. I found meaning in our social meeting. I recognized our differences and I am learning to have the courage to embrass them.

Letter 15: your assemblage:
With in the fishbowl I agree, our own society is forming. My group is becoming more connected and are starting to see how each other interpret things.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 08 Oct 2019, 17:47

Letter 16: Constructing and creating knowledge content from a knowing experience
I am immersing myself in the fishbowl. I enjoy reading other’s posts, exploring their ideas and coming to terms with new knowledge from your letters.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 08 Oct 2019, 18:08

Letter 17: “Sharing the World: Reading your social meeting reflections”
I enjoyed doing the social assignment and the write up. It was certainly a new way of thinking and breaking down my ideas, but I enjoyed it. I feel that with practice, I will improve these skills.

Letter 18: “Further reflection on your social meeting papers”
"Insights, understanding, intuition, grasping---they may all be classified as, soft thoughts” -- Professor Dugal
This stood out to me in your letter. This idea of soft thoughts is very interesting to me. As I read your letter I was trying to think of other words that I may consider as soft thoughts that I use in my daily life.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 09 Oct 2019, 13:25

Letter 19: Idealizations
As I read your letter, this statement stood out to me,“Our best chance of understanding design, culture and society, and ourselves, is to open our minds to plurality of imperfect depictions that together allow us to manage and interpret our world”-- Professor Dugal. I found this not only intriguing but it made me think about how I perceive society. Do we consciously “open our minds to plurality of imperfect depictions” as you have stated, or is this something we must consciously try to do on our own and improve?

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 16 Oct 2019, 11:14

Letter 20: Society of consumers
After watching the video about “ liquid modernity”, it made me think about what what we give meaning to and why we classify something as meaningful or not. Meaning gives things and people a purpose.

Letter 21: living mindfully in cyber- culture
As a read your letter this stood out to me, “Thinking about what you are doing and why you are doing it instead of going through the motions is fundamental to the definition of mindful” -- Professor Dugal. I think you make an excellent point. This is so important in this day and age and I hope though my practice in this class and the fishbowl I develop a “Know-how” and UNDERSTANDING.

Letter 22:Thinking process
Within this letter, the discussion of “Dichotomies” and our use of them I found helpful. I felt when I was making my Dichotomies for my group meeting write up, I felt it helped me provoke thoughts I had not before. It gave me a deeper meaning into the words themselves and ideas that come along with the words.

Letter 23: appreciation
I am fascinated and intrigued that we get to have a chance to possibly be accepted into an international conference. This is a new concept to me and one I look forward to learning about.

Letter 24: Pursuing international conferences
I really enjoyed reading the “Abstract” attached to your letter. I feel it does reflect most of what we feel and think in our class and the fishbowl.

Letter 25:Knowledge construction in a knowledge economy
“We are knowledge-workers, looking to being involved in the process of knowledge construction in a knowledge economy” -- Professor Dugal. I picked this out of your letter because I feel that I am improving. I am searching for knowledge and meaning in what I read and see, becoming conscious of my thoughts and how what I read makes me feel, what it evokes.

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Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 17 Oct 2019, 12:25

Letter 26: Friendship again
Your letter made me think of how friendship can be created in different forms. We create friendship in ways we never thought we would. In my life experiences, the meaning of friendship is through experiences, not necessary how you came to be friends.

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Letter 1: “Welcome to the course”

Post by mosmanski » 17 Oct 2019, 19:49

I felt a little overwhelmed by the volume of letters sent each week, so I was hesitant to respond at first. However, to create learning and achieve a knowing in the Fishbowl, I must respond to the letters regularly, which I intend to do starting now.

I also misunderstood the Fishbowl and thought that I had to reply to the letters at length. This was cleared up recently when Sanjiv told the class, “You are being overly conscious in your responses to the letters.” I now understand the concept of the letters and look forward to engaging regularly.

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Letter 2: “Making space”

Post by mosmanski » 17 Oct 2019, 20:00

We have established two different spaces for learning in this class. The Fishbowl is a digital space for the study of society in the context of our class and our individual groups. We post and reply in the Fishbowl as we take notes and as letters are sent to us. We observe one another in the Fishbowl, comparing our work, thoughts and ideas, constantly learning from our virtual interactions. Here, learning is fluid.

The classroom is an alternate space for learning. Students come to class at a specified time, sit in orderly rows and face the front with respectful attention. Our attention is met by the professor, who faces the students from the front and communicates information to us. Here, learning is structured.

The two spaces are a dichotomy of their own.

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Letter 3: “Virtual Reality: Our Digital Escape”

Post by mosmanski » 17 Oct 2019, 20:59

1. “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein
2. “We are being able to stimulate more and more senses, and it’s getting harder to tell our created illusions from reality.”
3. “Each of your eyes sees the world in different ways. This small difference makes all the difference.”
4. “We can train astronauts, pilots, surgeons and others to help hone their craft, without suffering the drastic consequences of failure.”
5. “Mistakes aren’t life-threatening, and learning becomes much easier and less stressful.”
6. “Being able to trick the brain into believing you’re in a virtual environment and reacting to things as if you were in the real world, is a necessity.”
7. “The best and most realistic virtual worlds will most likely be ones that can mimic how our brains function when we’re dreaming.”
8. “Dreaming is one of the things that makes humans so incredible. Our brains can create such deep and realistic stories from our memories.”
9. “This would be a world where we are not limited by our physical bodies.”
10. “The universe, for all that we know, could just be part of a nested group of other realities, and what we see as virtual reality is just us continuing down the funnel.”

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