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Posts: 121
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14


Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 16 Sep 2019, 16:12

"virtual reality" - professor Dugal
Video Phrases:
1. “He wanted to stimulate not only your eyes and ears with entertainment but all your senses at one , experience theater”
2. “People realized what was possible and this was just the beginning”
3. "A portale into any world that we can create, a simulated reality”
4. “Each one of your eyes sees the world in different ways”
5. “Being able to go to these extremes is something we haven’t ever been able to do before”
6. “The potential upside is enormous, but how realistic is this?”
7. “We have all had dreams that feel real”
8. “Dreaming is one of the things that makes humans so incredible, our brain can create such deep and realist stories from our memory”
9. “For all we know ur dreams could be limitless”
10.“realities where we are the creators not the created”

Posts: 121
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14


Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 25 Sep 2019, 20:19

Letter 10 “Theory of Assemblages”-- TED TALK
1. Connectography represents a quantum leap of the mobility of people
2. An evolution of the world from a political geography to functional geography
3. Organizing principle of the human species
4. How mankind is more than a sum of its parts
5. Learning from each other
6. Allow people to connect to each other both physically and digitally
7. Connectivity is not charity it’s opportunity
8. We need more connections
9. We don’t just build connectivity we embody it

Posts: 121
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14


Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 11 Oct 2019, 13:25

Letter 20: Society of consumers
Video on liquid modernity→
Searching for “meaning”
“Meaning itself is at an end”
Less restriction and restraining
Culture is in “liquid modernity”
Observation that culture was there to help people know what class they were in
A void
Erosion of fundamental aspects

Posts: 121
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14


Post by ISABELLAOLCZAK » 23 Oct 2019, 16:01

Letter 33: Just live
1. Note the words that are evoked in you by the facial expressions (images)
2. Note the images that are evoked in you by the text.
Confusion→ a messy room
Disappointment → my parents face with sadness and disappointment
Anger → the color red, a red face
After that, please take a look at your notings, and match them with personal, lived and experienced examples.
Confusion→ a messy room (Ex: I have a friend who’s room is always messy. When ever I am over her house and go in her room I feel confused and distressed because of how messy it is. )
Disappointment → my parents face with sadness and disappointment (Ex: When my parents are disappointed at my or my siblings you can see it on their faces. They were disappointed at my brother over columbus weekend when I was home and I knew by the way they were looking at him.
Anger → the color red, a red face (Ex: We are so attached to our phones. The emojis iphones have contain a face that is red with anger. I was angry about something the other day and sent my friend that emoji to express that.)

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